Dropshipping today looks quite different compared to a few years ago.

There's more information available than ever, and there are various intelligent tools available that make your life easier.

One of these tools is Dropshipping Copilot, an AI dropshipping tool that helps you find products and fulfill orders.

And today, we'll be taking an in-depth look at it to see if it's worth using!

So, without wasting any more time, let's start!

What is Dropshipping Copilot?

Dropshipping Copilot is a tool that combines the power of AI with the massive product range on AliExpress.

It can help you find winning products, write product descriptions, fulfill orders in bulk, and more!

Dropshipping Copilot homepage

As the name suggests, it's like a 'copilot' for your dropshipping business!

Being an official partner of AliExpress, Dropshipping Copilot is designed to be the only tool you need for AliExpress dropshipping!

It helps you with anything from discovering that perfect product to managing your orders.

And when we say 'discovering products,' we don't mean scrolling endlessly through countless items like most product research tools.

No, no! This is where Dropshipping Copilot uses Artificial Intelligence to make things even easier.

You can simply tell Dropshipping Copilot the kind of store you're creating, and it'll suggest products tailored just for you. (We'll show you how this works in a minute!)

Alternatively, you can use the 'Opportunity Finder' feature to see what products other dropshippers are purchasing most from AliExpress:

Dropshipping Copilot Find products - Opportunity finder

Plus, with a dedicated team of around 100 people building this tool, you can expect top-notch functionalities and fantastic customer support.

How does Dropshipping Copilot work?

Here is a step-by-step guide on how you can start using Dropshipping Copilot:

1. Sign up for Dropshipping Copilot

Before you can explore all the features, you need to create a Dropshipping Copilot account.

Now, don't worry! Signing up is super easy.

Head to their website, enter your email and password, and you're in!

Dropshipping Copilot sign up page

Once you're logged in, you'll see the main dashboard menu that looks like this:

Dropshipping Copilot main dashboard

During the sign-up process, you will also be able to select your target country (or 'Ship to' country) in the top-right of the screen:

Dropshipping Copilot adjusting Ship To country

This will ensure that Dropshipping Copilot can only recommend products that can be shipped to the country you plan to sell in.

2. Connect your Shopify store

Got a Shopify store? Great!

If not, Shopify is the ecommerce platform you will use to create and manage your online store, where your customers come to browse and buy products.

Why Shopify? Well, it's the only ecommerce platform that Dropshipping Copilot currently supports.

You can easily create a Shopify store by clicking on the banner below:

Tip: Have you already created your Shopify account? If not, sign up by clicking this link here to get a free 3-day trial + 1 month for $1!

Get your free Shopify trial

Once you've got your Shopify store, it's time to integrate it with Dropshipping Copilot.

Find the Dropshipping Copilot app on the Shopify App Store and click the 'Install' button:

Dropshipping Copilot Shopify app

After the installation is completed, you'll automatically be redirected to the Dropshipping Copilot web app, where you will see the name of your store at the top:

Dropshipping Copilot integrated Shopify store

3. Find suppliers and products

Now that you're all set up, it's time for the fun part – finding those winning products that'll make your customers go, 'I NEED that!'

And if you're thinking, 'Fun? The last time I spent hours tirelessly scrolling through hundreds of AliExpress products!'

Well, with Dropshipping Copilot, those days are behind you.

Here's the thing: you tell Dropshipping Copilot about the type of store you're interested in, and the AI works its magic to create a list of the best products for you.

On the 'Find Suppliers' tab, you'll see three examples of these AI prompts, one being 'I own a boutique home decor store, specializing in Egyptian and Middle Eastern themes, catering to high-end clients. Please find me some related products.'

Dropshipping Copilot prompt inspiration

That sounds great, right?

But does it work? Let's put it to the test!

We'll use the prompt below for our experiment:

I run an online store for pet owners who love to take their furry friends on outdoor adventures. I'm looking for pet products that support active lifestyles. Can you find a range of products that match this adventurous theme?

