Sell The Trend is a frequently mentioned tool among dropshippers.

It can help you find winning products, dropshipping suppliers, and even build your online store!

But does it live up to its promises?

We're here to find out!

Sell The Trend Overview
Shopify App Store Rating5.0 out of 5.0 (22 reviews)
Trustpilot Rating4.7 out of 5.0 (67 reviews)
Pros- Uses an AI algorithm to show trending products
- A lot of winning product examples
- A ton of filters for finding products
- Can help you manage your orders
- AI brand builder
Cons- Pricing is relatively high
- Can feel overwhelming for beginners
- They have a few upsells that cost extra
Pricing$39.97 per month
Free trial?Get a free 7-day trial here (Cancel anytime.)

Update: The review has been updated with their latest design change and their new features, like the launch of Shops, connection to CJdropshipping, and AI Brand Builder!

Sell The Trend Review Is this the best dropshipping product research tool?

What is Sell The Trend?

Sell The Trend is a product research tool that helps you find winning products for your store with data sources from AliExpress, Amazon, CJdropshipping, and a ton of Shopify stores.

The great thing is that you can do each of these steps yourself with all the different tools that they have inside:

The tools inside Sell The Trend

It's like you're subscribing to a lot of different product research tools, right? Well, you've got all of this inside one tool!

Awesome, right?

Plus, they've currently got almost eight million products available for you:

Amount of products in Sell The Trend

Sell The Trend: An In-Depth Review

Dashboard of Sell The Trend

Are you ready to find out if this product research tool is something for you or not?

Are you ready to see Sell The Trend from the inside and not just see screenshots from their website?

If so, then let’s get started with my awesome in-depth review of Sell The Trend!

Just to note, I won’t just include images from their landing page. This way, you can know exactly if this product research tool is something for you or not. For example:

Examples of hot products in Sell The Trend

I will show you all the tools inside Sell The Trend. These tools will help you find winning products for your dropshipping store.

With each tool, I will give you my personal opinion of that tool in the form of a conclusion. Is that tool worth using? Can they improve something? And so on.

And of course, in the end, I will give you my final conclusion of if I think Sell The Trend is worth your money or not!

A quick warning though, it’s a long review because I’m going over everything inside Sell The Trend.

So, if you don’t have time, simply scroll to the bottom to see the conclusion!

Some great things in each product research tool inside Sell the Trend

I will first show you a few things that are great and that you can find in each of these tools that I'm about to review for you below.

Each tool has a favorite section

You can press the red heart in the corner of the product or store. This way, you can keep scrolling without having to worry where that awesome product, store or ad was that you liked so much!

An example of a product that I added to favorites

You can then find them again, easily organized:

Favorites menu

And this is how it will look like then:

Favorite product examples

Each tool has a lot of filter and sorting options

And by a lot, I mean a lot. I still haven't tried them all yet.

For example, see these screenshots below of the filter and sorting options of their "Nexus." (More about the Nexus below)

Here you can see the filter options:

filter options inside Sell The Trend

As you can see, you can filter things like where they ship from, if they have a video, and more.

And here you can see the sorting options:

sorting options inside Sell The Trend

Awesome, right?

You can sort most of the results of these tools by niches and categories

You can see the screenshot below for some of the categories and niches that you can sort by:

Category and niche examples inside Sell The Trend

I think this is awesome if you don't have any inspiration yet about which niche to pick for your dropshipping store.

Each page has a tutorial video

If you're new to a tool inside Sell The Trend, then they will show you a pop-up at the top like this one:

Example of the 'tutorials' button

If you can't find that one anymore, then you can always press on the 'Tutorials' or 'Watch Tutorials' button, which will show you a video demonstration of that tool!

Plus, they've got a whole page dedicated to all their tutorial videos:

Tutorial videos inside Sell The Trend

That's why I thought it was so easy to use when I first tried it.

AliExpress Explorer

The AliExpress explorer

Do you know what would be great?

To see all the hot products, new stars and hidden gems on AliExpress, right?

Well, you can with their AliExpress explorer!

Like I said above, you will have a lot of filter and sorting options. For example, you can filter to only show products priced over a certain amount. Or to only show products over a certain amount of orders. You can even sort it by if that product has a video available or not.

