Product descriptions for your dropshipping store. This might be the most skipped part ever. Most people out there just copy the descriptions of their supplier and expect to be "rich" the next day. So, what if you want to be better than these people? Well, create your own product descriptions!

The best product descriptions are the ones you create yourself! Start by collecting all the details and benefits of the product. After that, decide how you want your product descriptions to look. Also, don't forget to use the language of your target audience!

What are product descriptions?

What are product descriptions for when you're dropshipping? Here you will display all the information necessary for your visitors to understand your product. Think about things like a sizing guide, product features, package contents and so on.

A product description is a description you can add to your product page. This description can help your store visitors decide to either buy the product or to leave your store and never return.

In this product description, you will display all the information necessary for your visitors to understand your product. Think about things like a sizing guide, product features, package contents, and so on.

Product descriptions are also a must if you plan on getting free traffic (SEO) to your dropshipping store. Your product descriptions will need to contain content in order to have a better chance of ranking your products in search engines like Google.

If you don't know anything related to ranking in search engines, then I suggest reading this article about how to use SEO to get free traffic to your dropshipping store.

Should you create your own product descriptions?

Should you create your own product descriptions for your dropshipping store?


Too short?

Well, let me ask you this question: do you want your product descriptions to be the same as everyone else? Or do you want something unique; something that you can test and edit the way you want so that it fits perfectly with your target audience?

Of course, copying the product descriptions of your supplier will be easy and it might be the best option if you don't want to spend any time on your dropshipping store (read: be like everyone else).

But, as I said before, to be able to succeed in dropshipping, you need to put time and effort into your dropshipping store.

Another problem with using the product descriptions of your suppliers is that they often don’t go beyond the physical features of a product and don’t describe the benefits and results. This is what most customers need to make their decision.

Below you will find an example of a product description from a product on AliExpress. You will see that it just mentions some features like color, holder size, and so on.

Even though you should write your own product descriptions, luckily, there are some great tools available that can speed up the process.

An example is PagePilot:

PagePilot homepage

This AI tool can generate an entire product page for you in just a few clicks!

It's really simple to use as well. You start with an AliExpress or Shopify product like this baby towel:

Baby bath towel

You take the AliExpress link and paste it into PagePilot:

PagePilot generate product page

It will handle the page's layout, description, and copywriting.

And just look at the result!

PagePilot product page example

All of this is generated in under a minute!

If you're interested, click here to try PagePilot 100% free!

Beat your competition: Put some time into your product descriptions!

Here is your chance to beat your competition. Most people who start a dropshipping store don't want to put that much time into it and just want to get "rich over night."

These people just blindly copy these product descriptions and wonder why not many of their store visitors want to buy their product(s).

Also, if you use product descriptions from multiple suppliers for different products, you have a great chance of your product descriptions being inconsistent.

Some descriptions might be long, some might be short. Another might only contain a sizing guide. While another might only contain some featured bullet points.

This could become something negative if someone decides to browse around your store more and see more products. They could lose trust in your dropshipping store, and they might decide to leave.

That's why creating your own product descriptions for your dropshipping store is a great idea. You could have the same kind of description for all of your products. Plus, you will know what to split test to get the perfect product descriptions for your target audience!

Ready to create your own product descriptions?

Quick tip:
Writing unique product descriptions is not the only way to beat your dropshipping competition. You can click here to learn seven ways to beat your competition!

How do you create product descriptions for your dropshipping store that sell?

Alright, it's time to create your own product descriptions for your dropshipping store!

As you read above, creating your own product descriptions is great if you want to beat your competition, and you have more chance of getting sales!

Before I begin, I want to say that although I suggest creating awesome product descriptions for every product, it might be better to make 1-3 products perfect and to start advertising with these. Definitely if you're just beginning. You can click the link if you want to know why I think that!

Also, a big part of writing product descriptions is learning how to do copywriting. You can click here to learn everything about copywriting for dropshipping stores.

Plus, I even included a bonus tip at the end for you in case you're having trouble with coming up with ideas for your product description.

Are you excited now?

If so, let's begin!

Step 1. Collecting all the product details

How to Create Product Descriptions for your Dropshipping Store that sell? Step 1: Collecting all the product details

To start off, you need to decide where you want to create your product description.