Here are the results:

Dropshipping Copilot prompt results

As you can see, Dropshipping Copilot recommended several product categories, including durable pet harnesses and portable pet water bottles.

Some of the recommended categories we really liked included portable pet water bottles, adventure pet backpacks, and reflective pet leashes:

Dropshipping Copilot suggested product categories

If you want to see more products from a specific category, you can click on the 'View all' button.

From there, you can also filter the products based on price, number of orders, 'Ship from' location, and more.

To find our winning product, we've filtered the products on those that ship from the US (which will give us much faster shipping times) and sorted them based on the number of orders (which increases our chances of finding a reliable supplier):

Dropshipping Copilot portable pet water bottles

Now, for this test, let's take the first product as our example. If you click on it, you'll be redirected to its AliExpress page:

Portable pet water bottle on AliExpress

As you can see, the information on Dropshipping Copilot was mostly correct.

The product can ship out from the US and has been sold over 3,000 times.

The only difference is the pricing information, as Dropshipping Copilot shows $2.56 for this product, while it's $7.56 on AliExpress.

Considering Dropshipping Copilot is the official partner of AliExpress, their information should be pretty accurate. We suspect it's just a minor bug caused by some sort of lower 'special deal' price on AliExpress.

Speaking of lower prices, let's quickly highlight one more great feature: 'Find better suppliers':

Dropshipping Copilot Find better suppliers

Dropshipping Copilot scans AliExpress for you to find suppliers who offer the same products at lower prices.

It ensures you're buying from the most reliable and competitively-priced suppliers!

4. Add the product to your import list

Once you've found the perfect product that aligns with your brand, simply select it and click on the 'Add to import list' button.

Dropshipping Copilot add product to import list

The product will now be placed on your import list, where you can edit the product details and push products to your Shopify store:

Dropshipping Copilot import list

5. Edit the product details (using AI)

Now, if you've ever run an online store, you'll know that product details are more than just random text and images.

They must tell a story that entices customers to click that 'Buy Now' button!

If you've tried writing them before, you've probably experienced a moment where you felt stuck, trying to come up with the perfect title or description.

This is where Dropshipping Copilot's AI capabilities come into play again.

Dropshipping Copilot offers AI-powered suggestions for product titles and descriptions, almost like having an experienced copywriter whispering in your ear!

To edit the product details, go to your import list and click on '1-click optimization.'

You will see three tabs, the first one being 'Image optimization.'

Dropshipping Copilot image optimization

Here, you can use the AI watermark removal tool or a brush to remove any parts of the image.

Let's try to remove the FDA logo to see if it works.

You have to click the 'Remove watermark' button once to activate the feature.

Unfortunately, the AI couldn't determine that only the logo should be removed, and it also removed some of the text. (It even left some black marks.)

Dropshipping Copilot AI remove watermark

It's a bit of a bummer when this happens. However, there's an easy way to fix it.

Simply select the 'Brush' option and highlight the watermark:

Dropshipping Copilot brush remove watermark

Now, click on 'Remove watermark,' and voila! You have your image without the logo:

Dropshipping Copilot removed watermark

Once you're satisfied with all your images, you can move to the next tab, 'AI product title optimization.'

To optimize your product title, first, enter your most important keyword.

Dropshipping Copilot will then recommend several keywords, together with their search volume and the average cost per click:

Dropshipping Copilot keyword suggestions

You can also manually enter the keywords below.

Once you have your keywords, specify the length and tone of your title and hit the 'Click to create' button:

Dropshipping Copilot AI product title optimization

Although the AI-generated titles are much better than the AliExpress title, they were still a bit too descriptive for our liking.

So, we switched the tone to 'Innovative,' and it suggested some pretty cool titles, especially once you combine the ideas:

Dropshipping Copilot AI generated titles

Here's the product title we came up with:

Portable Water Bottle for Dogs - Hydration on the Go!

Now, it's time for your product description!

This works similarly to the title optimization; you select your most important keywords and the writing tone.

However, before you begin, we recommend correctly setting up the product settings.

