Getting enough sales can be hard, right?

Look, if you're looking to start or expand your dropshipping business, what can you do to make sure that you're successful?

In this article, we got the answer for you with 12 tips for boosting your dropshipping sales in 2024!

12 Tips to boost your dropshipping sales

Let's take a quick look at the 12 tips that you can implement even today to boost your dropshipping sales:

  1. Have a professional, conversion-optimized website
  2. Don't have all products at a discount
  3. Use bundles to increase AOV
  4. Use a blog to further increase your revenue in the long term
  5. Offer discount after purchase to increase customer retention
  6. Use SMS marketing
  7. Enhance your email marketing
  8. Try to sell evergreen products
  9. Build a brand, not just a dropshipping store
  10. Use direct mail
  11. Have custom images and videos of your products
  12. Have outstanding customer service

Looks great, right? Let's go over them in more detail now!

1. Have a professional, conversion-optimized website

Getting traffic is hard and, most of the time, expensive too.

Of all of the clicks that your potential customers do (based on average online stores that are seven-ten clicks), only one happens on ads.

The rest are on your website.

Hence, no question, you need to have a website that looks great, is user-friendly, and converts well.

It helps you to be able to maximize your profits and grow your business more effectively.

Your store should look like an established e-commerce business with real backing behind it and not just some hobby project of yours.

You can use a custom-coded website, or the easier choice is to pick one of the best themes

Key elements for your online store

Online store example

When it comes to online business - dropshipping business in particular -it's especially important that your website looks professional and trustworthy.

When you are starting out, you are likely selling a product that many other dropshipping businesses also have on their website.

The way you can stand out from the competition is where you have more control: your website.

This is because customers are much more likely to purchase products from an established e-commerce site than from a new and unproven dropshipping store.

There are several things you can do to optimize your dropshipping store for conversions, including the following:

Use high-quality images

leggings product page

When dropshipping, it's important to use high-quality images on your product pages.

This makes it easier for customers to visualize what they're buying and increases the likelihood that they'll make a purchase.

Use video

Video can be a powerful tool for increasing conversions on your dropshipping store. It can help you showcase your products in a more engaging way, which can result in more sales.

Use effective copy

Your product page copy is one of the most important factors that determine whether or not a customer makes a purchase.

Make sure to write persuasive and interesting copy that accurately describes your products.

Need inspiration for your product description? Try out Jasper AI here!

Use UGC (user-generated content)

When dropshipping, it's a good idea to use UGC on your website. UGC can help you build trust with customers and increase conversions.

You can use a service like Billo to obtain some UGC videos from one of their thousands of vetted video creators working from their home studios all over the United States!

Billo homepage

It's the most accessible and affordable way to get UGC videos for your ecommerce business!

Interested? You can learn more about Billo's services and pricing on their website.

Use social proof

Social proof example

Social proof is one of the most effective ways to convince customers to make a purchase. Make sure to showcase reviews and testimonials from happy customers on your website.

Use a strong call to action

A strong call to action is essential for convincing customers to make a purchase. Make sure your call to action is clear and easy to see and that it stands out from the rest of the page.

Use trust seals

Trust seals help you build trust with your customers. Make sure to display a few different trust seals on each product page of your dropshipping store.

Optimize for mobile

Two people standing next to a mobile with a product page on it

It's important that your dropshipping website is optimized for mobile devices. Many people browse the internet on their smartphones these days, and this number is only going to increase in 2024 and beyond.

Other things you can do to optimize your dropshipping site include A/B testing, improving navigation, reducing loading times, etc…

Simplify your online store

The more clicks and steps you have on your dropshipping website, the less likely it is that customers will make a purchase.

Make it as easy as possible for customers to find what they're looking for and make a purchase.

You also need to put effort into speed optimization so that your website loads as quickly as possible.

Based on statistics, slow loading speed will increase the bounce rate drastically.

Use price anchoring

Price anchoring is a psychological tactic where a higher initial price is presented alongside a lower selling price.

For example, let’s say you’re selling a hoodie for $30. You add a price of $50, which the customer sees first. Then, this price is visually crossed out and replaced with the actual selling price of $30.

