Do you want to start dropshipping but aren't sure if you should do low-ticket, medium-ticket, or high-ticket dropshipping? This article will help answer that question.

Low, medium, and high-ticket dropshipping refer to the three different categories of products when it comes to dropshipping, which all have their advantages and disadvantages.

Low-ticket items are priced cheaper than medium- or high-ticket items and are, therefore, sensitive to people "impulse buying" them from you.

Medium-ticket products are a middle ground. They represent a group of products that are more expensive than low-ticket products but are not as expensive as high-ticket products. These offer a good balance as customers will purchase them without too much hesitation on the price.

High-ticket products include items in some of the most expensive categories within dropshipping; these can consist of 3D printers, robots, or full-sized beds.

So, which form of dropshipping will be the best fit for you?

Let's find out!

Should you dropship low, medium, or high-ticket products?

If you are looking to make a quick decision on whether to choose low, medium, or high-ticket products, make sure to pay attention now.

In the following table, we will try to give you an overview of the pros and cons of each of the three product categories.

Take a look at them here:

Low-ticketEasiest to sellA lot of competition and copycats
No shipping issuesLow profit per unit sold
Suitable for FB Ads/influencer marketers Your store could require a lot of customer support
Medium-ticketA balance between low-ticket and high-ticketNot as easy to sell as low-ticket products, lower profit per unit compared to high-ticket products
High-ticketHighest profit per unit soldHigh customer expectations
Low competitionHigh barriers to entry
Orders are more overseeableRefunds or returns cause more significant setbacks
Suitable for Google Ads/SEO marketersShipping could be more challenging

As you can see, low- and high-ticket products have their clear pros and cons, while medium-ticket products are a bit of a balance between both.

So, which one should you choose?

For beginners, we recommend choosing either low- or medium-ticket products. These are easier to source from suppliers, sell to customers, and will allow you to learn dropshipping without getting into bigger problems if you make a mistake.

For more experienced dropshippers, high-ticket dropshipping can be a great way to step into a lower-competition market, increase the profit per unit sold, and eventually build an online brand.

Tip: If you are interested in the best suppliers and pricing strategies for low, medium, and high-ticket products, make sure to stick around until the end of the article!

Low-ticket dropshipping: A brief overview

Let's start with an overview of low-ticket dropshipping. In the following sections, we will quickly explain what a low-ticket dropshipping product is (including examples) and show you the pros and cons of low-ticket dropshipping.

But, for those looking for a brief overview of low-ticket dropshipping, take a look at this table:

Overview: Low-ticket dropshipping
Product cost price range$0 - $10
Product examplesOil diffuser, water bottle, cat toy
ProsEasiest to sell and ship
ConsA lot of competition, low profit per unit sold

What is a low-ticket dropshipping product?

A low-ticket dropshipping product is the cheapest kind of dropshipping product.

There is no official definition for when a product fits into the low-ticket category, but we will define a price range of $0 to $10. This means that a dropshipping supplier will ask anything between $0 and $10 for a low-ticket dropshipping product.

Considering the price you are paying for low-ticket products, they are often relatively small and simple. When looking at low-ticket dropshipping products, you will often find small electronic devices, pocket tools, or simple toys.

Electric oil diffuser

An example of a low-ticket product is this oil diffuser you will see in the image below. Even though it's a pretty matte color and the ambient lighting strips make it look expensive, it costs just $8, including shipping on AliExpress.

Low-ticket product example: electric oil difusser

Note: If you are wondering where we got these images from, it's from a great product research tool called Sell The Trend. You can check out our review of it here!

Water bottle with pillbox

The product that is shown below, a water bottle and 7-day pillbox in one, is another low-ticket dropshipping product. It's great for a traveler taking medication on a regular basis. But best of all, it only costs around $7 on AliExpress!

Low-ticket product example: water bottle with pillbox

Floppy fish cat toy

The last low-ticket product example is the floppy fish toy, which will keep your cat playing for hours on end! This product is available on AliExpress for $9, including shipping from the US.

Low-ticket product example: floppy fish cat toy

Tip: If you want to see more low-ticket products, you can find ten more examples in this article!

Pros of low-ticket dropshipping products

  • Easiest type of product to sell. Low-ticket product sales rely mostly on impulse purchases. Buyers don't think that much about their purchase when buying a simple product like a water bottle. They also don't check for better alternatives in most cases, which results in a higher conversion rate for you.
  • No shipping problems. Low-ticket dropshipping products often are cheap, simple, and small. Because of this, they are simple and cheap to ship too!
  • Good option if you like Facebook Ads or influencer marketing. Considering that low-ticket products are sensitive to impulse purchases, Facebook Ads and inflencer marketing work great as marketing methods for low-ticket products.

