Do you want to write a great About Us page for your ecommerce website? 

That's a significant step, and you are at the right place!

Below are nine excellent examples of About Us pages that ecommerce businesses have written to explain their companies. 

Let's start!

The essence of the About Us page in ecommerce

Flying on a package

Let's view it from the basics.

Imagine an ecommerce company without an About Us page.

Customers won't be able to learn anything about that company. 

So, the About Us page is designed to gain customers' trust by telling them about your business.

Creating a well-thought-out About Us page is essential for your ecommerce company. 

It establishes trust and takes your audience behind the scenes so they can relate to your company. 

If a visitor likes what he reads about your company, it will be easier for them to trust you with their money.

9 About Us page examples for ecommerce

We have picked these examples because they stand out from many usual ecommerce businesses that write generic About Us pages.

We hope they open up your creative mind and give you ideas for writing an impressive About Us page.

Let's start!

Note: Every ecommerce store has a different story, vision, and objectives. These examples are just for your reference. You may create your 'perfect' About Us page by crafting it your way. 

1. Reformation

About Us page of Reformation

Let's kick off our list with an ecommerce clothing company called Reformation.

What can you learn from this About Us page example?

Informal tone 

The informal and more human tone grabs the visitor's attention right at the start of Reformation's About Us page.

Instead of a formal word like 'welcome,' the page says, 'Oh hi,' just like two persons meeting casually. 

Company's brief in a large text 

Reformation has intelligently used a larger text to describe a brief history of their company.

Reformation's brief on its About Us page

They have briefly explained when and why the company started and what they have reached now. 

Links for detailed information 

Visitors may not be interested in reading every detail about the company. That's why this company only mentions a summary of every aspect of its business on its About Us page. 

For the visitors who want to read about the company in detail, they have provided links like 'Our history,' 'Meet the team,' and 'Sustainable practices.' 

Unique approach to sustainability

Every product page at Reformation mentions the amount of CO2 and water a customer saves by buying that product.

The company calls it RefScale. They have a dedicated page to explain the basis and methodology of their sustainability claims. 

Media and shopping links 

Reformation has included a few pictures of its manufacturing processes to authenticate its brand. 

At the end of their About Us page, they have used clickable pictures of their main items, so the customers may go back to shopping after reading about their company.

Screenshot of shopping links on the About Us page of Reformation

2. Boxed Water Is Better

The About Us page of Boxed Water Is Better

Next on our list is the About Us page of a company called Boxed Water Is Better

As its name says, this company sells water in boxes.

Let's examine how they have written the About Us page. 

What can you learn from this About Us page example?

Emotional appeal

The About Us page of Boxed Water Is Better starts with their challenge.

They state that being a small team, they strive to save the world by competing with the gigantic plastic industry.

This immediately earns an emotional attachment with their audience. 

History and mission

This company explains that it started in 2009 and is on a mission to provide the purest water sustainably.

A reader may immediately get aligned with their much-needed mission.

The mission of Boxed Water Is Better on its About Us page
Human element 

The company briefly discusses its team with a picture of its team members. They have also given a link to open positions in their company.

This confirms the visitors about the actual human involvement in this ecommerce company. 

Pictures relating to their goal 

You will see pictures on their page with a special message supporting their cause.

Have a look at the following screenshot for example:

Screenshot of a portion from the About Us page of the Boxed Water Is Better

The About Us page of this company shows plants coming out of their water box. This means that their product will help plants grow more easily.

Slideshow of their journey 

In the end, this company beautifully describes its journey in the form of slides. They explain how they have grown from 2009 to 2016.

3. Lunya

Lunya About Us page

This example is from Lunya, an apparel company that sells dresses for women. 

Instead of selling every kind of apparel, Lunya provides women's dresses for ultimate relaxation. 

What can you learn from this About Us page example?

Their story in a snap

In just a few words, readers learn why this brand came into being and what it sells.

Lunya clearly says it provides relaxing apparel for women meant for rest. 

Need fulfillment mantra 

Lunya smartly emphasizes that every woman needs to be in her 'Dreamstate' while wearing ultra-relaxing clothing.

Lunya's dreamstate on its About Us page

They also state that they are on a mission to provide much-needed rest to all women through clothing. 