This not only draws attention but also makes the $30 price point appear more appealing due to the contrast with the higher 'anchored' price.

One example of how to add this to your store is by using the app Kaching Bundle!

Kaching Bundle Quantity Breaks app on Shopify App Store

With it, you can create eye-catching bundle deals like "2 for $50 30" on your product pages and improve your sales even more!

In short, the Kaching Bundle app makes your product pages pop! So, if you're in dropshipping or POD, you can try it here! Use the code 'dodropshipping' during checkout to enjoy a 20% discount on all plans!

2. Don't have all products at a discount

When you are starting out, it's important to offer discounts on your products in order to attract more customers.

However, you should not keep all of your products at a discount for the entire year.

This will devalue your brand and make it seem like you're not a credible dropshipping business.

Example of having all products on sale
Source: Pet Pawtrol (Currently offline)

Instead, it's best to have a sale every few months or so. This will help you attract new customers without devaluing your brand.

This will help you keep your brand fresh in the minds of your customers and make them more likely to purchase from you when they're not on sale.

Keep in mind that it's important to strike a balance between discounts and regular prices so that your customers don't get used to always getting a good deal.

If you offer too many discounts, your customers may start expecting them all the time, and this could lead to fewer sales in the long run.

3. Use bundles to increase AOV

Bundle example

There are a few reasons why it's important for an ecommerce store to increase its average order value:

  1. Increasing your AOV can help you increase your profits. You pay for the customer once (ads). If let's say, once purchase costs you $10 on Facebook, it does matter if you get $20 or $40 value for it. Essentially, it increases your ROAS.
  2. It can help you grow your business. When customers buy more items at once, they're more likely to become repeat customers. This means that you'll be able to generate more revenue over time by increasing your AOV.
  3. Finally, it can help you compete with other businesses in your industry. If you can offer customers a better value, they're more likely to choose your business over a competitor.

Bundles are a great way to increase the average order value of each customer who purchases from you because they allow customers to buy multiple products at once for less money than if they bought them individually.

This means that not only will you get more orders due to bundling, but also those orders will be larger in size, so you'll make even more profit!

Bundling can be done by grouping together related products or complementary products into one bundled product listing, which has its own unique SKU number assigned specifically for this bundle sale.

You can also offer discounts on bundled products in order to increase sales.

Make sure to experiment with different types of bundles and see which ones work best for your dropshipping store.

And for those looking to supercharge their store's upselling potential, you might want to consider installing a specialized app like MonsterUpsells.

With features like 'Frequently Bought Together' and 'Buy More, Save More,' MonsterUpsells can streamline the process of creating powerful bundle offers:

MonsterUpsells features overview

It provides your customers with intuitive opportunities to add more to their cart, thereby effectively increasing your AOV.

Remember, the key is to make the purchasing process as seamless and rewarding as possible for your customers!

4. Use a blog to further increase your revenue in the long term

Create a blog to increase your dropshipping sales

Blogs are a great way to increase dropshipping sales because they allow you to share your knowledge and expertise with potential customers.

They also help build trust and credibility, which is important for dropshippers who want people to buy from them.

And you not just build trust and credibility but also can significantly decrease your expenses in relation to your ecommerce store.

One significant cost for a dropshipping business is ads.

With blogging, you can reduce your cost dramatically as customers will come organically thanks to the search engines.

However, we have to highlight the fact that the blog extension to your blog won't product result overnight. It will take time; however, in the long run, definitely worth it.

If you're looking to further increase dropshipping revenue in the long term, then start blogging about topics related to what you sell on your store today!

5. Offer discount after purchase to increase customer retention

One way to increase dropshipping sales is by offering a discount to customers after they make a purchase.

This will encourage them to come back and buy from you again in the future plus, offering a discount code is cheaper than showing an ad to them to come back.

What are the ways to offer discounts post-purchase?

There are a few ways that you can offer discounts to customers after they've made a purchase.

The first is through coupon codes. You can create coupon codes that are specific to each customer and give them a discount on their next purchase.

Discount example

Another way to offer discounts is by automatically applying them to the customer's account after they've made a purchase. This will encourage them to come back and buy from you again in the future.

