Winning dropshipping products... how do you find them?

Below you will find all the ways that you can do product research for your dropshipping store. (Most tactics will be free!)

At the end of the article, you will know all the methods to find your next winning dropshipping product!

Are you ready for some winning product research? Let's begin!

The 14 best ways to find winning dropshipping products

Now, let's go right into the best methods.

1. Spy Shopify store best selling products

One of the best (and completely free) ways to find winning products is to look into other Shopify stores.

If you didn't know yet, you can actually spy on other Shopify stores and see what their best selling products are.

This is especially great if you're doing product research for Shopify.

You can do this in three main ways, so let's go through them.

Edit the URL yourself

This is one of the easiest ways to see the best selling products of a Shopify store.

You simply put this at the end of their URL: /collections/all?sort_by=best-selling

So for example,

Sort by best selling example at Soft Pet Paws store

Keep in mind that some dropshipping stores disable their best-selling page. In the last option below, you will read how to beat it!

Use Shine Commerce

This one is the same as the option we covered above, but it makes it a bit easier.

All you have to do now is press the button 'Top Products' in Shine Commerce, and it will automatically show you their bestselling products:

Top products of Shine Commerce

Shine Commerce was previously known as Commerce Inspector, and alongside changing their name, they made some improvements to their product.

For example, you can even see the estimated revenue for the best selling products with the free plan:

Best selling products of Shine Commerce

I think it doesn't need any further explanation; great for finding winning products, right?

Shine Commerce is one of the many available product research Chrome extensions that can be useful for product research.

Ready to level up? Our ultimate dropshipping guide for 2024 is full of our best insights, ideas, and steps to follow.

Beating dropshipping stores that disable their bestselling page

Going to the bestselling page of a brand is simple, as you saw above, but some store owners decide to disable the page.

Which we totally understand because otherwise, people will just copy their winning product(s).

Fortunately, there is a way to get around this.

Let's take for example Dude Gadgets. If you try to go to their bestselling page, it will direct you to this page:

How to Find the Best Selling Products of Any Shopify Dropshipping Store | Beating stores that disable their best-selling page

Which is funny, of course, but not if you're trying to find their bestselling products.

So, what you're going to do next is go to the site settings of that website (We're using Google Chrome in our example below).

You can get there really simply by either pressing the little lock in the left corner and pressing Site Settings or going to your (Chrome) settings and searching for Site Settings.

Keep in mind that the last option will make changes to all sites unless you press 'View permissions and data stores across sites,' and then you will need to find the dropshipping store in that list.

Now that you have found the website, it's time to block JavaScript.

Now go to their bestselling page again (don't press refresh because you're most likely redirected to a different page), and you will see this now:

Their best selling products!

Keep in mind that by blocking their JavaScript, their website might not work as good; their Shopify theme will be broken a bit as well. For example, we didn't blur these images in the screenshot above.

But yeah, your goal is to get their bestselling products and not to judge them in a design contest.

So, the only thing important for this product research method is to find other dropshipping stores!

For that, we suggest you read this article:

2. AliExpress

How to Find Winning Dropshipping Products | Find them on AliExpress!

AliExpress is one of the biggest marketplaces out there, making it great for product research purposes.

Let's go through three of the main ways we recommend using it for product research.

Find products on AliExpress yourself

You can find a lot of products on AliExpress just by scrolling through it.

For example, first you could go to any product page on AliExpress, such as this one:

Product page example on AliExpress

If you scroll down the product page, you will see a list of items related to the product.

Related items on AliExpress

If you go down the 'rabbit hole' of clicking on the related items and finding new product opportunities that way, you can come across many unique opportunities.

If you want to dive more deeply into this strategy, we recommend you read our article on all of the ways you can use AliExpress for product research:

AliExpress Dropshipping Center

Home page of AliExpress dropshipping center

This one will flow well with the first way.

Once you have found products on AliExpress that look interesting to you, you can further analyze them using the AliExpress Dropshipping Center!

This is the tool AliExpress made to make dropshipping with AliExpress easier.

AliExpress dropshipping center product research

You will get a lot of amazing tools inside the AliExpress dropshipping center.