High-quality media 

Lunya's About Us page has many high-quality pictures of girls resting while wearing soft, cozy, and comfortable clothing. 

You will also see a short video to get a virtual feeling of Lunya's rest wear. 

Social responsibility

Mentioning its commitment to quality and superior clothing is not enough for Lunya. This brand also mentions its continuous efforts to care for the environment. 

They have also provided a link to learn more about their efforts for sustainability.

Screenshot of sustainability from Lunya's About Us page
About the founder 

Lastly, visitors can read information about what motivated the founder to lay out the idea of launching this brand. 

The founder's story is written in a convincing style to make the readers believe in the genuineness of this brand.

4. Yellow Leaf Hammocks

Screenshot of Yellow Leaf Hammocks About Us page

Next is Yellow Leaf Hammocks.

This company has intelligently utilized its About Us page to its fullest.

Let's see how.

What can you learn from this About Us page example?

Interesting video 

The About Us page of this website starts with a catchy and interesting video showing the whole story of hammock makers.

Visitors get to see the makers of their favorite hammocks. It naturally builds a strong trust between the buyers and the company. 

Brand's story 

The page reveals how the owner discovered these quality hammocks during his trip to Thailand and how he transformed these hammocks into this brand.

In a few words, the website owner tells his audience that he's adding value to the world with quality hammocks. 

Supporting a cause

Most of the audience is sold if they know their purchase will help someone else, too. 

This company mentions that it empowers women weavers and supports them by giving them their due share from every sale. 

So, buyers who have the heart to support women and the needy are more likely to place orders. 

About Us page of Yellow Leaf Hammocks empowering women
Weavers' stories 

A dedicated section on this company's About Us page features pictures and a short description of this brand's weavers.

Visitors also have the option to read their full stories if they want. 

Interactive call-to-action

The intelligent use of words like 'hang with us in your inbox' makes this ecommerce company stand out from the typical sales language.

Their About Us page shows some pictures of happy customers using Yellow Leaf Hammocks. The page also asks users to share their pictures on their official Instagram profile.

It increases this company's social interaction and also gets more emails and orders.

Customers' pictures on Yellow Leaf Hammocks' About Us page

5. Neeman's

Neeman's About Us page

Neeman's is an emerging shoe brand that offers a variety of comfortable shoes.

In addition to providing comfort, the brand is also committed to saving the environment by using sustainable ways in its manufacturing processes. 

What can you learn from this About Us page example?

Brand's overview 

Neeman's clearly tells its visitors why this brand was created. This brand beautifully describes its purpose of providing high-quality shoes in sustainable ways by using carefully chosen words. 

Pictorial description of shoe manufacturing 

The smart depiction of Neeman's shoe manufacturing shows how every part is carefully crafted to become a final product.

The users learn about the specialty of each part in Neeman's shoes. 

Shoe manufacturing picture on Neeman's About Us page
Defining value 

Neeman's describes what value it brings to its customers. It shows how much this brand cares about foot comfort and the environment simultaneously. 

This intrigues a reader to experience the comfort of wearing Neeman's shoes.

Meaningful GIFs and pictures 

Instead of using boring text and static objects, Neeman's used smart GIFs to depict six factors that make their brand superior. 

Screenshot of GIFs at the About Us page of Neeman's

They also use pictures to show they use sustainable methods like recycled plastic to manufacture shoes. 

About the owner

In the end, Neeman's About Us page shows information about the founder of this brand along with his picture wearing the brand's t-shirt.

This shows the brand's legitimacy and increases customers' trust.

6. Welly

Screenshot of Welly's About Us page

Next on our list is Welly, a neat, clean, and minimalist website meant for the wellness of kids. 

It sells unique and attractive products for first aid, skincare, and beauty. 

Let's see how they have written the About Us page for their website. 

What can you learn from this About Us page example?

Relevant ambiance

The overall look of Welly's About Us page resonates with the theme of their business.

The color scheme, font, and media used in their About Us page are centered around kids. 

Brand's summary 

Welly's About Us page intelligently summarized the purpose behind its creation and what this company intends to do.

Their page instantly grabs the attention of kids and parents by informing them how much this company cares for kids. 

Introduction of additional initiative 

In addition to its products, Welly also uses its About Us page to introduce its charitable initiative, Kaboom.