You could either directly edit the description on your ecommerce platform (like Shopify), or you could make something like a Word document and create your description there first!

After that, it's time to collect all the information on the product to create an awesome product description.

1. Getting all the information from your supplier

Go to the product page of your supplier. Copy all the relevant information on the product you're about to sell. Paste that information in your document or directly to your product description (whatever you decided above).

Below you will find an example of a "Batter Dispenser" from AliExpress. The information that is outlined with red is information you could use for your own product description.

2. Checking Amazon

After you've checked the product description of your supplier, it's time to check Amazon.

You could decide to just keeping it to the first step, but checking Amazon might give you some more ideas for the product descriptions you're writing.

Just please remember that you're writing your own product descriptions here. Don't just copy the product descriptions of someone else.

It could hurt your chances of ranking in search engines. Search engines don't like duplicate content.

You will see an example below of a batter dispenser on Amazon that looks the same as the one I selected from AliExpress in the example above.

As you can see, there are a lot of bullet points which could give you some ideas of how to structure your own product description.

Also, it could give you some ideas on what kind of information you were missing.

3. Checking competitors

Another great way to get some inspiration is to check other stores that are selling the same product.

Again, remember it's just as inspiration for your own product description. Don't just blindly copy and paste everything you find.

You could do a reverse image lookup on Google for one of the product images of the product.

Or you could enter the name of the product, plus something like myshopify or Shopify at the end.

This way you will have a good chance of finding other stores who are selling the same product. Just click on a few stores and see what you else you might be missing.

Now you can also do research on how to be better or different from the rest of the stores who are selling the same product. Think about price, product pictures, what kind of sale to hold to attract new visitors, and so on!

Now, let's start making a product description from all the information you have!

Step 2. Getting all the benefits from the product

How to Create Product Descriptions for your Dropshipping Store that sell? Step 2: Getting all the benefits from the product

So, now that you have collected all the product details, it's time to gather all the benefits of the product.

Displaying the benefits of the product in your product description will give your potential new customers a reason to buy.

Some examples of the benefits your product might have:

  • Could it make the life of your customers better or easier?
  • Could it save your customer money after purchasing your product?
  • Could it save your customer time?

You could also add benefits like these:

  • Great as a gift
  • Easy to use or install

Also, if you have a technical product, try to turn technical specifications into easily understandable benefits for your customers.

If all your customers are tech-savvy, then yes, having more technical details might work, but the chances are they won't!

A great last tip is that buyers don't typically respond to 'features' as well as they do to 'benefits'. Try to always sell benefits.

For example, if you're trying to sell an ice maker, people are more likely to buy it if you tell them a 'benefit' is having cold drinks on hot days, as opposed to telling them it makes ten cubes every 20 minutes!

Step 3. Finding the perfect product description format

How to Create Product Descriptions for your Dropshipping Store that sell? Step 3: Finding the perfect product description format

Now that you have all the information and the benefits of the products, it's time to find the perfect product description format for your dropshipping store.

Having the same product description format for all your products is a great way to stay consistent throughout your dropshipping store.

But don't worry, you don't have to stick with the same product description format forever! Pick a kind of product description you like and then stick with it until you do some advertisements tests.

After you've made some sales, or if you can't make any sales, you could always change and tweak your product descriptions to increase your conversion rates!

For example, here's a product description from Chubbies Shorts:

Chubbies product description example ecommerce

And here are some great lists of awesome product description examples. Take these as inspiration on how you want your own to look:

Also, when you're looking at other dropshipping stores (as you did at step 1.3), you will surely see a lot of things that you would like to have in your own product descriptions!

Click here to see my tips on how to find successful Shopify Dropshipping Stores!

Step 4. Writing the product descriptions for your target audience

How to Create Product Descriptions for your Dropshipping Store that sell? Step 4: Writing the product descriptions for your target audience

This is a small step, but still an important step. You need to make sure that your product description "uses the voice" of your target audience.

That means that you will need to use different kinds of words depending on what kind of people will visit your store.

For example, if you're going to sell fidget spinners to teenagers, then you need to make sure that you use a language and phrasing that they can relate to.

To extend that example: you will not use that same language and phrasing again when you want to write a product description for a baby product for parents!