Finally, you could also send out an email thanking the customer for their purchase and include a discount code that they can use on their next order.

6. Use SMS marketing

SMS marketing stats

SMS marketing is a great way to increase dropshipping sales because it allows you to reach potential customers quickly and easily.

It's also an affordable way to market your store, which is important for dropshippers who are on a tight budget.

A few ways to increase your dropshipping sales with SMS marketing

SMS marketing example

The first is by sending out text messages about new products or promotions that are happening in your store.

Another thing that you can do is send out text message reminders about items that the customer has left in their cart. This will encourage them to come back and finish their purchase.

You can also use SMS marketing to build relationships with customers by sending them updates on how their order is coming along.

Another thing that you can do with SMS marketing in order to increase dropshipping sales is by setting up a drip campaign where messages are sent out automatically at certain intervals based on when the customer made their last purchase from your store.

You could also use this type of campaign to send discounts or coupons for repeat purchases, which will encourage them to come back and buy again in the future.
If you want to have a successful online business, SMS marketing is a great addition.

For more information, check out this article here!

7. Enhance your email marketing

Email marketing example from Koia
Example from Koia

Email marketing is frequently used amongst online retailers.

Hence, not surprisingly, it is one of the most effective dropshipping marketing strategies to increase dropshipping sales.

Email marketing allows you to communicate with your customers on a regular basis and build trust between them in order to drive more sales.

How do you make your email marketing better?

Email marketing can be made even more effective by adding additional content to your emails.

For example, you could include images, videos, or gifs to catch the reader's attention.

You could also write articles that are related to your products and include them in your email newsletters.

This will help to increase the chances that the reader will be interested in what you have to say and will be more likely to make a purchase.

Another way to enhance your email marketing is by segmenting your email lists so that you can send out different messages to different groups of people. (Tip: you can do this with your email marketing service!)

This will allow you to target specific customers with the information that they're most likely to be interested in.

Finally, you could also personalize your dropshipping email marketing by including the customer's name at the top of each email or adding their first name to the subject line.

Email marketing campaigns

Here are some examples of email campaigns that can help boost your dropshipping business:

  • Abandoned cart emails
  • Welcome email series
  • Product review requests
  • Back-in-stock alerts/product upsells

If you're interested in learning more about email marketing, check out our complete beginner's guide here!

8. Try to sell evergreen products

printy6 products

The reason why most of the dropshipping businesses go down is because of the only trend-based products.

While it is important to offer products that are of the current trends, it is also important to have a good mix of evergreen products.

This will help to ensure that your sales remain consistent, regardless of what is happening in the world outside of your business.

Being able to offer products that are always in demand can help you weather any drops in sales.

Also, it can ensure that you will always have products in stock.

Trendy products are being sold by a lot of other store owners as well, which can cause some shortages with the dropshipping suppliers to fulfill your orders if you rely on only these products.

9. Build a brand, not just a dropshipping store

Example from DropCommerce

Dropshipping business model is great, and it makes online business accessible to many entrepreneurs who don't want to invest their money into stocking and storing inventory.

But accessibility should not mean that you don't take it seriously as a business.

In order for your dropshipping store to be successful, you need to put in the extra effort to build a brand.

This means creating a unique identity for your business and doing everything you can to make sure that customers remember who you are and what you stand for.

A dropshipping store that doesn't have a brand is much more likely to fail than one that does.

So despite it taking time and effort, it is well worth it in the end.

Tip: Not sure yet about your profit margin? Check our dropshipping profit margin guide here!

10. Use direct mail

With online marketing becoming increasingly expensive, it's becoming more important to use marketing strategies that have lower competition.

And one effective yet often overlooked strategy is direct mail marketing!

By sending physical postcards, you can create a memorable experience and connect with customers or store visitors. (Unlike digital ads that get lost in crowded inboxes.)

Services like PostPilot make this process easy by offering targeted campaigns that integrate directly with your ecommerce platform:

PostPilot homepage

Direct mail provides a physical touchpoint that digital ads can't match.

Customers are more likely to remember and engage with something they can hold in their hands!