For example, if you paste in the URL of an AliExpress product, you can do some basic product analysis for the product.

Product analysis inside of AliExpress dropshipping center

You also have lists, such as 'Winning Products', that you can browse.

Winning product categories of AliExpress dropshipping center

And do you know what the best part about the dropshipping center is?

It’s free to use!

There are also other AliExpress product discovery tools, but the dropshipping center is definitely one of the best.

Ask AliExpress dropshipping suppliers directly

Dropshipping suppliers of AliExpress

The third AliExpress method is asking directly from suppliers.

You simply find AliExpress dropshipping suppliers and ask them what products are going to be trending, what products are new, or will be launching soon.

To do this, you need to find the best AliExpress dropshipping suppliers first.

Preferably the AliExpress sellers that are selling these trending dropshipping products (or if you're in a specific niche, then of course suppliers in that niche).

If you don't know how to find the best AliExpress dropshipping suppliers, then we've got a great article for you:

After you have found a bunch of these AliExpress suppliers, it's time to reach out to them.

Ask them for a list of their new products that they are about to release into the market. Their new trending products! Or you can ask them for a list of their current trending products (or both).

Here is also a video that explains how you can use this product research method. You will need to skip to around the 44 minutes mark:

Shopify Dropshipping LIVE Q&A + Value Session

3. Google Trends

Google Trends Paleo diet

Google Trends is a tool by Google that shows you the popularity of a specific search query.

It's useful for spotting product research trends as it shows how much people search for a specific thing.

For example, if you're considering selling a product but unsure if it's trending, you can type it into Google Trends.

Search for pet beds on Google Trends

This will give you an idea if people are actually searching for it.

You can also compare two different products.

Pet product comparison on Google Trends

Cool, right?

If you want to learn all the ways you can use Google Trends for your dropshipping store, we have made an entire article for it:

4. Amazon

How to Find Winning Dropshipping Products | Amazon

The fourth option and one of the most obvious one is Amazon!

Amazon is great for shopping, but it's also great if you want to do product research for your dropshipping store!

You can get so many ideas on what kind of products are selling well currently (Best Sellers), and you can also see what is trending in the last 24 hours (Movers & Shakers).

Awesome, right?

Amazon Movers & Shakers

Amazon Movers & Shakers contains products that are getting more and more sales in the last 24 hours.

Our biggest gainers in sales rank over the past 24 hours. Updated hourly.


These products are moving fast on the sales rank.

How to Find Winning Dropshipping Products | Amazon Movers & Shakers

One downside though, not all products are going to be perfect dropshipping products.

If you read our what is a winning dropshipping product article, we're sure you can find some awesome products here.

We even have a dedicated article for finding winning products with Amazon Movers & Shakers, so we encourage you to read that here:

Amazon Best Sellers

Amazon Best Sellers contains the most popular products (based on sales) on Amazon.

How to Find Winning Dropshipping Products | Amazon Best Sellers

It's the same as with the Movers & Shakers; not all products are perfect for dropshipping!

We suggest you scroll through the different categories and see if you can find any products that you think are interesting to sell in your dropshipping store.

Even better is if you have a niche, you can just select that niche and see what products are doing well inside that niche on Amazon!

5. Wish

Home page of Wish

If you don't know what Wish is, then this is for you.

Wish is a place where most people from the Western world buy cheap stuff. Wish advertises a lot, and a lot of people know the site.

Now, you can use this to your advantage.

Just go to Wish and see what products are selling there.

What's even better is if you have a niche for your dropshipping store, then you can select that niche and see what products are selling well on Wish!

Try to find products that have at least 1000-5000 orders.

You can easily find these products by pressing CTRL + F and then type in 000.

Now it will highlight all the products that have got 1000 or more orders!

Awesome, right?

6. Facebook

There are a few different methods for using Facebook for your dropshipping product research!

Follow us below, and we will show you all of them.

Facebook search bar

You might know this one already, but we will include it anyway for the people who don't know about it!

