Are you wondering why you have a lot of traffic but no sales at all?

Awesome! In this article, I will cover ten things that you can do and check in order to increase the chance that you will get sales. No guarantee, of course, but I'm still sure that you will learn a thing or two that you didn't know before!

Tip: Have you already created your Shopify account? If not, sign up by clicking this link here to get a free 3-day trial + 1 month for $1!

Get your free Shopify trial

1. Check what your visitors are doing on your store

First things first, let's check what your visitors are doing on your store. This might be the most important step of this checklist.

If you check this, then you can see what your visitors are doing, and you can make choices based on that.

The first tool that you can use is called Google Analytics, but I would say; need, because currently, 67% of the top 1 million sites use it! (Source)

If you didn't know about Google Analytics before reading this article, then I highly recommend reading the article I linked to below:

Google Analytics for Ecommerce: A Beginner’s Guide (2024)

The next tool is called Hotjar. I think most of you that are reading this article have probably heard of Google Analytics before, but I don't think many of you have heard of Hotjar before!

Hotjar is one of the best tools out there to create heatmaps and record what your visitors are doing on your store. (Well, at least one of the best ones that got a free account available!)

You will use Hotjar to see what your visitors are doing on your store. Do they scroll down? Or do they not move at all? These are all things that you can keep track of!

Just take a look at this great video below how it helped him increase his Shopify sales with 202% (Yes, it's an old video, but it's still a great explanation on why it's great to keep track of your visitors)

How We Got 202% More Shopify Sales With HotJar!

And here is a video from Hotjar explaining how their heatmaps work:

Hotjar Heatmaps in 60 seconds: visualize user behavior

Use these two tools to keep track of your visitors, and analyze what you can improve.

You will need it later on with the next steps. For example, if your bounce rate is high, then looking at your store loading time could be a great way to try and decrease that and see if that helps you with increasing your sales!

But more on that in the next steps below.

Sounds awesome, right?

2. Improve your store: Don't look like a one-day scam store

This step is so important, but the reason I add it is that most people don’t put any effort and time into their dropshipping stores.

Firstly, do you know why so many people don’t put any effort into their stores?

Well, because a lot of “gurus” advertise dropshipping as an easy way to earn money.

Most of the people that follow these “gurus” open a store in a few hours, and start advertising almost directly.

Here is more information about these “gurus”, and why they are selling courses.

And do you know what the saddest thing is? After all that “work”, they expect to be rich the new day or maybe the next week.

Because dropshipping is so easy, right?

No, it’s not! I’m sorry to burst your dreams!

So what to do then?

You got to put time and effort into your dropshipping store!

This is great because now you can also focus on creating a brand.

Because how high do you think the chance is that a dropshipping store looking like the one below will be remembered as a brand by a lot of people?

And what do you think about the store below? Better, right?

So, what can you do to improve your store?

Below you will find my bullet point list on things that you can look at to improve. I will link to an article of mine that will help you further with it if you're interested in learning more about that tip!

  • Creating your basic pages like a FAQ page. The funny thing is that most dropshipping store owners don’t even bother creating even one of these pages. (Click here to learn more)
ColourPop FAQ page example
Here is an example of the FAQ page from ColourPop
  • Improve your store design. Do you remember the first screenshot from a dropshipping store that I showed you above?

    Well, most dropshipping stores look like that. It could be that your visitors had a bad experience with a dropshipping store (or maybe their friends or family) and automatically don't trust you anymore because you have the same layout.

    I'm not 100% sure that this is happening all the time, but I personally think that this could happen more and more often because most of these stores look the same. (Just take a look at these general dropshipping stores) If you want to learn more about how to be more unique than others, then you can click here.
  • Think about branding. This one flows well with the one above about improving your store design and standing out of your competition. You can click here to learn why branding is important, and you can click here to learn how to brand.
How to Create an AMAZING Ecommerce Brand (PROVEN)

3. Check if you got everything from my checklists

Alright, the next step is going to be an easier one.

I wrote a few dropshipping checklist guides for beginners that contain all sorts of things that you should know before opening your dropshipping store.

I suggest you check them all to see if you're forgetting something:

4. Improve your conversion rates

Shopify Dropshipping Conversion Rate Optimization: 12 Ways to Get More Sales!

Next up is checking your conversion rates. High chance that, if you got a lot of traffic but no sales, that they are pretty low.

The problem is that this is a pretty big topic. I can cover things like what the average conversion rate is and how to improve it. That's why I wrote a different article for you!

Conversion rate ecommerce benchmark

In that article, I will go over 12 ways to increase conversion rates on your dropshipping store. From using better images to adding reviews from your customers.

Use this article as a guide to see if you can improve something on your own dropshipping store:

Shopify Dropshipping Conversion Rate Optimization: 12 Ways to Get More Sales!

5. Improve your store loading time

Learn how to do Shopify store speed optimization

Do you remember at the beginning how I said that you could look at the bounce rate?

Well, if it's high, then there must be a reason that people are leaving your store without interacting with it.

One of the biggest reasons that people bounce off a website is a slow loading time. Just take a look at the image below:

Do you see how much difference there is between having a loading time of 1 to 3 seconds and 1 to 10 seconds?

But that’s not all.

In the image below, you will see how much has changed with how long people are willing to wait for a page to load:


As you can see in 1999, the average user was willing to wait 8 seconds for a page to load. 11 years later, 57% of online shoppers said they would abandon a page after 3 seconds.

Another study shows that 47% of consumers expect a web page to load in 2 seconds or less.

