What isn't measured, isn't improved.

If you want to optimize your print on demand (POD) store, studying the data of other stores can definitely help.

And today, we have a list of 32 print on demand statistics for you!

Quick Overview: Key print on demand statistics

- Two-thirds of print on demand stores use Printful

- Top-performing apparel print on demand stores sell between $50 and $100 on average

- The success rate of print on demand is 24%

- There is a clear correlation between a print on demand store's age and its website ranking

- The estimated average conversion rate of a print on demand store is 1.7%

- Interest in print on demand grew by 300% in the last five years

To find these statistics, we crawled 200k+ print on demand stores on September 28, 2023 – and analyzed the data on their installed apps, niche, website rankings, and much more!

32 Print on Demand Statistics You Must Know

Let's dive right in.

6 Key Print on Demand Statistics in 2024 (Editor's Picks)

Here are the six most significant and exciting print on demand statistics!

Disclaimer: Due to minor imperfections of the crawling system, please know that we can't guarantee 100% accuracy of the data and, thus, the statistics we found. Nevertheless, we are confident that these statistics closely represent reality due to the large amount of data captured.

1. Two-thirds of print on demand stores use Printful

  • The key takeaway: Printful is the most popular print on demand supplier.

Have you heard of Printful?

If you haven't, you're about to.

A whopping 67.6% (yes, you read that right!) of all print on demand stores use Printful as their supplier.

Printful homepage

Why is that?

Well, perhaps it's their user-friendly interface, or maybe their vast range of products, or it could even be their stellar customer service.

Most likely, it's a combination of all (and more).

Of course, other suppliers like Printify (30.4%), AOP+ (10%), and Gelato (6.7%) also hold their respective market shares.

But, for now, Printful is the most popular by far.

A small bonus statistic: Around 12% of print on demand stores use Printful and Printify together!

Learn more:

2. Top-performing apparel print on demand stores sell between $50 and $100 on average

  • The key takeaway: You don't have to compete on product pricing.

If you want to sell apparel on your POD store, you may wonder, 'How much can I realistically expect customers to spend on my store?'

Well, we've got some encouraging news for you!

The most successful apparel print on demand stores often have an average product price between $50 and $100.

Distribution of average product price (top 1% of apparel print on demand stores)

It tells us that customers are willing to spend if you offer unique, well-designed, high-quality apparel!

Learn more: Dropshipping Pricing Strategy: The Definitive Guide (2024)

3. The success rate of print on demand is 24%

  • The key takeaway: While print on demand has its challenges, it's possible to find long-term success.

Doing print on demand can sometimes feel like a rollercoaster.

You have your highs, lows, and those in-between moments where you're unsure if you're heading up or down.

But here's a pretty eye-opening stat: out of all the print on demand stores created, about 24% are still active after three years.

This stat might sound a bit intimidating, but at the same time, it can be a reminder of the importance of continuously learning, adapting, and being persistent.

Older man behind a laptop

Learn more: Is Print on Demand Still Profitable Today in 2024? Or Not?

4. There is a clear correlation between a print on demand store's age and its website ranking

  • The key takeaway: Persistence with print on demand can lead to better website rankings, driving more sales.

Here's another insight: the longer a print on demand store has been around, the better its website tends to rank.

The graph below shows the average website ranking of POD stores based on their year of creation.

The y-axis represents the top X% of website ranking, with 0% indicating the best ranking and 100% indicating the worst:

Website ranking of print on demand stores over time

This suggests that stores that have stuck around are likely doing many things right.

Think SEO optimizations, quality backlinks, engaging content, and, of course, top-notch customer reviews.

If you're just starting, don't worry too much about this.

Every long-standing store once started from scratch, just like you.

With consistent effort, over time, you can climb those ladders too!

Learn more: 15 Most Successful Print on Demand Store Examples in 2024

5. The estimated average conversion rate of a print on demand store is 1.7%

  • The key takeaway: A 1.7% conversion rate is the industry average for POD stores.

You've likely heard the term 'conversion rate' before, and for a good reason.

It's a metric that tells you how many of your website visitors are actually making a purchase.

From our data of over 200k print on demand stores, we can estimate that the average conversion rate is 1.7%.

So, achieving (or surpassing) this rate means you're well on this part!

Conversion rate example on Shopify

Learn more: Shopify Dropshipping Conversion Rate Optimization: 12 Ways to Get More Sales!

