Free dropshipping courses are a great way to learn dropshipping, for... free!

Below, I will give you 17 awesome options that give a lot of information about dropshipping for free.

No need to buy an expensive dropshipping course in 2024!

The best free dropshipping courses in 2021! Learn dropshipping for free

Are dropshipping courses worth the money in 2024?

Let me start off by saying that most paid dropshipping courses out there are expensive, like $500+.

Now, let me ask you this question: would you rather spend your hard-earned money to improve and grow your dropshipping business, or do you want to learn dropshipping for that same amount of money?

You will learn below that there are so many ways to learn dropshipping for free.

That's awesome, right?

If you want to learn more about these "gurus" and why they are selling courses, I suggest reading my other article below:

The 17 best free dropshipping courses of 2024

Below you will find 17 awesome free dropshipping courses.

I hope I can open your eyes so you can see that there are many options to learn dropshipping without buying a course.


Here's how to learn dropshipping for free!

Dropshipping: Complete Guide

Alright, this might be a little self-promotion here, but I wouldn't do it if I didn't think it would be valuable for you!

If you want to learn dropshipping for free, then our complete dropshipping guide will help you with that!

Someone writing a product description

Shopify Academy (previously Shopify Learn)

Shopify Academy homepage

Shopify Academy is a free course platform made by Shopify that contains various topics that can help you build a successful dropshipping business.

It covers a lot, like getting your first sale, increasing your customer's lifetime value, or email marketing.

Here are a few courses to check out:

Shopify Academy SEO course

Plus, keep in mind that Shopify Academy is free, so you can learn from them even if you currently don’t have a store on the Shopify platform.

Click here to check out Shopify's free courses.

Meta Blueprint

Homepage of the Meta Blueprint

You can become a Facebook Ad expert with these free courses from Facebook!

I mean, who knows Facebook better than Facebook themselves, right?

You can even take an exam to become a Meta-certified professional.

This might be hard if you're just beginning, but it's still awesome that it's possible, and maybe you can set passing a Facebook exam as a goal for your future!

Shopify Webinars

Shopify Webinars homepage

In addition to the Shopify Academy, you can learn more about dropshipping and ecommerce through Shopify webinars.

There are loads of different topics here!

For example:

Learn more: The 7 Best Shopify Webinars in 2024 | Learn for Free!

7 Awesome free YouTube dropshipping courses

Some great information about dropshipping is on YouTube for free.

Just be careful with most of those so-called "gurus."

As I said before, their only goal is to sell you something (like a course).

I suggest watching these videos below, but if you don't like what you see or you already know it, just skip a bit.

Don't forget to take everything from these "gurus" with a grain of salt, and only apply what you like.

Don't think like, "Oh, but he made millions with that super-secret tactic - I need to do exactly that, and I will be rich tomorrow!"

No, you will not.

It takes time and hard work before you succeed; I'm sorry if that crushed your dreams, but you need to treat your dropshipping store like a real business in order to succeed!

Also, most of these "gurus" use Shopify - we cover a lot about Shopify as well - but you can use any ecommerce platform that you like. (You can find Shopify alternatives here)

Dropshipping basics

Below you will find some awesome free dropshipping courses that will certainly show you most of the basics of dropshipping.

The best thing about it?

You will learn dropshipping for free!

Free Shopify dropshipping course by Kamil Satter
FREE Shopify Dropshipping Course | COMPLETE A-Z BLUEPRINT 2020

This is a 5-hour YouTube video that takes you through everything that you need to know as a dropshipping beginner. It was created by Kamil Satter.

He also put timestamps in the description in case you already know a bit about dropshipping!

Free dropshipping course by Verum Ecom
[Free Course] $552,751 in 2 Months | Product & Store Revealed | Dropshipping 2021

The next free course is a video by Verum Ecom that covers exactly how his store MosquitoTrapX did over 500k in just two months with dropshipping.

Shopify Dropshipping Course by Ryan Maya
How To Start Shopify Dropshipping FULL FREE COURSE (7 Hours)

This is a free dropshipping course from a guy named Ryan Maya.

Do you know what the great thing about this video is?

It's almost eight hours long!

It includes a lot of information regarding dropshipping. If you already know a bit about dropshipping, I suggest checking out his video description. He has put the timestamps there.

Free Shopify dropshipping course by Ivy Zhu
[FREE COURSE] $0-$580,040 in 8 Months Step By Step Tutorial | Shopify Dropshipping Journey 2019

This free course is made by a guy named Ivy Zhu.

You will see his journey from $0 to $580,040 in eight months. He will show you the ups and downs he experienced.

Free Shopify dropshipping course by Arie Scherson
(FREE Course) $3k/day Beginner To Advanced Step By Step | Shopify Dropshipping 2019

This is a beginner-friendly tutorial made by a guy named Arie Scherson.

This is one of these typical "gurus." He sells his course a lot in his videos. The same goes for this free course he made.

I hope you can see that after you have viewed this video, you can learn a lot about dropshipping for free.

But still, he has some great information for dropshipping beginners within this video.

Creating video ads for your dropshipping store

Ads are the most important thing for your dropshipping store. Most stores won't survive without them. Except, if you're focusing on free traffic.