Cons of low-ticket dropshipping products

  • A lot of competition and copycats. Starting low-ticket dropshipping comes with a relatively small barrier to entry. You don't need that high of a budget and there are a lot of suppliers out there you can use. The downside of this is that you will have to deal with a lot of competition. And if others see that you are doing well, they will simply copy your store!
  • Low profit per unit sold. As low-ticket product are often small and simple, you can't ask that much for them on your store. It is likely that you will only profit a couple of dollars from each sale. Therefore, you will need quite a few customers to achieve a significant monthly profit.
  • Can require a lot of customer support. When doing low-ticket dropshipping, you will likely be dealing with a lot of orders, which means there are more chances of problems occurring. More people will be emailing you about their delivery time, missing orders, etc.

Medium-ticket dropshipping: A brief overview

Let's check out medium-ticket dropshipping next!

In the following sections, we will quickly explain what a medium-ticket dropshipping product is (including examples) and show you the pros and cons of medium-ticket dropshipping.

But, for those looking for a brief overview of medium-ticket dropshipping, take a look at this table:

Overview: Medium-ticket dropshipping
Product cost price range $10 - $30
Product examplesBaby blankets, neck pillows, mosquito traps
ProsGood balance between the difficulty of making a sale, competition, and profit per unit.
ConsNot as easy to sell as low-ticket products and lower profits per unit sold compared to high-ticket products

What is a medium-ticket dropshipping product?

A medium-ticket dropshipping product is a product that belongs in an "average" pricing category. You can buy a medium-ticket product from a dropshipping supplier at costs between $10 and $30.

However, like for low-ticket products, these price ranges are not set in stone. We have chosen them ourselves, and others may work with slightly different ranges.

Still, it’s a fact that medium-ticket dropshipping products are more expensive than low-ticket products and are less costly than high-ticket products.

Medium-ticket products are a bit more complex or of a higher-quality than low-ticket products but not as complicated or big as high-ticket products.

Baby wrap blankets

These baby wrap blankets will steal the hearts of many parents with newborn babies.

They are high-quality, soft cotton blankets that will wrap around a baby and keep them nice and warm. You will be able to buy them from suppliers on AliExpress for around $15, including shipping.

Medium-ticket product example: baby wrap blankets

Neck stretcher pillow

This neck stretcher pillow is an excellent example of a problem-solving medium-ticket dropshipping product.

Anyone dealing with neck pain will continuously be on the lookout for solutions, and this product may be able to provide that!

It costs around $13, including shipping on AliExpress. However, we believe that anyone desperate to relieve their neck pain will likely be willing to pay $30 or $40 for it.

Medium-ticket product example: neck stretcher pillow

Mosquito lamp trap

Everyone hates it when mosquitos attack them, right?

Well, this mosquito lamp trap solves that problem by trapping and zapping them.

It’s cheap as well, costing just around $10, including shipping. The great thing is that the pictures make it look like a much more expensive product, which means you will likely end up with excellent profit margins!

Medium-ticket product example: mosquito lamp trap

Tip: If you want to see more medium-ticket products, you can find 11 more examples in this article!

Pros of medium-ticket dropshipping products

The great thing about medium-ticket dropshipping products is that they offer a good balance between low- and high-ticket products.

Medium-ticket products can still be bought impulsively, and customers won't often compare your store with others, which means they are still relatively easy to sell.

They also offer better profit margins than low-ticket products, often due to their higher perceived value.

The barrier to entry is not that big as you will be able to use regular dropshipping suppliers for medium-ticket products.

Lastly, medium-ticket products are often reasonably easy to ship, meaning you won't need to deal with any of the shipping difficulties that come with high-ticket products!

Cons of medium-ticket dropshipping products

Medium-ticket dropshipping products can be seen as a jack of all trades but a master of none.

Therefore, medium-ticket products are not as easy to sell as low-ticket products because they are more expensive. Meanwhile, they also don't provide the profit per unit sold of high-ticket products!

Ready to level up? Our ultimate dropshipping guide for 2024 is full of our best insights, ideas, and steps to follow.

High-ticket dropshipping: A brief overview

Lastly, we have arrived at the overview of high-ticket dropshipping.