6. Interest in print on demand grew by 300% in the last five years

  • The key takeaway: The print on demand industry is growing strongly!

According to Google Trends, interest in print on demand has grown by around 300% in the last five years:

Google Trends search interest for print on demand over time

That's equal to a yearly growth of around 32%!

But what's causing this? We think there are a few reasons:

  • There's the appeal of low upfront costs for beginners.
  • There's the personalization aspect that customers love.
  • There's a sustainable angle of producing only when there's a demand (reducing waste).

And lastly, there have been significant technological improvements in these years, allowing for better printing methods and a much more extensive selection of products available for print on demand!

Learn more: How to Start a Print on Demand Business in 2024 (8 Steps)

26 More print on demand statistics

Did you know that Impulse is the most common premium theme for print on demand stores?

Or that, on average, print on demand stores with a blog are more successful than those without one?

If you find these stats interesting, read on!

Tip: You can also find our list of dropshipping statistics here!

The print on demand market

Let's start with some statistics about the print on demand market:

7. The POD market size in 2022 was $6.18 billion and is expected to grow at a CAGR of 25.8% from 2023 to 2030

  • The key takeaway: Now is the best time to get into print on demand.

With a value of $6.18 billion in 2022, it's clear that the print on demand industry is not small.

Plus, the market is expected to grow at an impressive CAGR of 25.8% between 2023 and 2030.

So, if you've been considering starting with print on demand, there's no better time than now!

8. 4.9% of all online stores do print on demand

  • The key takeaway: If you've ever considered starting a POD store, you're not alone.

There are hundreds of thousands of online stores offering everything from supplements to furniture.

And between all of these stores, a noteworthy 4.9% are involved in print on demand.

In other words, almost one in twenty online stores are print on demand stores!

Here's another interesting statistic: 11.4% of all Shopify stores do print on demand.

This makes Shopify the most popular ecommerce platform for print on demand by far!

Tip: Have you already created your Shopify account? If not, sign up by clicking this link here to get a free 3-day trial + 1 month for $1!

Get your free Shopify trial

9. There are around 228,000 active print on demand stores

  • The key takeaway: This number of active POD stores indicates the attractiveness of this business model.

With low startup costs, no need for inventory, and the ability to target niche markets, it's no wonder entrepreneurs are setting up POD shops!

Someone writing a product description

10. 65% of print on demand stores fail within one year

  • The key takeaway: Starting a print on demand store comes with challenges, especially in the initial stages.

Have you ever heard the famous statement that 90% of online businesses fail within the first year?

According to our data, that's not necessarily the case for print on demand.

Instead, we found that around 65% of print on demand stores don't make it past their first birthday.

A woman losing money

But why is it still such a high percentage?

Like many startups and online businesses, print on demand requires more than just setting up a store and waiting for sales.

It's a game of strategy, persistence, and continuous adaptation.

You must be good at market research, designing products, pricing strategies, marketing efforts, and customer service - every aspect is crucial to a store's success (or lack thereof).

Learn more: Print on Demand Tips: 5 Things Every Beginner Should Know

11. Around 0.6% of active print on demand stores use Shopify Plus

  • The key takeaway: Though only a select group of POD stores use Shopify Plus, it shows the growth potential in the industry.

Most print on demand businesses choose Shopify as their ecommerce platform.

And from those POD stores, around 0.6% use Shopify Plus.

Shopify Plus homepage

Why so few?

Shopify Plus is for high-growth, high-volume businesses.

For those just starting or in the growing phase, regular Shopify plans offer all the necessary tools and resources.

Learn more: Shopify Pricing Plans Guide: Which One Is the Best? (2024)

12. A print on demand store sells 44 different products on average

  • The key takeaway: It's crucial to balance quantity with quality and ensure each product complements your brand's overall vision.

On average, a print on demand store offers 44 different products.

This shows the versatility of print on demand; you can sell anything from custom t-shirts, hoodies, and mugs to notebooks, phone cases, and even wall art!

But remember, it's not just about quantity.

Ensure each product aligns with your brand, is of high quality, and serves a purpose in your store.

Learn more: The 19 Best Selling Print on Demand Products in 2024

13. A top 10% print on demand store sells 160 different products on average

  • The key takeaway: As your store grows, you will probably add more products.

This statistic suggests that the top-performing print on demand stores typically have a broader product offering than the general dataset.