They also welcome charity funds to help underprivileged children. This develops this company's emotional bond with its audience.

Pictorial evidence 

This company has shown pictures of its initiatives to make arrangements for the kids to play and have fun.

Welly's initiatives shown on its About Us page

They strengthen the bond with their audience by emphasizing the importance of play areas for kids. 

Highlights of their achievements 

This company briefly highlights its achievements by stating they have built thousands of playspaces that have served millions of kids so far. 

Mentioning such noble initiatives naturally gets appreciation from their audience.

Their mission 

Lastly, Welly shows its pledge to serve kids in collaboration with Kaboom. They also encourage readers to join in their mission to increase engagement.

Screenshot of the portion from Welly's About Us page

7. Tarte Cosmetics

Tarte Cosmetics About Us page

The next awesome About Us page example is from a cosmetics company called Tarte Cosmetics.

It sells products related to beauty and skincare, made up of natural ingredients. 

What can you learn from this About Us page example?

Company's highlight

Tarte Cosmetics has intelligently highlighted the key information about their company in a light purple background, which is the color scheme of their website.

They have also used bold, italic, and bigger font sizes along with natural photos in the corners of their company's highlights to make an impact. 

Ingredients with pictures 

This company realizes that people may be cautious about using cosmetics made of harmful elements.

So, they have used their About Us page to show pictures of every major natural ingredient in their products so that users may believe them.

Every natural ingredient also describes its benefits. 

About Us page of Tarte Cosmetics showing ingredients
Company's timeline 

A smart slideshow of the company's timeline starting from 1999 shows what they have accomplished so far.

Users learn about their success story from scratch to becoming a leading global cosmetics company. 

Smart buttons for detailed info

In addition to providing links, their About Us page includes smart buttons.

Users can read about the founder, collections, ingredients, and giving back by clicking these buttons.

These buttons show up when users slide down this company's About Us page so they can easily access their required information. 

Smart buttons on Tarte Cosmetics' About Us page
Social service 

Tarte Comestics' website smartly introduces its non-profit initiative, 'Heart to Tarte,' which supports causes for the animals, women, cyberbullying, etc.

A visitor learns that the company is not only focused on making profits but is also aligned to give back to the environment.

8. Dossier

This is a screenshot of Dossier's About Us page

Dossier's About Us page is a wonderful example of keeping it neat, clean, and simple while still being impactful. 

Let's check out what made Dossier's About Us page worth mentioning in our article. 

What can you learn from this About Us page example?

Simple and elegant 

Sometimes, simple beats all the fancy work. Dossier's About Us page is written in a simple yet impressive flair.

No weird heading styles, color schemes, or text tweaking to annoy a reader.


Simple writing style on Dossier's About Us page
Catchy start

Dossier's About Us page starts with what this company is all about. A reader is half-convinced by reading that their perfumes are premium quality and affordable for all. 

The next headline is actually their tagline to hook a reader, 'Yes to smelling good. No to overpaying.'

Impressive pictures 

Dossier has shown pictures of their perfumes in an impressive way throughout their About Us page.

This helps readers identify the originality of their brand. They also show some pictures of happy customers using Dossier's perfumes.

Safety and sustainability 

A special section called 'Team Clean' on Dossier's About Us page explains that their perfumes are safe to use.

In another section called 'Team Green,' they have briefly explained their sustainable practices with pictures of their eco-friendly packaging to show their social responsibility.

Sustainability portion on the About Us page of Dossier's website
Relating to customers 

This company beautifully relates itself to its customers by calling them a part of the Dossier family.

They know that passionate perfume lovers always have some exclusive preferences.

So, they welcome their customers to leave any suggestions to help them develop the desired fragrances.

9. BlendJet

BlendJet About Us page

Last but not least is an example of the About Us page from BlendJet. It is a private label company that sells portable blenders. 

What can you learn from this About Us page example?

Their awesome story

BlendJet's About Us page starts with a video explaining the story behind this brand and its successes with blenders.

They also explain the journey of two co-founders. The story runs in parts and describes how one met with an accident requiring him to take nutrient-rich drinks during his post-accident recovery.

This gave birth to the idea of developing a portable blender for him and everyone. 