In the following sections, we will quickly explain what a high-ticket dropshipping product is (including examples) and show you the pros and cons of high-ticket dropshipping.

For a brief overview of high-ticket dropshipping, take a look at this table:

Overview: High-ticket dropshipping
Product cost price range >$30
Product examplesGarden hammocks, SUP boards, cat towers
ProsHighest profits per unit sold and low competition
ConsHigher barrier to entry and less beginner-friendly

What is a high-ticket dropshipping product?

A high-ticket dropshipping product is an item that is more expensive than both a low-ticket or medium-ticket product.

We have defined a high-ticket product as a product that costs at least $30 to purchase from your supplier, but it's not uncommon to see high-ticket products that cost more than $500.

Let's take a look at some examples of high-ticket dropshipping products:

Ultralight camping tent

If you’ve read our article about where we took a deep dive into the hiking niche, you will know that hikers who like to go backpacking care about light equipment.

All weight counts when hiking, so hikers are willing to pay top dollars for lightweight equipment, such as this camping tent, which is listed for around $180 on Spocket.

High-ticket product example: ultralight camping tent

Stand up paddle board

Stand up paddling is a water sport that involves standing up on a floating board and paddling through the water.

If you are a real stand up paddle enthusiast, starting a high-ticket dropshipping store in this niche could be a joyful experience!

We have found this stand up paddle board on Spocket listed for around $690 from a Canadian supplier:

High-ticket product example: stand up paddle board

Cat tower condo

Cats will love this 36″ tower condo! It features two scratching poles, which (hopefully) means that they won’t sharpen their nails on your couch or chairs anymore.

It also features a ladder that cats can climb to reach a small “condo” to sleep peacefully and rest!

Once again, this product is listed on Spocket for around $140.

High-ticket product example: cat tower condo

Tip: If you want to see more high-ticket products, you can find 13 more examples in this article!

Pros of high-ticket dropshipping products

  • A higher profit for each sold item. High-ticket dropshipping involves selling highly-priced items, so the potential profits for each sale are considerably higher. Take a look at the SUP board product example we featured above. You will see that the difference between the listing and retail price is more than $200!
  • Less competition. Relatively few people are doing high-ticket dropshipping compared to regular dropshipping. This means that you won’t have to deal with as much competition when high-ticket dropshipping, but remember that getting a sale with a high-ticket dropshipping store is not easy, which is one of the cons of this dropshipping model.
  • Orders are more overseeable. High-ticket dropshipping stores don’t get as many orders as regular dropshipping stores. Because of this, tracking orders is more overseeable, and you will potentially encounter fewer customer support queries.
  • Good option if you like Google Ads and SEO. High-ticket dropshipping stores don't rely on impulse purchases. Instead, their goal is to target people who are actively looking for their product. One of the best marketing methods for this is Google Ads and SEO!

Cons of high-ticket dropshipping products

  • Higher prices equal higher expectations. Selling a high-ticket product isn’t as easy as a regular product. Customers will have high expectations for your store and product, making it less beginner-friendly. You will need a good sales funnel and a professionally-designed website as buyers will often compare you with other stores.
  • Higher barriers to entry. Don’t expect to set up a few simple Facebook Ads and get people to buy your high-ticket product after a few hours. If you want to run a high-ticket dropshipping store, you need to form partnerships with manufacturers, a thorough marketing plan, and a registered company.
  • A refund or returns cause bigger setbacks. A refund is a pity when doing regular dropshipping, but it isn’t a big showstopper for your business. For a high-ticket dropshipping business, this can be a different story. For example, if a customer wants to return their SUP board, you might miss out on a profit of over $200.
  • More challenging when it comes to shipping. High-ticket items are usually harder to ship because they are large and expensive. Therefore, you might have to start dealing with shipping insurances, customs, and taxes.

The best dropshipping suppliers for low, medium, and high-ticket products

It doesn't matter whether you choose to dropship low, medium, or high-ticket products.

You will need a dropshipping supplier for all dropshipping products as they need to be stored and shipped to your customers.

However, you will find many different dropshipping suppliers out there. Some of them are specialized in a specific niche, others offer a unique integration app, and some are focused on their customer service.

The point is, your choice of dropshipping low, medium, or high-ticket products will likely affect the dropshipping supplier you will use.

In the following sections, we will highlight the best dropshipping suppliers for low, medium, and high-ticket products!

The best low- and medium-ticket dropshipping suppliers

Most "traditional" dropshipping suppliers sell both low and medium-ticket products.

