We've all dreamt of the day when we can be our own boss and have a successful online business that tailors to international customers. Dropshipping is one of the tools that has made that dream more accessible to regular daydreaming people like you and me. 

Dropshipping has opened a new faucet of possibility that's too great to ignore. Many people have taken destiny by the horns and live their life, on their terms.

Enina Bicaku, from Spocket, is going to walk us through 5 reasons why now’s the time to start dropshipping products from the USA.

You could be one of the people that left the 9 to 5 they dreaded, and took the leap into entrepreneurship by starting a dropshipping business. Like many successful entrepreneurs, leaving the well traveled path was at first scary and uncertain. With tools like Spocket, dropshipping helped ordinary people take the leap and pursue entrepreneurship.

If these stories sound familiar, then you're definitely on the long path to success, and you're looking for those special products that will keep you competitive, and make your customers tell their friends about it. 

Dropshipping has been dominated by Chinese suppliers since its inception. And although suppliers around the world will always depend on China for some manufacturing processes, times are beginning to change. 

Successful dropshippers are looking for opportunities that give them the best of both worlds, the ability to diversify their products to include higher-quality, faster shipping times, and unique handmade products.

If this sounds like something that you want, then dropshipping products from the US could be the solution you've been waiting for! Luckily, we've done the research for you, and we're going to lay out the reasons for dropshipping US products, and how you can get started as fast as...today!

Without further ado, we've deduced 5 reasons why you should start dropshipping products from the USA.

1. Add variety to your products

For those dreaming of operating on an international scale, it's no secret that the US is the largest market in the world. With the purchasing power of $21.44 Trillion in 2019, it's a no brainer; the United States is a haven for both new customers and suppliers. 

Reasons to start dropshipping from the USA: 1. You can add variety to your products

Diversifying your selection to include US dropshipping products can only give you bonus points. For the woman that needs that handcrafted handbag for a birthday this weekend, you've got them covered. For the forgetful husband who needs those birthday earrings by Monday, you've got them covered too. 

So, if you're ready to tap into the superpower consumerism that is the United States, why not have some options for USA based products? With fast-shipping, higher quality, and the bonus of supporting the local business owners, there are few reasons to object.  

2. Mitigate risk 

The world is an unpredictable place. We've seen it in the past, and we see it today more than ever due to the COVID-19 outbreak. So why take the risk of putting all of your eggs in one basket? 

By dropshipping only from China, you're at the mercy of Chinese suppliers, logistics, and shipping schedules. Although it's not a problem when everything is running smoothly, the closures due to COVID-19 remind us of the importance of mitigating business risk, so that we have viable options should some of our suppliers be experiencing difficulties. 

The importance of having a backup plan is more vital today than ever before. Should something happen to your Chinese suppliers, you'll have a healthy backup plan of US suppliers that can keep your store traffic going, and your customers satisfied. 

3. High-quality products, fast shipping times

In the world of Amazon, fast shipping times are a do or die situation for any online business. (More information about that here)

Products shipping from within the US are faster and more reliable than products that are shipped from anywhere else. With brief processing and shipping times ranging from 1 to 5 days, you've got everything to gain from using US dropshipping suppliers and having some US products in your store selection.

You can't deny that products produced at a smaller scale, are simply higher-quality than mass-produced alternatives. They're being produced by smaller, more detail-oriented teams that have taken the time to produce high-quality work. US Suppliers are also increasingly conscious of materials that have longevity, and designs that are built to last. 

After all, their small scale business depends on it. With smaller US-based suppliers, you'll have a better return policy to lean on, and your word will have a stronger impact on their products and operations improvement. A win-win, if you ask me. 

Reasons to start dropshipping from the USA: 3. You can get high-quality products, and faster shipping times

4. Access to artisanal, handcrafted items

The holy grail of any dropshipping business is carefully curated products, that make your customers want to brag to their friends about it. 

Luckily for you, the US is a hub of artisanal, handcrafted products made by small passionate businesses. From handmade bath and beauty products to one of a kind jewelry designs, it will leave your customers with an impression they won't forget. 

After all, people are willing to pay more for ethical, sustainable and unique things.

Some examples include the booming natural bath and beauty industry. As consumers become more conscious of the products they use, there's plenty of artisanal soap and beauty suppliers that create products with pure, organic, and natural ingredients. 

On the other hand, the appeal of a handmade pair of gold earrings is one few can resist. Pair that with a handmade one-of-a-kind bag, and you've got yourself a store worth talking about.

Reasons to start dropshipping from the USA: 4. You can get access to artisanal, and handcrafted products

Another important note that pulls on the heartstrings of many Americans, is the fact that these suppliers are simply people with skill and passion to create something they love. 

Whether it's a handbag, a watch, or a bracelet, you can reassure your customers that their purchase is supporting US-born businesses and an individual's dream. To top it all off, it supports the US economy, and everyone living in it, and that's vital in trying times.

