Using Instagram influencers for dropshipping is often praised as a perfect way to start marketing your products online for beginners who may have a small starting budget.

But is that true?

Or are you better off using a different marketing method like Facebook Ads?

Well, keep on reading, because that's precisely what I will go over in this article!

Before discussing the pros and cons of using Instagram influencers, let's quickly take a look at why people use Instagram influencers for their dropshipping stores:

Why do people use Instagram influencers for dropshipping?

Instagram influencers are accounts on Instagram with many followers who can potentially "influence" other people's behavior.

The main goal of using Instagram influencers is to increase traffic to your store and, ideally, have as many people place an order as possible.

I will quickly explain how you can use Instagram influencers to increase the sales of your online business:

  1. Search and approach influencer: First, you will have to find the right Instagram influencers. This is perhaps the most crucial step, as picking the right influencer can make or break your marketing campaign. In this article, you can learn more about how to choose the best Instagram influencers.
  2. Influencer posts your shoutout: After approaching the influencer, you will negotiate a price and send them your ad copy. The influencer will post your shoutout at the agreed-upon time, in which he/she tells about or reviews your product, intending to get as many of their followers to click on the link and check out your website. For detailed information about Instagram shoutouts, check out this post!
  3. Influencer's followers buy products from you: If everything goes well, some of the influencer's followers will like your products, check out your website, and hopefully place an order.

There are Instagram influencers of various sizes, ranging from smaller ones, the "micro-influencers" with 5k to 30k followers, to the biggest ones with over 100m followers.

Here's an example of an Instagram influencer:

Instagram influencer example
Anushkasharma's Instagram page

So, should you actually use Instagram influencers as a marketing method?

Should you use Instagram influencers for dropshipping?

Unfortunately, the answer to this question isn't that simple.

Some people swear by Instagram influencers, while others call it overhyped and see it as a big gamble.

What is a fact, however, is that the Instagram influencer industry is growing and growing.

Did you know that the most famous influencers, like Kylie Jenner, can earn up to $1.2 million for a single shoutout post? Insane, right?

Kylie Jenner Instagram page

To conclude, I can't answer this question with a simple "yes" or "no", as that would be subjective. So, I'm going to list some pros and cons of using Instagram influencers and tell you what I think about this question at the end.

Let's start with the pros of using Instagram influencers!

Pros of using Instagram influencers

Here, I will discuss some of the pros of using Instagram influencers.

Let's start with the first one; cheap impressions:

1. Cheap impressions

The impressions you will get using Instagram influencers can be cheaper compared to Google or Facebook Ads.

It's not uncommon to have a CPM (cost per 1000 impressions) of 2-5$ using Instagram influencers.

With Instagram influencers, you have full control over where your money goes. You can fully determine which influencer you choose and what you pay for their shoutout.

If you search for long enough, do your research, and negotiate the shoutout rate, it's possible to buy shoutouts for a really low price.

Instagram shoutout example
Instagram shoutout example

Note: Are you looking for more Instagram shoutout examples? Then check out this article by clicking here!

Due to the cheap impressions, the ROI can be sky-high with Instagram influencers.

However, it requires a cheap shoutout rate and an ad that resonates with the influencer's followers.

Since people can tag each other on the shoutout, your ad can even go viral and get many more impressions than you had anticipated.

2. Can be used on a low budget

Generally, you will need a few hundred dollars to move past the testing phase with Facebook Ads before starting to be profitable.

Some people who are just starting out with selling products online simply don't have that financial room.

Instagram influencers can be a solution to this problem since you can negotiate a shoutout from a smaller influencer for a price of $10 or less. This shoutout could expose your ad to a couple of thousand people.

Influencer DM for shoutout example, Using Instagram influencers for ecommerce marketing
Influencer DM example (Source)

Often, if you negotiate the shoutout to be as cheap as this, you will only need 1 or 2 sales to break even. If only a small percentage of those thousands of people buy your product, you will probably make a (small) profit.

Then, you can just rinse and repeat this process and move your way up to more prominent influencers.

3. Followers trust an ad more if it comes from someone they know and like

Another pro of using Instagram influencers is that you can leverage the influencer's built-up "trust factor" to your advantage.

Whenever people see a paid ad on Facebook or Instagram that they've never seen before, they might be a bit skeptical at first.

However, when that same ad is posted by someone who they have been following for months in the form of a shoutout, they are much more likely to believe that it's indeed a great product.