Still, there are more than a hundred dropshipping suppliers in the world. Luckily, that's not something to worry about. We have researched most of the suppliers and separated the good from the bad ones!

So, which ones are the best?

Let's find out!

Note: If you are interested in seeing even more dropshipping suppliers, you can check out our list of the best dropshipping suppliers worldwide here.

1. Spocket

Low- and medium-ticket dropshipping supplier: Spocket

One of the best dropshipping suppliers out there is Spocket.

Spocket is a platform where you will find multiple dropshipping suppliers advertising their products.

That means that Spocket's warehouses are located worldwide, and you will have more than enough choice in low, medium, and even high-ticket products!

For example, take a look at this selection of low-ticket products on Spocket:

Low-ticket products on Spocket

And here are some medium-ticket products:

Medium-ticket products on Spocket

Advantages of using Spocket include the possibility of ordering product samples, the location of Spocket's suppliers (80% are in the US/EU), and excellent integration options (to connect Spocket to your store).

Spocket's cons include no option to chat with suppliers directly. Also, it's not suited if you want to brand your business with branded packaging.

You can find Spocket’s pricing plans below:

Spocket pricing plans

Exclusive Spocket offer: Enter the coupon code: SpocketTrial during checkout, and you'll instantly unlock a FREE 30-day trial. Click here to redeem your free trial now!

If you’re interested in Spocket but don’t want to pay anything yet, you can browse Spocket's product catalog by signing up for a free 14-day trial here.

If you want to know more about Spocket, check out our review here!

2. CJdropshipping

Low- and medium-ticket dropshipping supplier: CJdropshipping

CJdropshipping is an all-in-one solution that will help you source products from dropshipping suppliers and ship them all over the world.

It is a popular alternative to dropshipping with AliExpress.

That's because CJdropshipping offers warehouses in 26 different countries, has no hidden fees, and if you can't find the product you are looking for, you can simply submit a sourcing request!

To connect your store with CJdropshipping, you can use their Shopify app and web app. And don't worry, you won't have to pay anything. CJdropshipping is free to use!

To learn more about CJdropshipping, take a look at our review of the platform here.

3. Syncee

Syncee homepage

Another excellent dropshipping supplier for low- and medium-ticket products is Syncee.

Just like Spocket and CJdropshipping, it's a platform that allows you to discover dropshipping suppliers worldwide.

Take a look at these spa-related products offered by a supplier in the United Kingdom:

Syncee product examples

Advantages of Syncee include a built-in direct chat tool, affordable pricing plans, and their "auto-order" feature. They have got their integrations figured out, too. You will be able to connect Syncee to ecommerce platforms like Shopify, WooCommerce, and more!

Syncee’s pricing plans range from $29 to $99 per month (you need at least the Basic plan to start selling):

Syncee pricing plans

However, don't forget you can test any of the plans for 14 days without actual charges. And if you choose to pay annually, you can save up to eight monthly subscription costs!

If you are interested in more details, check out our review of Syncee here.

Exclusive Syncee Offer for Shopify and Wix users: Use DoDropshipping10 during checkout to enjoy a 10% off on the Pro, Business, Plus Marketplace plans. This offer is valid with your first subscription plan and for a limited time. Don't miss out!

The best high-ticket dropshipping suppliers

High-ticket products are significantly more expensive compared to low- and medium-ticket products. This is why you will often see a difference in the kinds of suppliers that are being used.

For example, most high-ticket dropshippers don’t use suppliers with warehouses in China.


Well, if someone purchases a $500+ item, the last thing they want to do is wait for over two weeks before it arrives.

To prevent this, you can work with a supplier from the US or from Europe. And, it's crucial that your supplier provides a high-quality product with fast shipping times and excellent customer service.

Make sure you don’t underestimate a supplier’s customer service, especially when doing high-ticket dropshipping.

When you’re selling just a few products per month, you don’t want to deal with something like coordinating a return to a Chinese warehouse for a $200+ product.

With local suppliers, you will often have less trouble communicating, get access to a customer support team with extensive knowledge about the product, and get a better return policy.

With that out of the way, let's check out the best high-ticket dropshipping suppliers:

1. Spocket

High-ticket dropshipping supplier: Spocket

Huh, Spocket again?

That's right!

Like for low- and medium-ticket products, Spocket is an excellent choice to find a supplier for your high-ticket products.

If you haven't noticed yet, almost all of the high-ticket products we showed above and in our "high-ticket product examples" article were found on Spocket.