That's why I thought I would include two awesome videos that will show you the basics of creating video ads for your dropshipping store.

Free course creating Facebook video ads by Rick Hayes
[FREE COURSE] How To Make $1,000,000 Facebook Video Ads 2019 (Shopify Dropshipping)

This video is made by a guy named Rick Hayes.

He shows you how to create high-converting Facebook video ads using Camtasia Studio.

How to make dropshipping video ads that sell by Tristan Broughton
How To Make Dropshipping Videos Ads That SELL

This is not really a course, but it's still a great video to learn how to create video ads for your dropshipping store for free.

Free Udemy dropshipping courses

Free Dropshipping Course: Udemy Dropshipping Courses
Screenshot of the search results: dropshipping courses on Udemy

Another great place to find (free) dropshipping courses is Udemy.

You can search for dropshipping (or anything else you want to learn, like marketing) and sort the price for Free!

Personally, I think the paid courses are better on Udemy than the free courses, but this article is about free dropshipping courses!

But still, the paid ones are mostly between $10 and $15!

You will also see that there are more paid dropshipping courses on Udemy than free courses.

Click here to go to Udemy and search for free dropshipping courses.

Free Udemy dropshipping course examples

Here are two free examples that I found on Udemy about dropshipping:

Free dropshipping courses: Blogs

Do Dropshipping homepage

There is a lot of free information about dropshipping available on the internet.

You saw that with the other things on this list, like Ebooks and YouTube.

Another great place to learn new things about dropshipping (or anything else you want to learn) is blogs.

Take as an example my blog called Do Dropshipping.

It will contain all the information you need to start a dropshipping store in 2024!

Even better, all the information is free.

You can even find an article on how to start dropshipping for free!

Awesome, right?

And, there are many more blogs and websites out there where you can learn dropshipping and ecommerce for free!

Just take a look at the article I've linked below:

Top 10 Dropshipping & Ecommerce Blogs | Learn for Free!

Free courses: Google Digital Garage

Screenshot of the Google Digital Garage homepage

You probably know this tool already: Google Analytics.

It's a great free tool to keep track of your visitors. You can do so much with this tool.

Google has a great free course where you can learn everything about Google Analytics.

You can even take an exam (just like with the courses from Facebook) to get certified!

Another great place for Google to get free education is the Google Digital Garage.

They explain best themselves:

Gain the skills you need, whether you're growing your business, starting a career, or just want to try something new.

Google Digital Garage

You can learn a lot about different subjects. For example, marketing, promoting your business, and even some basic coding.

Google Online courses

That's awesome, right?

Bonus: The 16 best free ecommerce courses

The 16 Best Free Ecommerce Courses for Entrepreneurs in 2024

If you're currently thinking, "Awesome, I know how the dropshipping business model works now, but what about all the other skills I need?"

Then you're in luck!

I collected the 16 best free ecommerce courses where you can learn tons of skills for your dropshipping store. Like learning more about design, marketing, and much more.

If you're interested in learning more skills for free, I definitely suggest you read it:

The 16 Best Free Ecommerce Courses for Entrepreneurs in 2024


So, there you have it! 17 awesome free courses that will help you start or grow your dropshipping business.

I hope you now see that there is a lot of information about dropshipping, and running a business in general, available on the internet for free.

No need to spend your hard-earned money on a course from some "internet guru."

If you were thinking about buying a dropshipping course before, then I hope I have changed your mind with this article, and if not, don't forget to read this other article about dropshipping "gurus" as well.

And if all of that wasn't enough information for you to learn for free, then check out these top ecommerce and marketing podcasts here that you can listen to for free!

Or join one of these Facebook Groups here to learn even more!

If you have any other free dropshipping courses for this list, or if you have any questions regarding dropshipping, then let me know by commenting below or contacting me directly by pressing the “Contact Us” button at the top!

Want to learn more about dropshipping?

Ready to move your dropshipping store to the next level? Check out the articles below:

Plus, don’t forget to check out our in-depth guide on how to start dropshipping here!

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  1. John adelana adewuyi Reply

    Thanks so much for the information, I will forward this page to my brother in Nigeria who is ready to start a dropshipping business.

    • Thank you for providing this information, you are an awesome contributor.

      • Do Dropshipping - Author Logo

        Hi Ashwini,

        Thank you for the great comment 😊 Always amazing to read comments like yours!

        Wishing you the best with everything!
        – Richard

  2. Hi ,
    I read your article and looking information regarding drop shipping. I wanted to learn this drop shipping and this article helps me lot

    • Do Dropshipping - Author Logo

      Hi Rajesh,

      Thank you so much for your comment! That’s so awesome to hear 😊

      Good luck with everything, and let me know if you ever got any questions!
      – Richard

  3. Thanks! you saved my money and my time starting today my business from 10$ today . and i am going to share this website link to my friends so they can start this to……

    • Do Dropshipping - Author Logo

      Hi Manish,

      Thank you for your amazing comment! And thank you for sharing our website 😊

      Good luck with everything!
      – Richard

  4. Great, the information is very helpful for those who want to do dropshipping business. Thank you very much.

    • Do Dropshipping - Author Logo

      Hi Manisha,

      Thank you for your great comment! That is so great to hear 😊

      I wish you the best with everything!
      – Richard

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