You can do so by pressing this small button here:

Dropshipping Copilot product settings

Here, you can select the product variants you want to sell and the AliExpress images you want to display on your dropshipping store:

Dropshipping Copilot edit product details

Once you're ready, go back to the AI product description optimizer.

Don't forget it includes an extra 'Paragraphs' option, which you can enable to add paragraphs to your description like 'Benefits' and 'Package includes:.'

You can see how our AI-generated product description looks on the right:

Dropshipping Copilot AI-generated product description

While it won't win any prizes for the best copy of the year, it's definitely a hundred times better than the standard AliExpress description.

Plus, it provides a great foundation to tweak and optimize the product description yourself!

6. Push the product to your Shopify store

Once you're satisfied with all the edits, click on the small Shopify icon in the import list.

Here, you can choose whether the product should be saved as a draft on Shopify or if it should be published to your (live) online store.

You can also set pricing rules according to your dropshipping pricing strategy.

Dropshipping Copilot push products to Shopify store

Now, if this is your first time using Dropshipping Copilot, you might get a notification saying that you must connect your AliExpress account:

Dropshipping Copilot linking AliExpress account

After linking your AliExpress account, pushing the product to Shopify should work smoothly, and you should see it in your Shopify account:

Shopify - product pushed from Dropshipping Copilot

7. Bulk fulfill your orders

Awesome! Now that you know how to find winning products on Dropshipping Copilot and push them to your Shopify store, it's time to do some marketing.

As your orders start coming in, you face the next big task - fulfilling them.

And if you've been in the dropshipping game for a while, you know that managing individual orders can be quite a hassle.

Luckily, Dropshipping Copilot has a bulk fulfillment feature!

Instead of hopping between multiple tabs, Dropshipping Copilot allows you to handle multiple orders in one go.

With this feature, you can pay for all your AliExpress orders inside the Dropshipping Copilot web app (even without going to AliExpress).

To bulk fulfill your orders, go to the 'Order fulfillment' tab on Dropshipping Copilot.

Next, click on 'Awaiting order, ' then 'Select all,' and finally, 'Place order to AliExpress.'

Dropshipping Copilot order fulfillment - place order to AliExpress

At last, a small AliExpress tab will open where you can enter your payment details and confirm the payment.

The pros and cons of Dropshipping Copilot

Now that you know how it all works, let's look at the pros and cons of Dropshipping Copilot!


Every tool has its shining points, and Dropshipping Copilot is no exception. Let's dive into their pros!

1. A dropshipping and AI tool integrated into one

Having a tool that merges AI with dropshipping can be quite powerful!

It improves efficiency, adds automation, and makes your decisions easier.

You don't have to spend days manually sifting through hundreds of products anymore. Instead, AI can automatically suggest you some of the best ones.

Plus, with AI-assisted product titles and descriptions, you're always ensuring your product pages are both appealing and optimized.

2. Easily find similar products using the 'Image Search' feature

Ever stumbled upon a product image and thought, 'I wish I could find something like this for my store?'

With Dropshipping Copilot's 'Image Search' feature, you can!

This feature lets you upload a product image, and in return, the tool will show similar products from AliExpress.

Dropshipping Copilot image search

This not only helps you find new products, but it can also help you find better suppliers for your existing products!

3. Great customer service

Anyone who's been using dropshipping tools knows that sometimes, things don't go as planned.

Maybe you're unsure about a feature, or perhaps you've encountered an error message.

In such moments, what you really need is a responsive customer support team.

And that's what Dropshipping Copilot offers!

Although the 'Contact Us' page is a bit hard to find (it's hidden in Account -> Settings -> Contact us), their customer support is great.

Dropshipping Copilot customer service

You can ask your questions by email, a WhatsApp group, or a Skype group.

Dropshipping Copilot has five people on the customer service team who are ready to answer your questions 24/7!

4. Official partner of AliExpress

Dropshipping Copilot is the official partner of AliExpress.

Not only does this give an added layer of trust, but it also translates to a more seamless AliExpress dropshipping experience!