However, it's important to note that the modal (most frequently occurring) number of products sold is ten products.

So, if you're a beginner, start with a small selection, and as you understand your audience better, you can gradually expand!

Learn more: How Many Products Should You Have to Start Dropshipping?

14. Print on demand stores with higher prices tend to be more successful

  • The key takeaway: Success in print on demand isn't always about being the cheapest option.

You might think that competitive pricing (read: cheaper) would be the ticket to success with print on demand.

Perhaps surprisingly, it seems to be the opposite.

Below, you can see a scatter plot of the website ranking of the top 10% of POD stores vs. their average product price:

Average product price vs. Rank of the top 10% of print on demand stores

While there is no clear visual distinction, we found that the correlation coefficient is approximately -0.109, indicating a slight negative correlation; as the product price increases, the ranking tends to be better (lower).

With higher prices, stores often position themselves as premium brands, leading to better profit margins and creating a perception of superior quality and exclusivity.

Of course, it's not just about adding a high price tag to your items.

Successful higher-priced stores often focus heavily on branding, product quality, customer service, and storytelling.

They upgrade the entire shopping experience, which justifies the higher prices.

Learn more: Enhancing Your POD Business: The Power of Branded Packaging

15. The median number of monthly visitors for the top 10% of print on demand stores is 1,978.

  • The key takeaway: If you have over 1,978 monthly visitors to your POD store, you're already ahead of many others!

One of the metrics that businesses often obsess over is website traffic.

When we look at the top 10% of print on demand stores, we find that they have a median of 1,978 visitors every month:

Distribution of monthly visitors (top 10% of POD stores)

For up-and-coming POD store owners, this number can serve as a motivational benchmark!

Learn more: Marketing for Dropshipping: How to Pick the Right Method

16. On average, the top 1% of print on demand stores add 7 new products every day

  • The key takeaway: While the number might be ambitious for many, the principle of consistently offering fresh, relevant products is a game-changer in POD.

Let's take a moment to absorb that the top 1% of print on demand stores add 7 new products daily.

By continuously introducing fresh designs and products, they keep their existing customer base engaged while attracting new eyes to their collections.

On average, the top 1% of POD stores added:

  • 76 Products in the last 30 days
  • 1,823 Products in the last 90 days
  • 2,550 Products in the last 365 days
Average number of products added by top 1% of POD stores

Learn more: 8 Best Unlimited Design Services for Print on Demand (2024)

17. 3.8% of print on demand stores have an estimated monthly revenue of over $50k

  • The key takeaway: The POD industry holds immense potential for profitability, with some stores pulling in substantial monthly revenues.

An impressive 3.8% of print on demand stores have an estimated monthly revenue surpassing $50,000!

The stores that achieve these numbers have probably spent considerable time and effort in market research, building customer relationships, optimizing their product lineup, and refining their sales strategies.

It shows that achieving such revenue milestones is definitely possible!

One interesting observation: when looking at dropshipping stores, just 1.5% had an estimated monthly revenue of over $50k. (Source)

Learn more: 12 Amazing Tips to Increase Dropshipping Sales in 2024

18. 75.8% of the top 10% of print on demand stores are mainly selling in the US, followed by Canada (5.7%) and the UK (5.3%)

  • The key takeaway: The US's strong ecommerce infrastructure and vast consumer base make it a hotspot for top-performing POD stores.

The United States claims the title for having the most top-performing print on demand stores.

And guess what? It's not even close.

Take a look at this chart showing the geographical distribution of the top POD stores:

Geographical distribution of the top 10% of print on demand stores (Top 7 countries)

As you can see, other popular countries for print on demand stores include Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia, Germany, France, and the Netherlands.

Learn more: 14 Best US Print on Demand Suppliers in 2024 (Fast Shipping)

19. With a share of 0.2%, Africa is the least popular print on demand market

  • The key takeaway: Africa is a challenging print on demand market, although it may have potential if you're willing to take the risk.

Only about 0.2% of print on demand stores operate in Africa.

Factors like a lack of POD suppliers, varying internet accessibility, different purchasing behaviors, and logistical challenges make it a complex region.

However, who knows?

As infrastructure improves, there's a chance for early adopters to establish themselves as leaders in the African POD space.