Simply go to Facebook and type in one of these keywords in the search bar:

  • 50% / 60% Off (or any other percent off)
  • Get Yours Now / Here
  • Free Shipping
  • Get It Here
  • Get It Now
  • Just Pay Shipping
  • Click Link
  • Buy Now
  • Limited Supply

For example, this is what you get when you type in 50% off.

Search example inside of Facebook

You can also select it to only show videos and sort by dates, such as 'this month.'

Facebook will then show you only the most recent videos:

Search inside of Facebook

Another option is to search for a product name, but this is when you have already found a product and you're trying to find out if other people are already selling that product, and if so, what kind of ads they are running.

For example, if you plan to sell one of these pet beds, this is the results for that on Facebook:

Search result for pet beds on Facebook

This is a great way to get some inspiration for your Facebook Ads!

Personally, we think this method of product research was more effective in the early days of Facebook since the Facebook search has changed.

You can't find as many posts and videos as before, but it's still a great way to find some product ideas.

Facebook Ads Library

Everyone knows how important it is to look into other successful dropshipping stores.

To take it one step further, you should look into their ads.

Facebook Ads Library allows you to do that, as it's basically a Facebook Ads spy tool that you can use for competitor and product research.

The best part is that it's free.

This way, you will be the first to know when your competitors are testing new products.

Facebook ad library view for Oodie

You can see what kind of Facebook Ads performed the best for them. Go see what kind of products they advertise in their most popular ads.

We suggest you click here if you want to learn all the ways to find the Facebook Ads that a dropshipping store is currently running.

More ways to find products on Facebook

How to Find Winning Dropshipping Products on Facebook? 5 Awesome Tips for 2024!

Do you want to learn even more ways to find dropshipping products on Facebook?

Awesome! Then we suggest you read the other article that we linked to below:

7. YouTube

This is another great product research method. You basically go to YouTube and find videos like:

  • Top 10 AliExpress Products 2024
  • Top 10 Amazon Products 2024
  • Top 10 Wish Products 2024
Product research on YouTube

This will give you tons of YouTube videos with lists of the most awesome products currently on AliExpress, Amazon, or even Wish.

And guess what these videos all contain?

That's right - amazing products!

Definitely look in the comments to see if people really like one product of the list!

On top of this strategy, there are other product research methods you can use on YouTube. We've gone through all of them in our other article:

8. Pinterest

How to Find Winning Dropshipping Products | Pinterest

Let's move to Pinterest!

Pinterest is another great way to see what kinds of products are trending and hot right now.

You will simply search for Pinterest Pins. For example, car gadgets and kitchen gadgets:

If you're interested in doing product research on Pinterest, then we suggest reading our other article here!

That article contains six great tips on how to use Pinterest for your product research.

And if you're interested in advertising your dropshipping store with Pinterest, we suggest reading this article here.

9. Instagram

How to Find Winning Dropshipping Products | Instagram

Another social media platform that you can use to see what products are trending right now is Instagram.

This is great if you're running a niche dropshipping store. Just follow all the Instagram pages inside that niche (you could create a second account for that as well).

This way, you will know when someone runs a shoutout on one of the pages you follow.

If you have found an Instagram page that has a live shoutout, you can see if that product is worth selling yourself as well (look at the comments!).

The great thing is that you can just scroll once or more each day on your feed (on the Instagram account that you follow all these pages) and see if there are any new posts with shoutouts.

Don't forget to check your Instagram Stories as well!

If you're interested in seeing Instagram account examples from other dropshipping stores, then you can read the article I linked to below:

If you want to learn more about how to use Instagram for product research and get inspiration, we highly suggest the following two articles:

10. TikTok

A good starting point for TikTok product research is to look into what other brands are doing.

This can be done with the help of the TikTok Ads Creative Center.

Home page of TikTok Ads Creative Center

From the Creative Center, you can filter your search down a lot or do a broad search, such as 'jewelry.'

Ads search on TikTok

Looking into the successful ads of other brands can give you a lot of product inspiration.

Ads examples on TikTok Ads Creative Center

There are also other ways to use TikTok for product research. If you're interested in those, we have an entire article written on it:

11. Etsy

Similar to the 'rabbit hole' strategy we recommend for AliExpress, the same can be used with Etsy to find winning products.