You can also filter on by the number of stars that the product must have. This is great if you only want to see products with, for example, more than 4.8 stars:

Filter options in the AliExpress explorer

What I like the most is that they show a graph with each product. This graph gives you some information, like how many orders the product had over time.

This means that you need to look for a product with a graph that’s going up! Like this product:

AliExpress explorer chart example

The best products then, of course, are the ones where the graph doesn't have a flat line, and it seems like it’s going up and up. This means that there is a demand for that product.

Conclusion of the AliExpress Explorer

I love that they show you so much data, especially the graph. It’s great that you can see how well the product is selling on AliExpress. Is that product getting any orders these past weeks, or not?

Personally, for me, it was quite overwhelming because there were so many products.

I could keep scrolling and new products came popping up that I had never even heard of.

But I guess this is a good thing. It showed me how much data they have.

Amazon Explorer

The Amazon explorer

As you probably know, Amazon is a great site for product research. To see what sells well.

Now you can let Sell The Trend do the boring part.

This tool will show you the hot products, hidden gems and new stars on Amazon at this moment.

Just like with the AliExpress explorer, they will give you data on how well that product is growing:

Product example in the Amazon explorer

You can see how much it increases each day and the overall increment since they began tracking the product.

Conclusion of the Amazon Explorer

I thought it was amazing that you don’t have to go to Amazon anymore and manually look at how each product is ranking for each category.

Yes, you can’t sort on dropshipping products, but neither can you do that on Amazon.

You use Amazon to get product ideas and see what’s hot and selling well because it’s a great sign if something is selling well on Amazon.

Shopify Store Explorer

You've got two options inside this tool, the product and the store explorer.

Shopify Product Explorer

The first option is the product explorer. This shows you every product from every store that they are tracking.

Like with each explorer tool, you've got a lot of filter and sorting options available to you.

The great thing is that you can filter by "Dropshipping Verified." This will only show you products that are confirmed to be from stores that are focused on dropshipping:

Shopify product examples

Shopify Store Explorer

The second option is the store explorer. This shows you every Shopify store that they are currently tracking:

Shopify store explorer

The great thing, as with the option above, is that you can filter by dropshipping stores. This will only show you Shopify dropshipping stores!

But as you might have guessed already, they have a lot more data available for you.

As you can see above, they show you a lot more information than just a Shopify store name:

  • They will show you how much traffic per month each store is getting. I think it’s an estimate. If they don't have that information for that store, they will show you "Low Traffic."
  • They also show you how much that store spends on tech (like Shopify apps) each month. Again, I think it’s an estimate.
  • They will also show you if they found any tracking on that store. Like from Facebook or Google.
  • And they will show you their social media profiles. The last thing that they will show you is if they found any social media profiles from that store. For example, Facebook, YouTube, Instagram and so on.

Conclusion of the Shopify Store Explorer

I absolutely love this tool. I used it for one of our popular articles: Awesome Dropshipping Store Examples.

It gave me an easy way to find other Shopify dropshipping stores out there to see what everyone else is doing with their product descriptions, home pages and so on. Definitely a great way to learn!

Dropshipping store examples with the 'dropshipping store filter'

One thing though, not all dropshipping stores are “Dropshipping Verified.” So if you can’t find any more dropshipping stores, try searching without that filter enabled.

The Nexus product research machine

Tools inside the nexus

The Nexus. This is their powerful product research machine!

If you’re not that interested in these tools above or simply don’t have the time to look at each one manually, this is the tool for you!

It combines all the tools that I reviewed above and shows you what products are trending, hot, and on the rise.

These steps are all the tools I reviewed for you above. Now finally comes the last step: The Nexus!

Example of a product in the Nexus

This tool does a lot. So, if you want to know more about it, I suggest watching this video from them below. They will explain everything to you:

A.I Powered Dropshipping Product Research | The NEXUS Explorer from Sell The Trend

Conclusion of The Nexus product research machine

I guess you already know what I’m going to say. This one is awesome!

You can find so many products that you can sell, and you don't even need that much time for it!

I will show you an example of a product from their Nexus below! This product was on their Hot Products section, and it took me less than ten seconds to find.