4. Can increase your social proof

The last pro I would like to discuss is the possibility of increasing your social proof with Instagram influencer shoutouts.

Let's say you are operating a business in a passionate niche, like golf.

In the golf niche, there are multiple smaller and bigger Instagram influencers.

People who are passionate about golf (your potential customers) are likely to know these influencers.

Here's an example of an Instagram influencer in the golf niche:

Golf niche Instagram influencer example

If you have a good product, you may be able to get a (paid) shoutout from one of these influencers.

Not only will this shoutout likely give you some sales, but you can also take a screenshot and paste it on your store to create social proof!

This way, future store visitors might see the shoutout in your store and think:

Wow, that's Garret Clark, and he's saying that this product is great. If he is using it, I might as well try it too!

Here's an example of what SkinnyMe Tea does with extra social proof from Instagram Influencers:

Using Instagram influencers for social proof on online store

Tip: If you would like to obtain user-generated content (UGC) videos for your dropshipping store that you can use for your marketing, we recommend checking out a service like Billo!

Cons of using Instagram influencers

After reading the pros of using Instagram influencers, you might think that it's a fantastic marketing method. However, nothing is perfect.

Here are some of the cons of using Instagram influencers:

1. No full control over the audience

Facebook Ads allow you to choose in great detail which audience you want to target.

You can target specific interests, past behaviors, and countries of residence, specify which interests you don't want to target, and much more!

Instagram influencers won't give you this level of control.

While you can choose which influencer you are going to use and, therefore, which audience they roughly have, it's likely that there will still be some people in that audience who you wouldn't want to target normally.

To get a rough idea of what audience an Instagram influencer has, there are tools available such as Heepsy, which can generate an audience report like this:

Heepsy audience analytics report Instagram influencer
Heepsy's audience report

Note that this is only a part of Heepsy's audience report. The full report contains more awesome information such as gender, age, interests, and language. You can check out the full report here.

2. Can't be run on "autopilot"

If you're using Instagram influencers, you constantly need to search for contacts and talk with influencers who can potentially post your next shoutout.

This can cause stress and take up a lot of your time.

It's not as easily scalable as Facebook Ads, for example, where you can bump up your marketing budget in one click of a button and scale your marketing campaigns.

However, in 2024, you can use tools like Shopify Collabs, which allows you to easily connect with creators, send them samples, and pay them automatically!

Shopify Collabs homepage

3. Difficult to find influencers with real engagement

Nowadays, many influencers buy fake followers, likes, or comments to make it look like their followers are really engaged with their posts.

By doing that, they are able to ask more for a shoutout and earn more money themselves.

However, you (the advertiser) are in trouble since the fake followers won't purchase any of your products.

So, you will first need to check for fake followers for every influencer you might want to work with.

If you’re interested in learning more about checking an influencer for fake followers, then I suggest reading this article here.

Again, you can also use a tool like Heepsy, which can help you to check if an influencer has fake followers!

Fake follower report Heepsy

4. It's more challenging to measure results

When running multiple campaigns on Google Ads or Facebook Ads, you are able to see the exact metrics for every ad you are running, like Reach, CTR, CPM, Conversions, ROAS, and many more.

With influencer shoutouts, finding these metrics is much more difficult.

You will have to ask the influencer for metrics, set up analyzing tools, and maybe even create different links to your store so that you can see which people came from which shoutout:

Instagram post metrics example
Instagram metrics example (Source)

If you're struggling with this, then here are two tips to make it clear from which influencer the customer came from:

  • You can assign a unique discount code to each Instagram influencer. This way, when someone uses a discount code, you know exactly from which influencer they came from.
  • You can add UTM codes to the link that you give the Instagram influencer. This way, you can see inside, for example, Google Analytics, exactly where people came from. (This tool here will help you with this)


To conclude, using Instagram influencers is a viable marketing method for your dropshipping store.

However, you will need to know exactly what you are doing to be profitable since it isn't as easy as it seems.

I can write many more articles about Instagram influencer marketing, explaining how to find them, how to work and negotiate with them, how to make ads for them, how to check for real engagement, and much more.

If you have anything that you want to discuss, just place a comment below, and I will reply as soon as I can.

Good luck with everything, and have a great day!

Want to learn more about Instagram?

Ready to move your influencer marketing for dropshipping to the next level? Check out the articles below:

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