To do this, you need to head to Etsy's homepage and use the search tool:

Search box of Etsy

You can start with a broad search, such as 'jewelry.'

Search for jewelry on Etsy

To go one step further from here, select one of the results that pop up, such as 'jewelry organizer.'

When you type it in, you will see even more specific results:

Search for travel organizer on Etsy

From here, you can click through to one of the options, such as the 'jewelry organizer travel', and you will see plenty of interesting product opportunities:

Jewelry product examples of Etsy

If you go to any product page on Etsy and scroll down a bit, you can also find a section called 'You may also like', which can act as a good inspiration for similar products:

'You may also like' section of Etsy

That's the basic way of finding potential winning products from Etsy!

Keep in mind that Etsy is a platform focusing mostly on handmade and print on demand products, so this product research method isn't suitable for all niches.

You can also find many beauty products from Etsy, so if that's your niche, then this is great.

12. Product research tools

Doing product research yourself is great (and free most of the time), but it takes a lot of time.

That's where product research tools could come in handy.

These tools help you find the best products for your dropshipping store, so-called 'winning products.'

But what are some of the best product research tools out there?

Here is a full list of the tools we can recommend and link to their website:

Sell The Trend
  • Pricing: $39 per month
  • The Nexus: One of the most powerful features of Sell the Trend is the powerful AI engine which uses an algorithm to show the products trending across all ecommerce stores.
  • A lot of examples: They have a ton of data for each product.
AliExpress Dropshipping Center
  • Pricing: Free
  • No need to dropship via AliExpress: You can use the dropshipping center even if you don’t use AliExpress for dropshipping.
  • Great basic product research options: You can view ‘Sponsored Products’ to get some great inspiration.
  • Pricing: $29 / $49 / $79 per month
  • Includes free tools: There is an Interest Explorer to find hidden Facebook interests, a ROAS Calculator, a Profit Calculator, and more.
  • Clean and easy-to-use interface: The design is clean, and using the tool is intuitive, even if you’ve never seen it before.
  • Pricing: $15 / $49 per month
  • Free supplier tools: Search for suppliers by AliExpress URL or image for free on Thieve's website.
  • A lot of filter and sorting options: With Thieve Supply, you will see a lot of filter and sorting options.
Dropship Spy
  • Pricing: $0 / $19 per month
  • Facebook targeting help: They got so much information for you about who to target.
  • AliExpress product research: They added a tool that will help you get instant live sales data from AliExpress products.
  • Pricing: $0 / $29 / $49 / $69 per month
  • A great free account option: They have a free account option available for you.
  • A lot of inspiration for each product: They include a lot of extra information for each of the products they add.
Niche Scraper
  • Pricing: $13 per month (with our discount code)
  • Great free account: Great for people that don’t want to spend anything on product research tools; just use their free account option!
  • A few great tools inside for product research: This is one of those tools that has both tools inside to help you find great products.
  • Pricing: $20 per month
  • A lot of filter options while doing product research: You can literally filter by anything that you can imagine!
  • Great trial: You can get a full trial before you start paying the monthly plan.
  • Pricing: $39 (monthly) / $79 (yearly) / $ 99 (lifetime)
  • Easy to use: It can access from any device with internet connections.
  • Monthly update: You can see the monthly visit overtime using their tool.
  • Pricing: $49 / $99 / $399 per month
  • Ideas for new products to sell: By showing you ads and products others are finding success with.
  • One of the largest databases: They have close to a billion ads.
  • Pricing: $9 / $59 / $99 per month
  • Data Extraction: Extract meaningful data from big raw data.
  • Programmable Search Engine: Support tens of filtering, sorting, and searching methods.
Shine Commerce
  • Pricing: $0 / $99 / $199 / $499 per month
  • Best selling products: It lets you see the best-selling products, Facebook Ads, and monthly site visitors.
  • Trends: They’ve added a new feature where you can see the top dropshipping trends like top posts and products.
  • Pricing: $147 or $297 per month
  • Find inspiration: Its Discover feature allows you to find some amazing ecommerce stores you can get inspired by.
  • Lots of features: It helps you analyze stores, find suppliers, look up trends, download products details, and more!
  • Pricing: $15 / $38 per month
  • Top-selling designs: Print on demand research tool that reveals top-selling designs from some of the biggest POD stores.
  • Latest and greatest designs: Helps the speed up process of POD by digging into current trends and winners, for you.
Dropshipping Copilot
  • Pricing: $0 / $29.90 / $59.90 per month
  • It can help with a lot: Find winning products, write product descriptions, fulfill orders in bulk, and more!
  • Free to use: The free plan offers all the core features you need.
  • Pricing: €49 / €79 / €249 per month
  • All-in-one tool: You can spy on both Facebook Ads and TikTok Ads, and you can see lots of metrics for each ad and advertiser.
  • Download TikTok Ads without a watermark: But don't run the exact same ad!
  • Pricing: $2 (15 days) / $25 / $100 per month
  • Great trial: Offers a 14-day trial for $1.95.
  • Select awesome products: They add a few hand-picked dropshipping products each day.