But don't worry now, there are a lot of ways to improve the speed of your Shopify store. Think about optimizing your images and your CSS files, using a different theme and apps, and you could also use AMP!

If you're interested in learning more about why a faster store is better and how to make your own store faster, then I suggest reading the article I linked to below:

Shopify Speed Optimization: 7 Ways to Make Your Store Faster

In that article, I will also cover how to know how fast your website loads. For example, by using GTmetrix:

6. Improve your trust

How to Build Trust on a Dropshipping Store? | Increase Sales in 2024!

The next thing that could happen is that people just don't trust your dropshipping store. Maybe they see your ad, click through to your store, and then just don't want to continue with their order because they don't trust it anymore.

You might be thinking now: "No, that can't be true..."

Well, this is what a study on online shopping habits has to say about it:

95% of consumers have security concerns about providing personal information like their credit card when shopping at websites they have not heard of before, and 92% of consumers have concerns about providing personal information like their credit card when shopping at websites they have not shopped at in the past.


So that means that almost all visitors on your little unknown dropshipping store don’t trust you.

What to do now?

You can read my article below! I will cover 9 tactics that you can use to increase the chance that your store visitors trust your store:

How to Build Trust in a Dropshipping Store? (Increase Sales)

7. Check your dropshipping competition & See how you can make your dropshipping store better

The next tip might not have anything to do with your own dropshipping store, but it can still help you improve your store massively.

Do you know how?

By looking at what your competition and other dropshipping stores are doing with their store.

Meowingtons is a great dropshipping store example

See if you can find something that you like, maybe you will have some great new found inspiration from your competition, and you now know exactly how you're going to improve your own dropshipping store!

Plus, another great thing that you can learn from, for example, the stores that are selling the same product as yours; their pricing!

Go see what they ask for the product because that could be another reason why people don't want to purchase from you. Maybe your price is double that of your competition.

Below you will find some articles that will help you further with this:

8. Check these bad dropshipping store examples to see if you're making the same mistakes

5 Bad Dropshipping Store Examples & What They Can Improve | Inspiration

The next tip from me if you're getting a lot of traffic, but no sales, is to check my bad dropshipping store example list.

You might be thinking now: "How will that help me? I don't have a bad dropshipping store"

Yes, I'm not saying your dropshipping store is bad, but I wrote down a lot of points to look at for these dropshipping stores on that list.

Maybe you're making the same mistake one of these dropshipping stores is making.

But don't worry, I will also give advice in that article. I will point to what they can do better, and how they can do that better!

If you're interested now, then you can find the article below:

5 Bad Dropshipping Store Examples & What They Can Improve | Inspiration

9. Check this article as well

Why Is No One Buying From My Online Store? (14 Things To Check)

If nothing works so far, then I got another great article for you.

I suggest checking that one out first before going to the last tip, which goes over finding a different product.

So what is that article about?

Well, in that article, we go over 14 things that you can check if nobody is buying from your online store.

The great thing is that it's separated into three parts; what to do if you have:

  • Many visitors, but few add to carts
  • Many add to carts, but few initiate purchases
  • Many initiate purchases, but few purchases

If you're curious now, then click on the link below:

Why Is No One Buying From My Online Store? (14 Things To Check)

10. If everything doesn't work, then try finding a different product

If you tried all my tips above, then it could be time to let the product go. You can try testing a different product.

Like they say: "Don't get married to a product!"

But if you still want to try and sell that product, then you can try targeting a different audience on Facebook or changing your advertising platform altogether.

For example, switching from Facebook Ads to Instagram Influencers to try and see if the product is selling then.

Below you will find the articles that I think will help you if you're at this stage:

Do You Want to Learn More? Here Are My Recommendations!

Are you currently dropshipping? Or do you want to start dropshipping?

Awesome! I’ll link to the articles below that I recommend you read next.

This way, you will be fully prepared to take your dropshipping store to the next level in 2024!

I just want to say one thing; my blog doesn’t endorse any paid dropshipping courses. (I hate them, they are the reason I created this blog)

If you’re interested in learning why I think paid dropshipping courses are a waste of money, then you can click here.

Below you will find the articles that I suggest you read next:

And also, if you didn’t create a Shopify account yet (to get your dropshipping store online), then you can click here to get a free 3-day trial + 1 month for $1!


So, there you have it! All my tips for you so you will hopefully have a lot of traffic & a lot of sales!

I think my biggest tip for you is that dropshipping is still a real business; please treat your customers right and put time and effort into creating your store. Don’t open it in a few hours and expect to make sales the next day.

If you're still not sure why you're getting a lot of traffic, but no sales, then you can always contact me here. Or you can take a look at these 10 common dropshipping mistakes.

Also, don't forget to take a look at these 11 awesome tips to get your first dropshipping sale.

If you got more things that people can check when they get traffic, but no sales or if you have any questions regarding dropshipping, then let me know by commenting below or contacting me directly by pressing the “Contact Us” button at the top!

Also, let me know if you're getting sales this time after reading this article.

Good luck with your dropshipping store, and don't forget that success doesn't come overnight!

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  1. Hello, Really really great information, for sales customers trust is the main factor and to improve trust i suggest you to use Social Proof Notifications. Social Proof increase trust for visitors & encourage to take action like others doing. Thank you for sharing such a nice information.

    • Do Dropshipping - Author Logo

      Hi, thank you for your comment! I completely agree that improving trust is one of the main factors in getting more sales. Although not everyone likes using social proof notifications though 😊

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