5. A lot of features for a free tool

In a world where we're often asked to pay a premium for advanced features, Dropshipping Copilot offers almost all features in its free plan.

From AI-assisted product search to AI-generated product details, it provides a dropshipping solution without burning a hole in your pocket.

The fact that the tool doesn't limit any core features for free users is awesome!


While Dropshipping Copilot offers many benefits, no platform is without its drawbacks. So, let’s explore some aspects where it might fall a bit short:

1. There might be some bugs in the tool

Let's face it: no new software is entirely immune to bugs or glitches.

While the team of around 100 people behind Dropshipping Copilot is undoubtedly working around the clock to perfect their tool, some unexpected errors might pop up.

For example, we experienced that the pricing information doesn't always match (like with the portable pet water bottle example).

And we also had a few instances where the keyword suggestion tool gave an error message:

Dropshipping Copilot 'Please try again or change a keyword' error

It's nothing huge, but it's still something to think about!

2. You still have the same disadvantages of using AliExpress suppliers

While Dropshipping Copilot makes AliExpress dropshipping a lot smoother, it doesn't bypass the inherent challenge of using AliExpress suppliers.

The main concern? Shipping times.

While dropshipping from AliExpress offers a massive product range and competitive prices, it often comes at the cost of longer delivery times, especially when compared to local suppliers.

Sure, you can try to find AliExpress suppliers that ship from your target country, but in our experience, those are rare (especially good ones).

Oftentimes, 'local' AliExpress suppliers either dramatically increase the prices, still offer long delivery times, or simply lie about shipping from a certain country.

3. Only integrates with Shopify

While Shopify is undoubtedly one of the most popular and best ecommerce platforms for dropshipping, it's not the only one.

As of now, Dropshipping Copilot's integration is limited to Shopify.

So, if you're using a platform like WooCommerce, you'd be out of luck with this tool.

Dropshipping Copilot pricing plans

When it comes to pricing, Dropshipping Copilot has kept it simple.

Let's break it down:

  • Basic plan (Free). Dropshipping Copilot does offer a free plan that's great for trying out the platform. It offers many of the core features you need but with some limitations on how often you can use them.
  • Advanced plan ($29.90 per month). This paid plan gives you 3,000 product searches, up to five connected stores, and the "Find better suppliers" feature.
  • Professional plan ($59.90 per month). The top-of-the-range plan is for you if you're a heavy user, with up to 15k product searches and 25 connected stores.

Exclusive Dropshipping Copilot offer: Sign up via our link here, and manually upgrade to the Professional plan within the 'Upgrade Plan' section to enjoy a FREE 30-day trial. Remember, the trial needs to be activated manually and isn't automatic. Plus, after your trial, enjoy a 30% discount on your first month!

Dropshipping Copilot vs. AliExpress Dropshipping Center

If you're familiar with AliExpress dropshipping, you might be thinking about another popular free tool, the AliExpress Dropshipping Center.

AliExpress dropshipping center

So, how do these two compare? Let's find out!

  • Product research. AliExpress Dropshipping Center lets you discover best-selling products, analyze product performance, and find reliable suppliers. Meanwhile, Dropshipping Copilot uses AI to suggest products tailored to your needs.
  • Integration and automation. While the AliExpress Dropshipping Center focuses on product research and supplier analysis, Dropshipping Copilot directly integrates with Shopify, automating things like order fulfillment.
  • Pricing. AliExpress Dropshipping Center is a free tool, while Dropshipping Copilot has both free and paid plans.
  • Customer service. AliExpress Dropshipping Center doesn't have a dedicated customer support team. Therefore, the customer service of Dropshipping Copilot is much better.

Ultimately, the AliExpress Dropshipping Center can be a fantastic tool for product research, but if you’re looking for a tool that covers everything from product discovery to order fulfillment, Dropshipping Copilot is a much better choice.

Learn more: AliExpress Dropshipping Center: The Definitive Guide (2024)

Dropshipping Copilot alternatives

While Dropshipping Copilot is a promising tool, there are others that compete with it.