If you want to get more familiar with many of the above product research tools, we have reviewed many of them.

Here is a direct link to those:

If you want to compare the above tools, we do it more in this overview article:

If you don't want to pay anything for your product research tools, we also have an article that goes through some of the best free product research tools.

13. Ecommerce marketplace and product listing websites

There are quite many ecommerce websites that you can use as an inspiration.

These websites aren't necessarily selling products, instead they are marketplaces and websites that list popular dropshipping products.

Let's go through four popular ones.


Home page of Flippa

You can find a lot of Shopify stores for sale on Flippa, but the most important thing for you here is that you can select dropshipping as a business type!

Now keep in mind that some Shopify dropshipping stores for sale will be private listings, but some will be public as well!

See as an example this one:

You can see everything, from the website URL to how much their revenue and total traffic is.

Now you can browse through all these dropshipping stores that are on sale, then go to their website and see what products their bestselling products are.

You will get a lot of inspiration from this for sure. If they can grow a Shopify dropshipping store and sell it for $35,000, so can you!

Just don't forget to not literally copy everything. We are doing product research here!

Trend Hunter

Home page of Trend Hunter

Trend Hunter helps dropshippers find winning products by identifying upcoming product trends and consumer insights. They describe themselves as the 'world's most powerful trend platform'.

One of the key features of Trend Hunter is its idea base, which contains over 450,000 product ideas and innovations. Even if you don’t have a paid plan with them, you can see the idea base from their website:

Trend insights of Trend Hunter

Every product idea and innovation has its own trend page, such as this one:

Trend page of Trend Hunter

On every trend page, you can see interesting insights, such as the ‘Trend Themes’ and ‘Industry Implications’:

Trend themes of Trend Hunter

If you want to dropship one of the products you find, these insights can help you make it successful.

Trend Hunter also has more advanced features, like trend reports, but for that, you need to buy a paid plan. The paid plans for Trend Hunter start at $199 per month and increase based on a custom quotation.

Shut Up And Take My Money

How to Find Winning Dropshipping Products | Awesome Websites

You may have heard of the site Shut Up And Take My Money before, but if you haven't, it's basically a website with tons of products that have a 'wow' factor.

The site isn't necessarily aimed at dropshippers, but it will definitely give you inspiration on what kind of products are currently trending and what kinds of products have a chance to sell well!

For example, here are some of the recent products on their site:

Product examples of Shut Up And Take My Money

These products are not often seen in normal retail stores. This is why it's a great site to get inspiration for your dropshipping store.

Touch of Modern

The next one is called Touch of Modern.

Home page of Touch of Modern

This website contains more luxurious products, but you will definitely get some inspiration from them because they've also got a lot of products that you could dropship!

Another option is to go to their Sales Under $25 page.

This will definitely show you some cool products that could do well in your dropshipping store!

If you can't get any product inspiration from that website, at least take a look at their product images. They are awesome, right?

14. Store subscription sites

If you're searching for unique ways to find winning products, this is one of them.