Direct mail increase LTV

Unlike crowded email inboxes, direct mailboxes have less competition, increasing the chances of your mail being noticed.

According to PostPilot, direct mail gets up to 95% open rates and 28% response rates!

PostPilot statistics

Receiving a well-designed mailpiece can also build trust and credibility with your customers.

This can really increase your sales as most other dropshippers (and even established brands) simply don't use this marketing method!

PostPilot social proof

The con of direct mail is that it works best when you have a significant amount of data that shows customer segments you can target.

Therefore, PostPilot recommends having at least $3 million in annual store revenue to ensure the segment sizes are large enough to gather statistically relevant data and impact your overall business.

11. Have custom images and videos of your products

Two people searching on Google

Ever noticed how many online stores have the same product photos?

Yep, it’s a common problem.

Using those old, duplicated images from your supplier can actually hurt your store's visibility on search engines like Google.

That's where OnModel steps in. This Shopify app uses AI to transform your existing photos into unique images!

OnModel Shoipfy app

You can:

  • Swap out the models in your clothing images (For example, according to your target market.)
  • Put your t-shirt design on an AI-made model (No more costly photoshoots!)
  • Change photo backgrounds
  • Add faces to cropped images.
OnModel Localize clothing photos with AI

If you're in dropshipping or POD, you can try OnModel here!

A great alternative to OnModel is Botika.

It takes your current on-model photos and turns them into an unlimited selection of professional product images:

Botika transform headless photos

The best thing about Botika is that they developed dozens of models and backgrounds in-house, which results in super-realistic photos:

Botika AI models

If you're interested, check out Botika's website here or try out their Shopify app here!

It will be worth it in the long run. Check out this article here to learn more about product images!

12. Have outstanding customer service

Homepage of Intercom

In dropshipping business, it can be hard to stand out from the crowd.

But one of the best ways to do this is by offering outstanding customer service.

This means more than simply selling a product at the lowest price or having a quick delivery time.

It also means doing what you can to provide excellent customer service and resolving any issues that may arise in a timely manner.

For example, if someone orders an item but does not receive it within 24 hours, then contact them about it immediately instead of waiting for them to contact you first (which they might not).

If there is an issue with their order, such as the wrong shipping address was provided, or even credit card payment declined due to some reason, then contact them about it immediately and let them know what is going on.

This can help to build trust with your dropshipping customers, which will make them more likely to buy from you again in the future.

It also helps to reduce returns and complaints that might otherwise happen if people were left waiting for their orders without any response at all.

Related article: Ready to upgrade your customer service? Check out our complete guide here!

Is dropshipping still profitable in 2024?

Dropshipping is a business model that has been around for many years, and it doesn't look like it will be going away anytime soon.

This is because it is a great way for entrepreneurs to start their own online businesses without having to invest a lot of money into a stocking and storing inventory.

But despite its popularity, there are some people who are unsure if dropshipping is still profitable in 2024.

Well, we firmly believe that you can do a successful dropshipping business in 2024 and beyond.


Let's look at some statistics:

Google Trends for dropshipping - worldwide
Google trends

The dropshipping market value:

  • 2017: USD 102.2 Billion
  • 2020: USD 149.4 Billion
  • *2025: USD 557.9 Billion *revenue estimation

We can see that the dropshipping market is only going to continue growing in the years to come, no doubt about it.

However, if you are interested in more detail about the future of dropshipping, I recommend checking out this post!


Dropshipping sales are not as easy to come by these days.

There is a lot of competition out there, so it can be difficult for dropshippers with limited budgets and/or no advertising experience to stand out from the crowd.

But there are also some dropshipping tips that have been shown to work time and time again - like having custom images or videos of your products, providing outstanding customer service, leveraging UGC, etc.

Just don't forget to correctly track your sales, which you can learn more about here!

If you're looking for more dropship advice on how to increase your dropshipping sales, then check back soon because we post tips and tricks regularly.

Want to learn more about dropshipping?

Ready to move your dropshipping store to the next level? Check out the articles below:

Plus, don’t forget to check out our in-depth guide on how to start dropshipping here!

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