Also, don't forget to double-check your product description for grammar and spelling mistakes, for example, by using Grammarly.

Mistake in Grammarly example

You can learn more about the reasons to use a tool like Grammarly here.

Note: Want to know how to make your product pages even better? Check out ConvertMate 一 a Shopify app that uses AI to optimize product pages, improve SEO, and track customer behavior.

Step 5. Using social proof in your product descriptions

How to Create Product Descriptions for your Dropshipping Store that sell? Step 5: Using social proof in your product descriptions

Including social proof in your product descriptions is a great way to build more trust with your store visitors. A great way to get social proof is to include product reviews.

Have you ever hesitated before making a purchase, only to change your mind when a friend tells you to go for it? This works in the same way.

From SQLI Digital Experience

For example, Wp standard includes a lot of helpful user reviews to help their visitors decide if they want the product or not.

Bonus tip: For even better results, you could include reviews with a picture from your customers.

Step 6. Using scarcity and urgency in your product descriptions

How to Create Product Descriptions for your Dropshipping Store that sell? Step 6: Using scarcity and urgency in your product descriptions

Scarcity and urgency! Two marketing strategies that you could use inside your product descriptions to increase your conversion rates.

If you want to learn more about how to use scarcity and urgency in your dropshipping store, I suggest reading one of the following articles:

Just make sure you don't overuse them, like putting every product on the same sale with the same discount and countdown timer. There are exceptions of course, like when you have a Black Friday storewide sale!

Bonus tip: Using an AI tool that helps you create a product description

If you're still stuck with creating your own product description, then don't worry!

This bonus tip will help you; using an AI (artificial intelligence) tool. You might have heard of it already or maybe not, but this is the latest hype in the marketing space.

For this example, let's use one of the best ones out there: Jasper.

Unlike other tools that generate words, this one actually does the work for you! You can upload some content, and it will spit back to you what would make sense in context - saving time and hassle!

Let's put it into action! Suppose that we want to sell this amazing looking bed for dogs:

Now let's head over to Jasper and simply put your information in the 'Product description template'.

Don't worry though, they can also help with things like the product name, but I kept it simple for this example:

And don't forget that this is to get you started - to give you inspiration. You can still make edits to make it fit with your dropshipping store, and you can even combine multiple outputs to create one amazing description!

Sounds great, right?

If you think so as well, then check it out here and get 10,000 extra words for free!

Note: Did you know that Jasper launched Jasper Art? This helps you create images with AI! Check out our in-depth review here.


Now you hopefully know that creating your own product descriptions is a must to beat your competition later on. Yes, it might take some time, but it will definitely be worth it!

Just follow these six steps whenever you want to create a new product description for your dropshipping store. And don't forget to learn more about copywriting as well!

If you want to learn how to be even more unique with your dropshipping store, then I suggest reading my other article here to learn how to get awesome product images for your dropshipping store.

That's it! If you have any suggestions or if something is unclear to you, please don't hesitate to comment below, or you can contact me directly by pressing the "Contact Us" button at the top!

Don't forget to keep learning and improving every single day! Keep learning from your mistakes.

Getting started with dropshipping in 2024

So, are you ready to get started with dropshipping? Or maybe you have already started but you’re looking to get some inspiration?

If so, I suggest reading my complete Shopify dropshipping guide!

It's a huge article, but it contains everything that you need to know to create your own Shopify dropshipping store in 2024. It's like a dropshipping course, but for free!

Reading this article will surely help you to get started and stay motivated while beginning and continuing your dropshipping journey!

Just don’t forget that success takes time. Keep improving each and every day!

Shopify Dropshipping: A 20-Step Guide to Starting Your Store

Here are some of our best articles:

Also, if you don’t have a Shopify store yet, then you can click here to get a free 3-day trial + 1 month for $1!

Get your free Shopify trial

Want to learn more about dropshipping?

Ready to move your dropshipping store to the next level? Check out the articles below:

Plus, don’t forget to check out our in-depth guide on how to start dropshipping here!

See what our fans are saying


  1. Shawn Fredrick Reply

    Great post! I shared this with my product description writer and he found it very informative.

  2. Antonia Benko Reply

    I cannot thank you enough for the article.Really thank you! Keep writing!

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