Sell The Trend dropshipping product example

You might recognize it from the screenshot above:

Product example - a pet travel carrier

Here are a few things explained when you find a product you like and you press on the 'Product Research' button (which you will see if you hover over a product):

  • A lot of data. At the top, you will find the most important data points like how many orders it received, the total amount of sales, and more:
The numbers for that product
  • The charts. This will put you in the 'driver seat' and lets you choose what you want to see. For example, you can see the number of orders the product received, which can help you spot a trend:
Charts for that product
  • Product insights. This is the most amazing piece of it! Here, Sell The Trend will help you make sense of all the data they collected:
Tips from Sell The Trend for that product
  • See the stores and suppliers that are selling the product. Here you can easily view all the stores that are selling that product:
Stores and suppliers selling that product
  • Facebook targeting. Need some help with finding your target audience? No worries! Just scroll down to the bottom of the product research page of that product:
Example of Facebook targeting for that product
Let's talk about the buttons under the data

These buttons will bring you to the platform that you click on. They will automatically search for the name of your product.

The buttons

For example, the Facebook button will bring you to the Facebook Ad Library, where you can view all the Facebook Ads that are currently active for that product:

Facebook Ad examples for that product

Here you can see the example from if you press on the Amazon button:

Products on Amazon

And the YouTube button:

Youtube videos around the product

And here is one of the Shopify stores that are currently selling this product:

Shopify store example selling the product
You can view the product page here
Was that enough data for you to do product research?

Well, if it's not, then read on!

You can press on 'Stores Trend' on the product you like. You can press it instead of the 'Orders Trend':

Stores trend example

This is great if you find a product that has been added a few times already the past week. This indicates that the product is trending!

Added to store by day - chart

Extra tools inside Sell The Trend

If these product research tools above aren’t enough to convince you that this tool is great, they have a few more awesome tools for you to get the best dropshipping store out there.

Yes, these tools below might not be perfect for the more experienced dropshippers (it might miss some features), but don’t forget that these are all included in one tool. No need to pay anything extra.

If you think that you have read enough and want to try the trial already, then you can click here or on the image below to start your 7-day free trial!

Importing products & fulfilling orders

I'll start with this awesome extra tool inside Sell The Trend. You can easily import products from Sell The Trend (or directly from AliExpress) to your Shopify or WooCommerce store.

At first, they only supported Shopify, but they also integrate with WooCommerce now. Awesome, right?

But that's not all; you can also fulfill your orders through this tool.

Yes, you heard that right, there is a new DSers alternative on the market!

Connect your store to Sell The Trend

I'll walk you through the steps on installing it on a Shopify store so you can see how easy it is. But you can also easily install it on WooCommerce!

Firstly, you need to connect your Shopify store to Sell The Trend by installing their Shopify app.

You will also need to install their Chrome Extension. This extension will help you with fulfilling your orders (like DSers).

Store connected

Secondly, you need to find a product inside Sell The Trend that you like and want to import to your dropshipping store. For example:

Example of importing a product

Here are some things that are nice to know about their import to store tool:

  • You can edit the fulfillment source. If you don't want to use their selected AliExpress supplier for that product, you can change it to a different one - even if you have already imported the product:
Add your own supplier product URL
  • Import details from other stores. Take a look at my screenshot above. Do you see something different in the product description? Well, that's because they imported that from the stores that are currently selling that product. Of course, use it as inspiration, but it's a lot better than the standard AliExpress descriptions that are normally shown!

And here is the result after importing that product to my test store:

Product description example results
Note: It's a longer product description but a bit too long for this screenshot

Then, after you have connected your store and imported your products, it's time to receive orders! Once the moment comes that you receive an order, you can easily fulfill that order with the Chrome Extension that you installed in the first step.

But do you know what the great thing is now?

They have 1-click fulfillment ordering. Like DSers, where you can order your orders with one click on a button instead of ordering each order separately.

If you're curious now, you can learn more about that feature in this video here:

1-Click Fulfill Orders on Aliexpress with Sell The Trend

Plus, they keep updating this feature. For example, you can now not only integrate to AliExpress, but also to CJdropshipping:

Suppliers that you can connect to Sell The Trend
Conclusion of the importing products & fulfilling orders tool

Wow, this is awesome!

When I review product research tools, I always see that they've added an 'Add to Store' feature, but my opinion of that feature is, well, useless...