Different news aggregator apps like Feedly or CommaFeed make it easy to keep track of your competitors' product launches.

For product research purposes, this is great, since you can see all of the new products your competitors start selling and potentially start selling them yourself.

Since Feedly is a bit more user-friendly, let’s go over a few of its features.

With Feedly, you can subscribe to an entire niche by selecting 'Product Launches' as the trigger.

This helps you to find winning products from multiple different competitor sites within your niche.

Or, you can subscribe to a specific competitor's product launches using Feedly’s company AI models.

Feedly tracking product launches

Even though most of these news aggregator apps are paid, they can save you a lot of manual effort.


Before we go to the conclusion, we’ve created a quick summary of this article for you so you can easily remember it:

  • To get inspiration from other Shopify stores, you can spy on their best selling products. Additionally, you can take this one step further by using Chrome extensions that show you extra information, like the dropshipping store's sales volume.
  • To use AliExpress for product research, you can scroll through the platform or the available AliExpress dropshipping center. Both are good options for helping you with choosing what to dropship.
  • Google Trends can be useful for finding out whether people are searching for a specific product or not. You can easily filter by country, for example, if you want to see if a specific product is popular in the US or not.
  • You can get inspiration for product research from other brands on social media platforms. While the strategies differ a bit depending on the platform, usually, they revolve around looking at what is working for other brands.
  • Even though free options work, sometimes you may want to speed up your research with different product research tools.


So, there you have it! The best ways to do product research and find winning products.

We hope you've got some great inspiration right now to do your dropshipping product research, and we hope you will find your (next) winning product soon.

If you want some more inspiration for your dropshipping product research, we suggest reading one (or both) of the articles below:

Plus, it's great to know when to stop dropshipping a product.

If you've got any more product research methods for this list or if you have any questions regarding dropshipping, then let me know by commenting below or contacting me directly by pressing the 'Contact Us' button at the top!

Good luck with your product research!

Want to learn more about dropshipping?

Ready to move your dropshipping store to the next level? Check out the articles below:

Plus, don’t forget to check out our in-depth guide on how to start dropshipping here!

See what our fans are saying


  1. Hi Im definitely going to check out those methods. But Im currently looking to create a blog, I read an article, before yours on how to start a blog. Do you think that I should monetise with affiliate marketing?

    • Do Dropshipping - Author Logo

      Hi, thank you for your comment!
      If you want to create a blog, then affiliate marketing is a great way indeed to monetize your blog.

      Good luck and let me know if you ever have any more questions!

  2. Tijani, Bamidele J. Reply

    Hi Richard:

    The above article and other related articles concerning dropshopping has been of great enlightenment. Thanks for the effort you put in gathering this information.

    I am about to start dropshipping; however, I’ve been having problem with picking a particular product.
    I decided to go for baby products (baby furniture in particular).

    What is your advice concerning this niche ?
    I look forward to your immediate response.

    Tijani, B.

    • Do Dropshipping - Author Logo

      Hi Tijani!

      Sorry for my late reply, but thank you so much for your compliment!

      Personally I don’t have any experience with the baby niche, but it could be a great niche if you got experience with it. Maybe you can turn that experience in great newsletters and blog posts to show your audience that you know everything about babies!

      I’ll also reply to your email! Good luck with your dropshipping store.

  3. Tijani, Bamidele J. Reply

    Evening Richard:

    Honestly, I’m glad you replied. Thanks for taking the time to respond to my comment.

    Thanks for the support and the suggestion!

    Tijani, B.J.

  4. wael elkholi Reply

    Another Greaat article, i can’t start my dropshipping project, i keep on reading your articles looool. and every article leads me to another few artices looool. full of very valuable content. Thanks again for your time and effort.

    • Do Dropshipping - Author Logo


      Thank you so much for your awesome comment! You just made my day 😊

      Let me know if you ever got any questions!
      – Richard

  5. Samuel King Reply

    Hi, am just starting out. And your blog is shading a lot of light. I’ve got a question though, do I need to create a new email that will be used for everything concerned with the business?
    thank you

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