Learn more: 10+ Best Countries for Dropshipping in 2024 (& 5 to Avoid)

20. 41.7% of print on demand stores mainly sell apparel

  • The key takeaway: Apparel dominates the print on demand industry due to its ease of access and universal appeal.

Almost half - 41.7% to be precise - of POD stores mostly sell clothes.

This makes apparel the most popular print on demand category by far:

Number of print on demand stores in top 10 primary categories

Apparel is followed by Home & Garden (6.9% of POD stores) and Arts & Entertainment (5.9% of POD stores).

There are several reasons why apparel is such a large category.

First, almost all POD suppliers offer apparel, making it easier to start an apparel POD store. Plus, everyone needs clothes!

Learn more: How to Dropship Clothing With Print on Demand (7 Tips)

Apps and themes

Next, we have some insightful statistics about apps and themes for POD stores:

21. 63.1% of the top 1% of print on demand stores have installed more than ten apps

  • The key takeaway: The best print on demand stores use multiple apps to improve their site.

Did you know that 63.1% of the most successful print on demand stores have more than ten apps installed?

These apps can add new features, automate tasks, provide deeper insights, or simply make a site more engaging for its visitors.

However, remember that it's quality over quantity when it comes to apps.

Only add new apps to your store when they genuinely add value.

Otherwise, they might slow down your site!

Learn more: 12 Best Print on Demand Shopify Apps in 2024 (Free & Paid)

22. The average print on demand stores spends around $76 per month on apps

  • The key takeaway: For POD stores, the monthly spend on apps is less an expenditure and more an investment in continuous growth.

When starting an online store, there is an abundance of tools that promise to make your life easier.

And for print on demand stores, this is no exception.

On average, print on demand stores invest approximately $76 every month to access various apps:

Monthly app spend for print on demand stores - histogram

From the visualization, we can observe:

  • Most print on demand stores spend under $100 monthly on apps.
  • There's a sharp decline in the number of stores as the monthly app spend increases.
  • Only a few stores have a very high monthly app spend, which can be seen in the right tail of the histogram.

This might sound like just another expenditure on paper, but apps can be a great investment.

For example, they can be used to improve user experience, operate more efficiently, boost your marketing, and more!

Learn more: 10 Best Print on Demand Tools for Your Business in 2024

23. The most popular review app for print on demand stores is Judge.me

  • The key takeaway: A product review app can help you optimize your POD store!

Before making a purchase, customers often seek validation from their fellow shoppers.

They can find that validation by reading product reviews.

That's why around 12.2% of active print on demand stores installed the Judge.me product review app!

Judge.me Shopify app

With features like photo and video reviews, Q&A sections, and even social media sharing, it's no wonder that this app is so popular.

Learn more: How to Get Product Reviews on Shopify? (Even With No Sales)

24. Most print on demand stores offer PayPal, followed by Apple Pay, Shop Pay, and Google Pay

  • The key takeaway: Offer PayPal, Apple Pay, Shop Pay, and Google Pay as payment methods on your store.

PayPal remains the most popular payment gateway on POD stores, followed by the payment services Apple Pay, Shop Pay, and Google Pay.

When buying items online, people want to make the payment process as smooth as possible, and that's where payment gateways come in.

Paying with a credit card

PayPal is the clear winner, but other players like Apple Pay, Shop Pay, and Google Pay are not far behind.

Learn more: The 7 Best Payment Gateways for Dropshipping Stores in 2024

25. The most common premium themes for print on demand stores are Impulse, Motion, and Warehouse

  • The key takeaway: Common choices for premium themes are Impulse, Prestige, and Motion.

If you're looking to give your POD store a professional look, consider one of these popular premium themes from the Shopify Theme Store.

Impulse, which fits very well with fashion stores, is the most popular premium theme for print on demand stores:

Impulse theme Shopify

Remember, apparel is the most popular print on demand niche, so this is probably the reason why Impulse is so popular!

Learn more: 11 Best Shopify Themes for Print on Demand in 2024

26. 5.4% of print on demand stores use a page builder, with the most popular one being PageFly

  • The key takeaway: You don't need fancy tools to succeed in print on demand, but a page builder like PageFly can give you an edge.

Despite the large number of page builders available, only a small number of print on demand stores use one.

However, 5.4% of POD stores use PageFly, which can help you customize your online store, improve the user experience, and ultimately increase conversions.

Homepage of Pagefly

So, while it's not a requirement for success in print on demand, it's worth considering if you want to stand out!