5. Better Return Policies and Customer Service

If you’ve had the headache of coordinating the return of an item from overseas, this point needs no more clarification.

Understandably, most Chinese retailers have a “no return policy” or a very limited policy that leaves no room for guarantees. This can be devastating to a young dropshipping business trying to establish itself as a trusted retailer and guarantee satisfaction. After all, with online shopping, we’re bound to get the wrong size or change our mind. 

The returned item burden usually falls on the dropshipper, resulting in out of pocket refunds and a box (or room) full of returned items.

Fortunately, US suppliers are more than cooperative when it comes to returns and guarantees. These small businesses are built on customer satisfaction and have a generous return policy that allows returning and exchanging with full refunds!

Reasons to start dropshipping from the USA: 5. You will have better return policies, and customer service

Another point that cannot be ignored is the customer service. 

A US supplier will be more than happy to reply to your emails, pick up the phone, and stay in touch regarding orders and delays. Being in the same (or similar) timezone helps, but smaller operations are undoubtedly more accessible than larger ones. This is great if you want ways to improve your own customer service.

On the other hand, communicating with suppliers from China can be tricky, and if a customer accidentally put in the wrong color or address, you’ll end up in a rabbit hole of miscommunication and frustrating emails.

Dropshipping from US based suppliers is easier than ever

So, how can you find and add US dropshipping products to your online store?

Finding the right products is an ongoing job in the dropshipping world. As the consumer tastes change, you have to stay on top by having a relevant product selection that adds value to your customers' lives.

Keeping in mind the points mentioned above, take heed of the tips below:

  • Make sure to always keep an eye on Google Trends and use a product research tool to find potential trending products.

For example: Shapewear. 

The dropshippers who kept an eye on the news and Google Trends, made a killing by giving their customers what they were looking for.  

Shapewear has been on a healthy incline since 2008 with no end in sight. With a Peak in 2019, Shapewear is bound to be a new staple in every woman’s closet. Why not be the go-to store for their shapewear needs?

  • Choose products that you would purchase yourself, instantly. 

It goes without saying that you need to find products that people purchase impulsively, without a second thought. 

  • Filter based on location as well as price: tailor your product selection to the demographic you are targeting.

If you’re looking for a dropshipping platform that connects you to US and EU suppliers,  Spocket is established as the US and EU dropshipping supplier in the ecommerce world.  

With over 60% of suppliers residing from the US and EU, you’ll have no trouble finding what you’re looking for.  There's also a monthly curated list that features high-quality product photographs and market-ready product descriptions, making them ready for marketing.

With tons of amazing products, 24/7 customer support, and a consistently growing supplier and product base, there’s few reasons not to try it out for yourself. Good luck!

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  1. Zekeri Momoh Reply

    Thank you so much for your weekly newsletters about dropshipping.
    I have actually found them to be interesting to read and I have learned a lot.
    I want to ask for your favour, I am planning to start a dropshipping business but I want you to be my mentor.
    I am from Nigeria and have not done any e-commerce business before.
    I need you to teach me from the start how to start and be successful.
    I know from what I have read from you that you are quite experienced in the business.
    Another problem I am having is how to create a PayPal account that will receive payments.
    Waiting to read from you.
    Thank you.
    Zekeri Momoh.

    • Do Dropshipping - Author Logo

      Hi Zekeri,

      Thank you so much for your awesome comment! Great to hear that you learned a lot 😊

      Regarding PayPal, I think this article here will help you further with that.

      And also, you can contact me if you got any questions! I don’t mentor, nor do I sell any courses, but everyone is free to send any questions they might have, and I’ll do my best to answer them!

      I wish you the best with everything!
      – Richard

  2. Hello sir , ever since I came across this blog I have been forfilled before now I was planning to buy a paid course on drop shipping but you really took your time to explain everything for free I really appreciate this , Thanks so much sir
    My question is it possible to have both Chinese supplier and US supplier in same store .?

    Drop shipping from China or US which one is best for beginners with low capital ?.

    • Do Dropshipping - Author Logo

      Hi Lanar,

      Thank you for your awesome comment and the compliment! Great to hear that you’re no longer going to purchase a dropshipping course 😊

      To answer your question, yes, it’s possible to have both Chinese suppliers and US suppliers in the same store. For example, Spocket recently launched a Chrome extension for AliExpress. (You can find it here)

      And to answer your last question, that depends! Like if you’re going with something like Spocket, then you will need to pay a monthly price to access their service, but if you find local dropshipping suppliers without having to pay a monthly fee, then it’s almost the same as dropshipping from China. (Almost the same in the sentence of costs as it’s also free to dropship from AliExpress with an app like Oberlo or DSers)

      I hope that helped you further, and let me know if you got any more questions!
      – Richard

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