Because you will still need an app like DSers to help you with processing the orders that you get. (Or you want to manually order them)

But now Sell The Trend is changing this all. They are the first (as far as I know) that have added this feature!

Store intelligence

Let's continue with their newly released tool called 'Store Intelligence'. You might have guessed already what it does by the name, but if not, I'll explain this awesome new feature for you below.

In this tool, you can fill in the URL of a Shopify store, and it will show you a lot of data. Such as the monthly traffic, avg. product price, monthly orders and monthly revenue.

Take, for example, the dropshipping store Notebook Therapy:

Store intelligence data example

As you can see, they estimated that they make around $1,263,000 per month in revenue!

Plus, if you scroll down, you will also see their best selling products:

Best selling product examples from Notebook Therapy

You can then easily add these to your own store as well with the extra tool that I talked about above.

Here's another example from the dropshipping store Dog Pawty:

Data example from Dogpawty

Awesome, right?

Conclusion of the store intelligence tool

It's so great that Sell The Trend finally added a tool that lets you estimate the revenue of your competitors!

I think it's a great addition, and I can't wait to see what else they are going to add in the future. (Yes, they are still working each day to make this product research tool the best one on the market.)

The only thing you need to keep in mind is that the monthly revenue isn't all profit.

First off, it's just an estimate based on their traffic and industry standards conversion rates.

And secondly, monthly revenue is simply their sales for the month. It doesn't include any costs, like product costs. Although they do mention an estimate on how much they spend on tech:

Estimate on tech spend

Product videos

The next extra tool that they've got is a quick link to the product videos section.

This one is super easy to explain, and I won't need a conclusion of this tool because it's awesome to get some inspiration!

Alright, so with this tool, you can use the same filter and sorting options as with every other tool that I covered above. Plus, you can directly view and download the video inside Sell The Trend by pressing the play button.

Just don't forget about copyright laws, and this will be a great extra tool for inspiration or to find products that have a video available.

For example, I sorted the product videos by 'Daily Order Change' with the highest percentage increase:

AliExpress video examples

Facebook audience builder

In case you need some ideas for your Facebook Ad targeting, they've got you covered with this tool:

Facebook audience builder example

You can press on a popular audience on the right or type your keyword in the search bar.

They will give you some tips on what interests you can target if you want to sell something in that niche.

Conclusion of the Facebook audience builder

I think it’s awesome if you don’t know where to start with your Facebook Ad targeting.

And even if you’re experienced, I think you can still get some great ideas from them.

Like what I saw when I pressed on 'Camping', a section with Jobs, I didn’t think of targeting someone that likes camping.

And it’s great if you don’t have much experience in the niche that you want to sell a product in. This way, you got some starting points with the targeting.

So yes, it's definitely nice that they added this as well to their big list of tools!

Video Ads Creator

This is perfect if you’re just beginning with dropshipping or if you don’t know how to make a video ad yet.

You can either upload your images to this tool directly, or you can let it fetch the image from an image URL.

After that, you will have a few options that you can select to make your video ad perfect. You can see them on the screenshot below:

The video creator tool
Conclusion of the Video Ads Creator

It's definitely easy to use, and it's got a lot of options for creating your first video ad.

But this tool might not be as great if you got some experience with, for example, making videos, as this tool will be too basic for you and might be too limited in the options it has.

Like, you can set a text on the top and bottom, but you can’t change it (yet) to a different text when a new image comes up.

Engagement Rating Calculator

You can use this tool for Instagram and Twitter influencers.

It's an easy way to see what the influencer's rating is. For Instagram, just fill in the number of followers, likes, and comments:

Example of the Sell The Trend engagement rating calculator

You can also fill in the number of retweets for Twitter influencers.

The likes, comments, and retweets are either from one post, or you can take a rough estimate of their average from all their posts (or the last nine, for example).

Conclusion of the Engagement Rating Calculator

It’s a nice little tool that got included here. I definitely didn’t expect it to be included in the first place.

It's got its downsides though, like you need to make the estimate of their average comments and likes yourself.

In case you don’t want to do that, just use the free Phlanx tool for this. You can fill in the Instagram handle, and it will automatically give you their engagement rate.

AI Brand Builder

Boost your dropshipping game with Sell The Trend's AI Brand Builder!