So, if you're interested in your alternatives, check out this short list below:

1. DSers

DSers homepage

DSers is one of the most popular AliExpress dropshipping tools.

It integrates seamlessly with platforms like Shopify and WooCommerce and has pricing plans ranging from $0 to $49.90 per month.

DSers specializes in bulk order processing, allowing you to place multiple orders on AliExpress in just a few clicks. You'll also find other useful features like creating product bundles or automatically syncing tracking numbers.

The main difference between DSers and Dropshipping Copilot is that DSers focuses on order processing, while Dropshipping Copilot has more AI-driven features.

Learn more: DSers Review: Is It the Best App for AliExpress? (2024)

2. CJdropshipping

Home page of CJDropshipping

CJdropshipping connects suppliers with dropshippers and offers a wide range of products at wholesale prices.

It has a selection of almost a million products in its catalog, and it's free to sign up.

The main difference between CJdropshipping and Dropshipping Copilot is that CJdropshipping has its own warehouses and provides a product sourcing service, while Dropshipping Copilot only works with AliExpress suppliers.

Learn more: CJdropshipping Dropshipping: How To Start in 2024 (+ Review)

3. Spocket

Home page of Spocket

Spocket is a dropshipping platform that connects you with hundreds of suppliers worldwide.

Spocket's pricing plans range from $39.99 to $99.99 monthly.

The main difference between Spocket and Dropshipping Copilot is that Spocket offers vetted suppliers mainly from the United States and Europe, while Dropshipping Copilot links to AliExpress suppliers, which most often ship from China.

So, if you're looking for international suppliers, Spocket is the way to go!

Learn more: Spocket Review: Does It Have the Best Suppliers in 2024?

Bonus: Pic Copilot Review

Pic Copilot homepage

Before we end the article, we wanted to tell you about Pic Copilot.

Developed by the same team as Dropshipping Copilot, this tool is designed to generate product marketing images using AI.

Pic Copilot's main goal is to boost the click-through rates of your marketing images.


To do this, Pic Copilot uses intelligent AI models, which are trained with over a billion high-click product images:

Pic Copilot image examples

The process is pretty straightforward.

You choose a style, upload your product images, and Pic Copilot's AI gets to work, generating customized main images, banners, and marketing visuals:

Pic Copilot - how it works (1)

You can see the results in about 30 seconds, after which you will be able to edit text, adjust formatting, and even tweak the product's position:

Pic Copilot - how it works (2)

It's like having a professional ad agency at your fingertips, but faster.

Give Pic Copilot a try and see its magic!


Before we go to the conclusion, we've created a quick summary of this article for you so you can easily remember it:

  • Dropshipping Copilot is an AI-powered tool designed to streamline the AliExpress dropshipping process for Shopify users.
  • Major advantages of Dropshipping Copilot include its AI integration, excellent customer service, official partnership with AliExpress, and many features in its free version.
  • On the flip side, being a new tool, there might be some bugs. It also carries inherent disadvantages of AliExpress suppliers, like slower shipping, and currently, it only integrates with Shopify.
  • There are also other alternatives to consider, such as the AliExpress Dropshipping Center, DSers, CJdropshipping, and Spocket.
  • Pic Copilot is an AI image tool made by the same team as Dropshipping Copilot.

Related Artificial Intelligence articles

Interested in taking your dropshipping store to the next level?

Don't forget to check out our other AI-related articles:


We've taken quite a journey exploring Dropshipping Copilot, haven't we?

To put it short, this tool is designed to make AliExpress dropshipping a lot easier by using AI.

But hey, let's be real for a moment.

No tool, no matter how shiny or new, can do everything for you.

You can think of Dropshipping Copilot as a handy assistant, but remember, you're the boss. Your success comes from your hard work, smart choices, and the passion you put into your store!

Good luck with everything!

Want to learn more about AliExpress?

Ready to move your knowledge about AliExpress to the next level? Check out the articles below:

Plus, don't forget to check out our in-depth guide on how AliExpress works here.

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