And you will be able to find even more high-ticket products on the platform. Just take a look at this image:

Spocket high-ticket dropshipping product examples

Once again, you can click here for more information about this high-ticket dropshipping supplier.

2. Brandsgateway

High-ticket dropshipping supplier: Brandsgateway

If you’ve always dreamed of owning your own luxury fashion brand store, Brandsgateway is one of the best dropshipping suppliers for you.

That’s because this supplier offers heavily-discounted products from over 100 luxury fashion brands, like Dolce & Gabbana, Gucci, Swarovski, Michael Kors, Versace, and Karl Lagerfeld:

high ticket products on Brandsgateway

The downside? Brandsgateway's dropshipping subscription pricing plans are quite hefty:

Brandsgateway pricing plans

You can find more information about dropshipping with Brandsgateway here!

3. AliExpress

High-ticket dropshipping supplier: AliExpress

You might have the impression that AliExpress is a platform for buying relatively cheap products.

While that might be true in general, AliExpress sellers sell almost anything, including high-ticket products!

Just take a look at the following high-ticket product we found on the platform:

High-ticket dropshipping product example on AliExpress

It is stored in a US warehouse so that it can be delivered to US customers in just one to five days!

To learn more about the pros and cons of dropshipping with AliExpress, including how to connect the platform to your store, take a look here.

Tip: Are you having trouble with finding suppliers for a high-ticket product you have in mind? If so, check out this article for tips!

The best pricing strategies for low, medium, and high-ticket products

When adding new products to your dropshipping store, you might ask yourself:

“How do I price my products?”

That’s precisely what a pricing strategy covers!

A pricing strategy generally takes all of your expenses into account and calculates an optimal selling price as an output.

Pricing strategy for dropshipping

In the next few sections, we will show you some of the best pricing strategies for low, medium, and high-ticket products.

However, be aware that there are more pricing strategies out there than the three covered below. If you would like to read all about choosing the right selling price for your products, you can check out our dropshipping pricing strategy guide here!

The best low-ticket product pricing strategy

An excellent strategy for pricing low-ticket products is the "Fixed Percentage Markup."

This is a relatively straightforward strategy; you simply increase your supplier's price by a certain percentage, and that's your retail price!

Fixed percentage markup pricing strategy

Setting your product’s retail price at 3x (300%) the supplier's price is a good rule of thumb. This method ensures that you have enough margin to pay for all your business expenses, including marketing costs.

For instance, if your product costs $6.50, including shipping from your supplier, you can set your selling price at $19.95 or $19.99, whichever you prefer.

The best medium-ticket product pricing strategy

One of the best pricing strategies for medium-ticket products is "Cost-based pricing."

This strategy involves determining a selling price based on your expenses, like marketing costs, COGS, hosting fees, and app costs. The goal is to achieve a theoretical profit margin of at least 20%.

Although some of these costs, like marketing, may be hard to estimate, there are some rules of thumb for them. For example, when advertising with Facebook, you can expect to pay around 30% of your product’s retail price per purchase.

Here is a calculation example of a cost-based pricing strategy:

EventMoney flowing in (+) or out (-)Money in your bank account
FB Ads (~30%)-$12$10
Transaction cost (~3%)-$1.2$8.80
Variable costs-$0.90$7.90

If you are interested in all the details of the cost-based pricing strategy, just click here!

The best high-ticket product pricing strategy

At last, we have arrived at the high-ticket products. The selling price for these is best determined using the perceived value pricing strategy.

As the name implies, the main things that determine how much you charge for the product are your brand and your product's perceived value.

When using this strategy, the main goal will be to present yourself as a genuine brand to your customer.

That means you should have an excellent website, self-made videos and images, a social media following, outstanding after-sales services, and maybe even your logo or brand name on the product.

Doing this will increase your product's "perceived value" and allow you to sell it effectively for a higher price!

If you would like to see an example of this pricing strategy, check out our pricing strategy guide here.


This article has covered everything you should know about low, medium, and high-ticket dropshipping.

For those doubting which one you should choose, we recommend you look into low- or medium-ticket products if you are a beginner. These are easy to source and sell, and they will allow you to learn all about dropshipping with room for some mistakes.

If you are experienced, you can choose to dropship medium-ticket products or look into high-ticket dropshipping. In the case that you know what you are doing, that can be very profitable, too!

We hope that you have found the answer you were looking for. But if not, don't hesitate to drop a comment below.

Have a great rest of your day!

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