Are you currently creating the FAQ page for your ecommerce store, and are you wondering how the frequently asked questions pages from other stores look like? Then this article will be awesome for you! I got 12 awesome examples for you. Plus, I will even show you what a FAQ page is and how to create your own.

What is a FAQ page?

Let's begin by understanding what a FAQ or Frequently Asked Questions page means, because if you don't understand this, then the rest of the article will be hard to understand.

If you do understand this already, then you can, of course, scroll down.

A FAQ page is usually a list of common questions people have asked about your store, for example, your delivery time, or about a specific product.

Example of a Shopify FAQ page

Every ecommerce store comes with a set of default pages like an "About" page, "Contact" page, "Privacy Policy" page, and more. A FAQ page is one of the few must-have pages on this list.

Think of a FAQ page as an automated customer support page or a simplified product manual. Your visitors can find their answers here all by themself without contacting your customer service.

Do you already see why websites add a page like this?

Why are FAQ pages important for ecommerce stores?

Look, here is the deal; many stores often get asked the same questions over and over again from potential customers and existing customers. For example, questions like "How long does shipping take?" or "Can I cancel my order?"

Now you (or someone that you hired) can either spend all your time answering all these general questions, or you can add a FAQ page to your store where they can find their answer by themself.

Plus, you can even link to your FAQ page from your contact page:

You can add a link to your FAQ page on your contact page. This is an example of that

Think about how much time you can save from allowing customers to help themselves by using a FAQ page.

If that sounds great, then let's continue by looking at some ecommerce FAQ page examples.

The List of 12 Ecommerce FAQ Page Examples

Below you will find a whole list of ecommerce FAQ page examples! Don't forget to look at what else that ecommerce store is doing so you get a lot of inspiration for your own store.

Keep in mind that most of the stores below are hosted on the Shopify ecommerce platform, but you don't have to use Shopify for your own store; there are plenty of other options out there.

Also, I will link directly to the FAQ page when I mention the store name. This way, you don't have to go through their whole store and search for it.

So, are you ready for some ecommerce FAQ page examples?

Let's begin!

1. ColourPop

Ecommerce FAQ page example: ColourPop

The first example will be from ColourPop. Pretty cool design, right?

They also included this when you scroll down to the bottom:

Example of a few popular questions that ColourPop added. Like 'My package says delivered, but I didn't receive it.'

Here they answer the three most asked questions where visitors can click on to get a direct reply to that question.

2. Fashion Nova

Ecommerce FAQ page example: Fashion Nova

The next example is from the fashion store called Fashion Nova. Do you see how they sorted all their categories on the left side?

They even sorted them in the middle with different categories (and icons). If you click on one of the categories there, then you will get a page with all the related questions to that category:

Example of the questions related to orders on the Fashion Nova store

On a side note, do you see that they made the contact text at the bottom consistent throughout their different pages?

3. Gymshark

Ecommerce FAQ page example: Gymshark

Now that you saw Fashion Nova, I can't forget about Gymshark! As you can see in the image above, they also added a search bar where visitors can fill in their questions.

Just like ColourPop above, they got a popular questions section at the bottom:

Here Gymshark added a few popular questions. Like 'When do items restock?'

4. MVMT Watches

Ecommerce FAQ page example: MVMT Watches

Let's continue this list with the FAQ page from MVMT Watches. They made a whole list of questions with different categories, but they also split it up in a few different categories at the top.

For example, this is what happens when you press on 'Returns':

Example of the return questions from MVMT Watches

5. Snow

Ecommerce FAQ page example: Snow

As you can in the image above, this FAQ page from Snow is totally different than all the others on this list.

They answer most of the questions in the form of a video instead of text.

That's original, right?

6. Manscaped

Ecommerce FAQ page example: Manscaped

The next ecommerce store is Manscaped. You might have heard of them, or you might not, but the reason I included them is for their FAQ page; it's not a hint haha!

Here they answer all the questions visitors or customers had/have. They have separated it in four different categories:

Here you will see some of the product questions that Manscaped added

7. Secretlab

Ecommerce FAQ page example: Secretlab

Let's continue this list with Secretlab. Take a look at how well they designed their FAQ page. Looks nice, right?

They include four buttons with each a different category. If you click on them, then it will automatically scroll down to that category. For example, here are their shipping questions:

Example of how Secretlab talks about their shipping questions

8. PhoneSoap

Ecommerce FAQ page example: PhoneSoap

PhoneSoap. I never heard of them before looking for some awesome FAQ page examples, but it looks cool haha.

They also answer questions here that probably have the goal to convince visitors to purchase the product. For example, the 'How dirty is my phone?' question:

Example of a popular question on the FAQ page from PhoneSoap. 'How dirty is my phone?'

Don't worry, that's not all. They also included a compelling picture there, but it looks a bit to dirty haha. Curious? You can find it here.