AI-Generated Dropshipping Product Descriptions and Social Media Ads [ChatGPT for dropshipping]

It generates custom product descriptions and catchy social media ads in the tone of your brand. It's similar to chatGPT but trained and tuned for dropshipping!

Whether you're all about humor or you lean more into empathy, this tool can adjust to your style.

Best part?

It's included in every Sell The Trend plan, so you get all these cool benefits without shelling out extra cash. Talk about a win-win!

Free dropshipping course included inside Sell The Trend

Sell The Trend Review: Free Dropshipping Course is included

Yes, you read that right. Nine free videos are included where they teach you the basics of dropshipping.

Bad thing? You can also watch almost all of these videos on their YouTube channel. So, it’s not really exclusive for their tool subscribers.

Except for the last two videos. You can only watch these two when you're subscribed!

SellShop: A newly launched Shopify alternative

SellShop homepage

Before going over the last details of Sell The Trend, let's not forget their newly launched feature called SellShop!

It's an alternative to an ecommerce platform like Shopify!

We have written an in-depth review about SellShop, so you can see if this is something for you or not.

SellShop x DoDropshipping banner

How much is Sell The Trend?

Currently, Sell The Trend is $39,97 per month, or $32,97 per month if you pay yearly (you will receive 2 months for free then).

Sell The Trend pricing plan

Does Sell The Trend have a discount code?

Are you looking for a Sell The Trend discount code?

Currently, there are no discount codes for Sell The Trend, but I will update this review immediately once there is a discount code available!

Does Sell The Trend have a trial?

Although Sell The Trend doesn’t offer any discount codes at this moment, they do offer a free 7-day trial for anyone who wants to try their product research tool without risking any money.

The great thing about their trial is that you can cancel your subscription any time you want.

This way, you can use the trial, but you don’t have to be scared that you need to pay money if you don’t like the tool!

Click here to signup for their free 7-day trial.

3 Sell The Trend alternatives

As you know, most people have a different budget, store, and different needs, so if you think that Sell The Trend doesn't fit with you right now, then don't worry!

I have collected the top 3 Sell The Trend alternatives for you below:

1. Niche Scraper

Niche Scraper dashboard

Niche Scraper is another product research tool that helps you do product research by providing a few great tools.

It's similar to Sell The Trend in terms of tools, so some might be asking themself, what's the difference?

No worries if that's you! You can check out this comparison article here.

The main difference is the price. With our discount code, the price will only be $13 per month:

Sell The Trend vs. Niche Scraper - Infographic

For more information about Niche Scraper, like what this tool can do, check out our in-depth review here.

2. Ecomhunt

Ecomhunt dashboard

Next up is Ecomhunt, a tool that most people use if they are looking for a few winning products per day, but they also have a few product research tools inside now.

So, if you're feeling overwhelmed by the data that Sell The Trend provides and prefer having a few products hand-picked for you each day, then check it out here.

There are, of course, downsides to that as well, which you can read more about it in our review here!

The current price of Ecomhunt is $29, $49, or $69 per month, but they also have a free account option available for you:

Pricing plans of Ecomhunt

And as you can see above, you will get a discount on the first month!

3. AliShark

Dashboard of AliShark

Another option is AliShark, which also provides a ton of sorting and filter options for AliExpress.

However, this one also provides data from Bangood, so if you're interested in that, then check it out here.

The current price of AliShark is $20 per month, but you can also go for the 2-days trial of $1 to see if it's something for you or not.

Pricing of AliShark

If you're interested in learning more about AliShark, check out our complete review here.

And if you didn't find the right Sell The Trend alternative yet, then check out this article here, which contains 13 more product research tools that you can use for your dropshipping store.

Sell The Trend FAQs

Let's continue with a few questions people have before they start using Sell The Trend.

Who knows, maybe it will answer a question you had as well!

If not, then don't forget that you can always contact me, or you can leave a comment below.

Is Sell The Trend a DSers alternative?

Yes! At first, they were 'only' a product research tool, but now you can also use it to easily fulfill your AliExpress and CJdropshipping orders in one place.

So if you're currently dropshipping with AliExpress and only want to use one app, then you can indeed use Sell The Trend only.

Can you combine Sell The Trend with something like Spocket?

Yes, you can combine it in multiple ways! One way is using Sell The Trend for the product research part and Spocket to get access to the US and European dropshipping suppliers.