Explaining the brand's core mission

BlendJet's opening statement makes readers realize that this brand is not just about selling its product but about making people healthier. 

Important links with pictures

BlendJet's whole About Us page is centered around their brand's story.

They have included dedicated links with attractive pictures for users who want information about quality, nutrition, support, and health & wellness.

Important links on BlendJet's About Us page
Creating the need within their story 

BlendJet's awesome story smartly makes readers realize how important their product is for everyone.

They explain that one of their co-founders required post-workout shakes, and the other required food smoothies to recover from his injury. 

Their team with pictures and details 

BlendJet's heart-touching story intrigues readers to want to know more about the founders and the team behind this brand.

So, they showed the pictures of their team members at the bottom and made them clickable to read more about them.

They have also included a picture of their co-founder's wedding day with their team toasting with BlendJets.

Wedding picture on the About Us page of BlendJet

How do you write an about us page for ecommerce stores?

With the lessons learned from the nine brilliant About Us page examples, let's find out how to craft a perfect About Us page for your ecommerce store. 

The golden 5W rule 

Your About Us page should include what you are selling, when and why your company started, who is running it, and where it is located.

Tell your company's vision, mission, and values

Inform your customers about what you want to achieve with your company in the short (mission) and long term (vision).

Also, tell them what ethics and values your company follows to achieve your goals. 

Show your company’s pictures

Your audience may want to see what your company's office looks like. They may also want to know about your team members.

Show them the most important pictures of your company along with the pictures of your company's important team members to make it look legit. 

The team of Boxed Water Is Better on its About Us page

Include important links 

Facilitate your audience by providing them with the important links they may seek.

You may add links to your social profiles, testimonials, and Google Maps of your store's location or your company's head office. 

Show social responsibility 

With increased public awareness about companies damaging the environment, showing social responsibility has become a must-have for a business. 

Tell your audience how your business plays a role in protecting the environment instead of damaging it.

Social responsibility on Neeman's About Us page

5 Tips for writing an excellent About Us page

Before concluding the article, we thought it would be good to share five quick tips to help you craft an awesome About Us page.

1. Give a human touch 

Your About Us page is your chance to interact with your audience. It should sound like a human-to-human interaction. 

A generic or AI-generated About Us page usually fails to win your customer's trust. Your customers must feel they are dealing with actual human beings behind that online store. 

2. Establish trust and superiority 

Give your customers enough reasons to shop from your store. They must believe that their money is in safe hands. 

Tell your customers how your company is superior to your competitors regarding quality and services. 

3. Create a skimmable timeline 

Instead of telling a story or history of your company in plain words, you can create a timeline of your brand from start to date. It looks more digestible for a reader. 

You can also use pictures with every slide for a better visual impact. 

Tarte Cometics' timeline on its About Us page

4. Develop an emotional rapport 

Relate your business with your customers and include them as an integral part of your company's evolution. 

You can also stir up your customer's emotions by sharing your company's initiative to support social causes. 

5. Make it shoppable 

The ultimate objective of your online business is to get sales.

Facilitate your customers by providing them with links to your main products. 

While your About Us page should not sound like a sales copy, you may ease your customers to go back to shopping after they have read about your company. 

Shopping link on Yellow Leaf Hammock's About Us page

Bonus tip: Don't forget your SEO 

You may include important keywords in your About Us page to increase the chances of getting more traffic from search engines.

Don't forget to make your page load faster and mobile responsive for better results.


Before moving on to the conclusion, let's have a quick recap of what we just learned in this article:

  • The About Us page is a must-have for an ecommerce website. 
  • Your About Us page is your chance to make or break your company's impression.
  • A well-written About Us page helps convert more customers. 
  • Your About Us page must contain key information about your company and business. 
  • A good About Us page develops trust and attachment with your audience by being authentic, legitimate, and socially responsible.


Congratulations! You have learned all about what it takes to write a perfect About Us page for your online store. 

We hope that the nine About Us page examples and the five tips have helped you master the art of writing a killer About Us page. 

By the way, if you want help with how to write effectively, read this article to learn the art of copywriting. 

Tell us if this article helped you understand the About Us page better by commenting below.

You can also contact us if you have any questions about this article or ecommerce in general. 

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