Learn more: PageFly Review: Great Landing Pages for Shopify? (2024)


Here are six more marketing print on demand statistics:

27. 22.5% of active print on demand stores have a blog

  • The key takeaway: Blogging offers various benefits for your POD store.

Sometimes it's not just about products but rather about the story.

22.5% of active print on demand stores have recognized this and have a blog.

Blogs can improve a site’s search rankings, making it easier for potential customers to discover the store.

Plus, they allow brands to showcase their expertise and keep customers on their sites longer.

Here is another interesting chart that shows the most common features implemented by print on demand stores:

Distribution of featured adopted by print on demand stores

Learn more: 8 Amazing Ways to Get Free Traffic to Your Dropshipping Store in 2024

28. A top 1% print on demand store has almost 900k combined social followers on average

  • The key takeaway: A brand's social footprint can be a reflection of its success.

The combined average social following of the top 1% of POD stores is 897,178 followers across platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, TikTok, Twitter, and YouTube.

So, with each post, story, or tweet, these top-tier stores can potentially reach close to a million people.

It's a powerful marketing tool!

29. Print on demand stores with a blog are more successful than those without one

  • The key takeaway: If you're considering adding a blog to your POD store, try it!

Print on demand stores with a blog, on average, have a website ranking that's 1,982,502 positions higher.

Print on demand average website ranking vs. whether they have a blog statistic

The lower the website ranking, the better.

So, this means that stores with a blog tend to perform better in terms of web traffic and possibly sales!

Learn more: SEO for Dropshipping Stores: 7 Ways to Increase Your Traffic

30. Free delivery is the most important online purchase driver, encouraging 49.4% of consumers

  • The key takeaway: Free delivery is king!

Did you know that almost half of online shoppers are motivated to click ‘buy' by free delivery?

That's right – according to recent data, 49.4% of consumers consider free delivery as the most critical factor when making an online purchase.

Online Purchase Drivers Statistics

So if you're looking to attract more customers, you might want to consider offering this sweet perk to your customers.

Who can resist free shipping, right?

Learn more: How Do Dropshipping Sites Offer Free Shipping Worldwide?

31. The TikTok Pixel is installed on about 14.8% of print on demand stores

  • The key takeaway: TikTok Ads might be an underrated marketing method.

Just like other social media pixels, the TikTok Pixel allows stores to track users' behaviors after they interact with a TikTok ad.

About 14.8% of POD stores have installed the TikTok pixel, which means the same percentage or less use TikTok Ads!

Someone using TikTok

Given TikTok's popularity, we're surprised that relatively few print on demand stores use TikTok Ads as part of their marketing strategies.

Learn more: Dropshipping With TikTok: A Beginner’s Guide for 2024

32. On average, print on demand stores have the most followers on YouTube

The key takeaway: YouTube seems to be a great social platform for POD stores due to its mix of visual storytelling and large reach.

After we analyzed the social media accounts of active print on demand stores, we found the following:

  • YouTube has the highest average followers, with approximately 125,396 followers.
  • TikTok comes in second with around 93,077 followers.
  • Instagram is close behind, with approximately 78,352 followers.
  • Twitter has an average of 68,956 followers.
  • Facebook has around 64,571 followers on average.
  • Pinterest has the fewest average followers, with about 2,386 followers.


Before we go to the conclusion, we've created a quick summary of this article for you so you can easily remember it:

  • The best time to start with print on demand was yesterday, but the second-best time is today!
  • Due to its popularity, Printful seems to be a great POD supplier.
  • You don't always have to compete on prices.
  • Print on demand comes with challenges initially, but if you persevere, your likelihood of success increases!
  • Most print on demand stores sell apparel and target the US.

More statistics

Are you interested in seeing even more great statistics?

We've got you covered! Check out the lists below to find more statistics related to ecommerce:


So, what have we learned?

Success in POD is all about being strategic, really offering what your customers want, and using the right digital tools.

But remember, it's not about trying to do everything.

It's more about understanding which tools, items, and designs fit your style and your brand the best.

Lastly, if you liked these print on demand statistics, check out our list of dropshipping statistics here!

Spoiler: Many of them apply to print on demand as well.

Best of luck with your print on demand store!

Want to learn more about POD?

Ready to move your print on demand store to the next level? Check out the articles below:

Plus, don’t forget to check out our in-depth how to start a print on demand business guide here!

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