But you can also use Spocket for the US & EU suppliers part and use Sell The Trend to connect your store to AliExpress. (Plus, the research part)

I know this can sound a bit complicated, so if you're not sure yet about this, check out this article here.

Don't forget that they already have an integration with CJdropshipping in case you were wondering if they can connect to something else than AliExpress.

Does Sell The Trend have a Chrome extension?

Yes, you can find their Chrome extension here. You can use it to easily import products to your store.

Do you need a Shopify store to use this tool?

No, you can also use the order fulfillment feature with WooCommerce (WordPress).

However, don't forget that you can still use the research part of Sell The Trend no matter which ecommerce platform you choose.

Is every product from AliExpress on Sell The Trend?

No, they do their best to extract all the products, but they are so many products on AliExpress!

However, they are continuing to do a great job with this; once I first wrote this review the total products were around 2 million, and now it's around 8 million already!

Related reviews

Not sure yet about using Sell The Trend for your online business? Or are you interested in seeing what other companies are out there?

We’ve got you covered! Check out the reviews below to find great companies that will help you:

And for more reviews, visit the review hub!

So, is Sell The Trend worth it?

So, is Sell The Trend worth your money? Do I recommend to get this tool?

Personally, I love Sell The Trend because of all the product research tools and other extra tools that you're getting.

This tool has got such a nice combination of so many product research tools and extra tools that you don't expect in a dropshipping product research tool. Add that all up, and I think Sell The Trend is definitely worth subscribing to.

As you saw in my conclusions, I enjoyed using each tool inside Sell The Trend, and I used most of them for my dropshipping example articles. (You can find them here)

You will surely get a lot of inspiration. Like, what kind of products to sell, Facebook Ads examples, and Shopify dropshipping store examples.

They offer a free 7-day trial for you to check it out. If you don't like it, you can cancel it directly without any costs!

And if you're not sure yet if Sell The Trend fits with you, then you should take our product research tools quiz here to find the best tool for your needs!

Not sure which product research tool to pick

One last thing, in case you don't want to pay for any product research tool yet and you've tried their free trial already, then keep an eye on their blog.

They have "Winning Products Friday" episodes where they give you a winning dropshipping product for free. For example:

A winning product example showcased on the Sell The Trend blog

If you have any questions regarding this product research tool or about dropshipping in general, let me know by commenting below or contacting me directly by pressing the "Contact Us" button at the top!

Also, let me know what product research tool (or something else) you would like for me to review next.

Good luck with your dropshipping store, and don't forget that it takes time before you see success! Don't give up, ever!

See what our fans are saying


  1. kafadan salla Reply

    I was excited to discover this site. I wanted to thank you for ones time
    for this wonderful read!! I definitely loved every little bit of it and I have you bookmarked to look at new stuff in your site.

  2. Hi Richard,
    Wow, this is a complete Sell The Trend review ever, really 🙂 go a hade brother. I have this App. but it’s the first time to know about all these functions thank you so much Ritch.
    One thing makes me sad of it not connected with word press store 🙁

    Could you please make a full review for :
    1- Alishark
    3- ecomprofithub
    4- trendingproducts
    Thanks a lot with all respect
    Nabil Alsiyabi

    • Do Dropshipping - Author Logo

      Hi Nabil,
      Thank you for your awesome comment! Great idea about having a WordPress connection in Sell The Trend instead of only Shopify, I will let them know!
      Update: They responded already, and I got great news for you; they are working on a WooCommerce integration right now!

      And I will definitely create more reviews, but I’m not sure yet when I will publish them.

      Let me know if you ever have any more questions!

      Update for those that are wondering: Sell The Trend currently supports WooCommerce as well!

  3. Hey Richard,

    Found you regarding a search for EcomHunt, and I ended up here. I think this actually the tool I’m looking for thanks to your review. I too would be interested in WooCommerce integration. I’m new to the Dropshipping arena, and think it’s a great tool to test and scale my current site, and create new niche stores using Woocommerce.

    Please let them know there’s another Woo Fan that would LOVE this integration.

    Thanks for the extremely thorough and great review.


    • Do Dropshipping - Author Logo

      Hi Doug,

      Thank you for your amazing comment! I’ll definitely let them know that they got another Woo fan 😊

      Good luck with everything, and let me know if you ever have any questions!