9. Culture Kings

Ecommerce FAQ page example: Cultere Kings

Next up is Culture Kings. They also sorted everything in different categories with matching icons. Plus, they added a poplar questions section when you scroll down:

Example of the popular questions on Cultere Kings. Like 'How can I change my order address?'

The thing that stands out from the rest is that they got a lot of information on how to contact them at the end of the page. Just take a look at their page and scroll down.

10. Skinny Dip

Ecommerce FAQ page example: Skinny Dip

Let's continue this list with the ecommerce store Skinny Dip. They made a whole list of specific questions that they answer when someone clicks on it.

They also added a category list on the left, so it's easier for someone to find their answer. For example, when you press on 'Orders', then you will suddenly see totally different questions:

A whole list of questions that have something to do with someone's order

11. Looks Like Summer

Ecommerce FAQ page example: Looks Like Summer

Next up is the FAQ page from Looks Like Summer. They did things a bit different than the other examples above; they made a list of all the questions and answered them when someone clicks on it:

Shipping questions from Looks Like Summer

I also added this example to this list because you will surely get some inspiration here on what kind of FAQ questions to include in your own ecommerce store.

12. Jimmy Jazz

Ecommerce FAQ page example: Jimmy Jaz

Here's another store that made a whole list with different questions. It's from the store Jimmy Jazz.

They also included a few paragraphs at the top of why you need to trust them. Looks good original, right?

You will surely get some inspiration here for your own FAQ page questions!

How to create a FAQ page for your own store?

Now you know why a FAQ page is important for ecommerce stores, and you saw a lot of examples, but how to create a FAQ page?

Do you need to create a separate page and do some coding?

Well, you can easily add a FAQ page to your store by using an app or service. You can click here to learn more.

Also, if you didn't have enough inspiration from the examples above and you're still not sure what kind of questions you should include, then take a look at this article.

That article will also go over some specific questions that you can include when you're dropshipping.

Where to place your FAQ page?

I got a little bonus for you in case you were wondering where to place your FAQ page. Should you place it in your main menu at the top or put it in your footer menu?

Well, I took a look at the ecommerce stores that I included in this examples list, and here are the results:

  • 66.7% have their FAQ page only in their footer menu.
  • 8.7% have their FAQ page only on their main menu at the top.
  • 25% have a link to their FAQ page in both their main and footer menu.

So, in total, 91.7% have a link to their FAQ page in their footer menu.

Interesting, right?

Just note that these percentages don't include stores that don't have a FAQ page at all. These are only stores that have a FAQ page (that's why I included them in this examples list in the first place haha).

And also, it's still your own decision. No worries if you think the opposite looks way better for your own ecommerce store!

How do you create an ecommerce store without holding any inventory?

Are you wondering what dropshipping is? Or why ecommerce stores use it to have no inventory at all? If so, then I suggest reading the article I linked to below:

Dropshipping for Beginners: What Is It & How to Start Today?

That article will explain everything to you about what dropshipping is and why people start dropshipping stores.

How does dropshipping work - Infographic

If you already know about dropshipping, then take a look at these awesome articles that will help you create a much better dropshipping store:

And also, if you didn’t create a Shopify account yet (to get your online store online), then you can click here to get a free 3-day trial + 1 month for $1!


So, there you have it; 12 awesome FAQ page examples. I hope you also learned something from the stores that I included as an example in this article.

Don't forget to take good care of your customers, and they will take care of you!

If you got any more ecommerce FAQ page examples or if you have any questions, then let me know by commenting below or contacting me directly by pressing the “Contact Us” button at the top.

Let me know if you saw it coming that 91.7% of the ecommerce stores on this list have a link to their FAQ page in their footer menu!

Good luck with everything that you're going to do today!

Want to learn more about ecommerce?

Ready to move your online store to the next level? Check out the articles below:

Plus, don't forget to check out our in-depth how to start an online store guide here.

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  1. Katerine Spencer Reply

    I clearly understand what a FAQ page is, but I can’t get how to organize it in the most proper way. I understand its importance, and the examples you highlighted are extremely helpful. I love the FAQ page design idea from ColourPop, infographics and icons are really easier for visual perception than any text. It would be great if you could also recommend an advanced software to get a FAQ page launched … What do you think about HelpCrunch? I would like to avoid popular (and expensive, of course) tools like Intercom and Zendesk, meanwhile HelpCrunch seems to have more and better customer communication functionalities for lower price.

    • Do Dropshipping - Author Logo

      Hi Katerine,

      Thank you for your in-depth comment!

      Did you check out our other article here already? That one covers a bit more about using a FAQ page for your store. (And shows a few options on how to create one)

      HelpCrunch indeed looks like a great alternative! What you can do is take a look at the Shopify App Store here, and see which app fits you 😊
      – Richard

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