  4. Thank you kindly for the in-depth analysis of ‘Sell The Trend’. Extraordinary. Many of the key time consuming hurdles
    I continue to encounter will be solved by the functions herein described. Now it’s off to the trial. I want to see and experience it for mself. If I get the kind of postive feedback that I expect from using a few of the ‘Sell The Trend’ measures, I will return here and sing praises to you for introducing me and to the ‘Sell The Trend’ architects. Let’s see! Wish me luck. Later!

  5. I cant believe that I find something like this, I mean your web page 🙂 Thanks for everything, grettings from Serbia

    • Do Dropshipping - Author Logo

      Hi Jovan,

      Thank you for your awesome comment! I wish you the best with everything and let me know if you ever have any questions 😊
      – Richard

  6. Hi Richard, congratulations on your website and I would like to ask you, if this tool works manually by importing products with Spocket?

    How complicated can it be to work with these two pages at the same time?

    Thanks a lot!

    • Do Dropshipping - Author Logo

      Hi Victor,

      Thank you for your comment! That’s a great question!

      Currently, you can only import products with Sell The Trend to Shopify & WooCommerce (which they recently added).

      The thing is that Spocket does have an AliExpress extension now, called AliScraper. So what you can do is find the products with Sell The Trend and then import the products from AliExpress to your Spocket account with their extension instead of the extension from Sell The Trend.

      Let me know if you understand, or if you got any more questions 😊
      – Richard

      • Hi, I understand, and now I have a new doubt.
        Working whit this extension, you know if they improve the delivery times?
        I mean, Spocket (Good shipping time) AliExpress (delay times)

        Or is a simple advantage for the import the products at the store for those who they like working AliExpress items?

        Thanks a lot!

        • Do Dropshipping - Author Logo

          Hi Victor,

          Just to be clear, Spocket isn’t the same as AliExpress. You can check out their website here.

          Spocket mainly provides US & EU dropshipping suppliers (so yes, faster shipping). They released that AliExpress Chrome extension so their customers don’t have to have two apps on their store (Spocket and an app to process AliExpress orders).

          You can go with Spocket, or any of these AliExpress alternatives if you want to have a fast delivery time. Just keep in mind that most of them have a monthly or yearly fee. (For example, Spocket currently costs $19+ per month)

          I hope that makes everything more clear, but let me know if you got any more questions!
          – Richard

          • Thanks so much Richard for your time!!
            best regards.

          • Do Dropshipping - Author Logo

            Hi Victor,

            No problem at all, happy to help!

            Let me know if you ever got any more questions 😊
            – Richard

  7. I’m new but want to expand on my niche with pet products ( nautical theme dog collars or pet beds, for example) and bags and wallets for women that are nautical or maybe even jewelry. I don’t know how to find a supplier for my Shopify store that has these specific niche items. Do you know how one finds such a narrowed item (s)? Thank you in advance

    • Do Dropshipping - Author Logo

      Hi Sherri,

      Thank you for your comment, that’s a great question!

      You can take a look at this article here with tons of websites where you can find suppliers for your store.

      What I suggest you do is to signup for most of them (if they got a free account or trial available), and take a look at their inventory. See if you can find the products that you want to sell. For example, type in things like ‘dog collar’, or ‘pet bed’.

      This might take some time, but I think it will give you the best chance of finding something great for your store 😊

      Let me know if you got any more questions and good luck with everything!
      – Richard

  8. Hello! I have recently built a website with Alidropshipping using their methods and they set up a Wordpress store for me. Can i use this on that website?

    • Do Dropshipping - Author Logo

      Hi Kaylie,

      That’s a great question! If you’re using WooCommerce, then I think you can use it with the AliDropship plugin, but keep in mind that AliDropship got their own Chrome extension that you can use to import products. (You can still use Sell The Trend for the product research of course)

      But to be 100% sure, I suggest you contact the support team from Sell The Trend.

      Good luck with everything, and let me know if you ever got any more questions 😊
      – Richard

      • Hi Richard, i wish to know if I’m able to filter which products are currently shpping from US or China via Sell The Trend. Thanks.

        • Do Dropshipping - Author Logo

          Hi Kevin,

          Great question! You can indeed filter the products to only show suppliers that ship from the US.
          For more information, I suggest you watch this YouTube video from Sell The Trend.

          Good luck with everything!
          – Richard

  9. Thank you for your informative website and the in-depth review. Based on your review, I am trying out Sell the Trend for 7 days. I’m extremely disappointed, however, as there are so many inaccuracies on there. For example, the very first product I clicked on is a tennis shoe with a price of 40 cents which seemed suspicious, and when I click to see the product in Ali Express, it takes me to a page of bracelets that are 40 cents a piece. Next is a plain white polyester 18″ by 18″ pillow insert that’s used for a regular couch pillow, and it’s priced at $1.30, but the sell price is $41.83. A pillow insert for $41.83?? Where on earth would that happen? Also, clicking on the ‘source from Ali Express’ button takes me to a page of pillows with designs on them, not pillow inserts. Many, many other products have said “sorry, the page you requested cannot be found” when clicking on the source from ‘Ali Express’ button. The ice scraper I just clicked on did. Clicking on the hexagonal necklace ended up taking me to a necklace of the outline of Ireland. I can keep going on and on. I wasted so much time on there today. Such a disappointment.

    • Do Dropshipping - Author Logo


      Thank you for your honest comment; I appreciate it!

      I understand if you don’t want to waste any more time by replying to my comment, but I do want to leave my thoughts for you below:

      – I’m wondering what page you were, that you found a tennis shoe and a pillow for $41. Did you try to go to their ‘Nexus’ and then ‘Hot Products’? (As an example – you can find it in the left sidebar)

      – And secondly, if you’re still interested in the tool, then I suggest contacting their support team to get everything figured out. I’m sure that they can explain to you why you had these errors.

      Thank you again, and I want to wish you the best with everything!
      – Richard

  10. Hi Richard,
    I have purchased the domain and planning to start my ecom business. However, I have bought Dashnex store plan and wanted to know if I would be able to add products from Sell The Trend to my store or is it only possible with Shopify and woo commerce.

    • Do Dropshipping - Author Logo

      Hi Zeeshan,

      Thank you for your comment! Great question; for now, the main connections are indeed Shopify and WooCommerce.

      I suggest reaching out to their support team (from Sell The Trend) to check if it’s possible to integrate already with them or not. (So you can be sure, maybe they have a way to help you)

      Good luck with everything!
      – Richard

  11. Syeda Rizvi Reply

    Hi Richard,
    Just came across your website today and love the information on it! I do however want to know if intelligynce is a good research tool to invest in as a beginner? I get how sell the trend may become the market leader, but for someone whose a beginner and not yet ready for a monthly commitment, does intelligynce’s lifetime access serve the purpose?

    • Do Dropshipping - Author Logo

      Hi Syeda,

      Thank you for your great comment! Great question, we didn’t make a comparison yet between Intelligynce and Sell The Trend, so I can’t say for sure yet if it’s a full alternative or not, but I do want to mention that you don’t need a product research tool at the beginning if it’s not in your budget.

      There are plenty of ways to do product research for free. You can check out this article here for that.

      Also, for the fulfillment part of Sell The Trend, you can use Oberlo or one of these Oberlo alternatives if you’d like. For example, Oberlo and DSers are free at the beginning.

      I hope that helped you further, and good luck with everything!
      – Richard

    • Do Dropshipping - Author Logo


      Thank you for your comment! It’s great to hear that you like Sell The Trend. I hope you enjoy using their tool 😊

      Good luck with everything!
      – Richard

  12. Vinícius Vieira Scott Reply

    Hi Richard!

    I am loving to read your articles, but I would like to know if Sell The Trend works in other countries, such as mine: Brazil?

    • Do Dropshipping - Author Logo

      Hi Vinícius,

      Thank you for your amazing comment! That’s a great question; it depends on how you want to use Sell The Trend.

      For example, if you want to use Sell The Trend just for the product research, then yes, it doesn’t matter where you’re located!

      However, if you’re using Sell The Trend as an Oberlo alternative (for the connection with, for example, AliExpress), then it, of course, depends on the suppliers that you’re working with. (For example, not all suppliers ship to all countries – you can read more about that here)

      Let me know if that’s clear enough, and good luck with everything!
      – Richard

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