Finding a dropshipping niche for your store; it might seem like a hard choice to make. What if you make the wrong choice? What if nobody is looking for your "Parrot Cookies"? I will give you a short answer below to then give you seven ways to select the best dropshipping niche possible!

There are many ways to find a dropshipping niche for your store. Think about choosing a niche that you're passionate about or that other people are passionate about, like hobbies or pets. You could even check Amazon and AliExpress for their list of niches.

But that's not all, in this article you will also learn exactly what a steady and trendy niche is. Let's begin with learning what it means to have a dropshipping niche store.

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What is a dropshipping niche?

learn what a dropshipping niche is

To start off, do you know what having a dropshipping niche store means?

A dropshipping niche means having a store catered for a type of people with the same interests.

For example, having a dropshipping store with only dog products because you want to target people who love dogs.

Furthermore, a niche can be divided into two different kinds of niches. You have the steady and the trendy niche.

What is a steady dropshipping niche?

A steady niche (or so-called evergreen niche) is a niche that gets demand all year round.

Same as my example above with the dog store. People have dogs for the whole year. Not just around, for example, Christmas. This means that the demand for dog products will be there for the whole year. (More information about the dog niche here.)

If you're not sure if the niche is steady or trendy, then a great way to check is to open Google Trends. Here you can clearly see that dogs are steady all year in the US:

Another great example of a steady dropshipping niche is yoga.

What is a trendy dropshipping niche?

A trendy niche is a niche that is hot right now, but will eventually die off. The biggest example I can give you, so you know what I'm talking about, is the fidget spinner:

Look at that spike suddenly when fidget spinners were a big hype, but would you buy a fidget spinner right now?

You can make a lot of money with selling trends, but keep in mind that eventually they will slow down.

For this reason, I suggest picking a steady niche if you want a higher chance of having a long-term dropshipping store. This way you won't have to sell trends that are not trends anymore!

Just imagine having a fidget spinner store right now.

That would suck, right? Or do you think you can still sell a lot of them like when it was a hype?

7 ways to find the best dropshipping niche for your store

Now, the exciting part! I've got 7 ways for you to find the best niche possible for your dropshipping store.

Just remember that these will be tips on how to find a new niche, but after you've found one (or a few), I still suggest you check to see if it could have a chance to be profitable!

If you're interested in learning how to see if your dropshipping niche could be profitable, then I suggest reading my other article:

How to Find out If a Dropshipping Niche Could Be Profitable in 2024?

Option 1: Choosing a dropshipping niche that you're passionate about

Find the best dropshipping niche in 2024 option 1: Choosing a dropshipping niche that you're passionate about

Ask yourself these questions: "Am I passionate about something?" or "If I could buy something right now, what would it be?"

If you're passionate about some kind of niche, like gardening, then you can use that knowledge to select the best products and help your customers better. Another bonus is that you have a higher chance to stay motivated during the time that you might not get that many sales.

You can help your customers by giving them tips that you know yourself or that you found yourself when you were learning about that specific niche. You can put this kind of information inside a newsletter or a blog!

Of course, there needs to be an audience for your specific niche that you're passionate about.

For example, you really like making little parrot cookies without gluten, but maybe you're the only one who likes giving their parrot these kinds of cookies!

So don't forget to check something like Google Trends to see if you got an audience for your passion.

Option 2: The hobbies niche

Find the best dropshipping niche in 2024 option 2: The hobbies niche

In this way you will search for all the hobbies of other people! Search something like 'hobbies' or go to the list of hobbies on Wikipedia.

This way you will get an idea of all the hobbies out there.

Do you know why hobbies are so great?

It's amazing how much money passionate hobbyists will spend. Mountain bikers will drop hundreds on lightweight accessories to shave a few pounds, and avid fishermen will invest tens of thousands of dollars in boats and related accessories.

Shopify blog

After you've found some hobbies that you think are interesting, you need to test out if they are steady or not. A way to test this is to head over to Google Trends again and type the name of the hobby there.

I'll take as an example playing guitar. You can see below that it is in demand for the whole year with a little spike between November and December.

Of course, that's just by typing in guitar. You could also type in something like playing guitar.

Option 3: Checking Amazon niches

Find the best dropshipping niche in 2024 option 3: Checking Amazon dropshipping niches

You can check Amazon for literally anything. For example, when you're writing product descriptions, or when you're finding products to sell.

If you're at Amazon, then simply press the "all" button. This will give you a whole list of possible niches.

Now just click on a niche that looks interesting to you and press the search button without typing anything in. I clicked on Home & Kitchen.

As you can see below, you will then get a lot of ideas for different kinds of niches. You might even get some ideas of what kind of products to sell!

Option 4: Checking AliExpress niches

Find the best dropshipping niche in 2024 option 4: Checking AliExpress dropshipping niches

Another great option to check for possible niches for your store is to go on AliExpress.

Just hover your mouse over a category, then you will see a lot of niche ideas there.

In the image below, I hovered my mouse over the Home & Garden category. As you can see, you can get so many ideas from this screen alone!

What about selling umbrellas, wall clocks or kitchen tools?

finding dropshipping niches through AliExpress

For the example below, I clicked on Kitchen Tools & Gadgets. Don't forget to sort the results by orders and see what kind of products in that niche are selling the best!

AliExpress dropshipping niche example

I've got one more tip for you, if you're at AliExpress, then the niches are already separated for you, as you can see in the image below.

  • 1. Home & Garden. Biggest niche; here you can sell everything from arts to furniture.
  • 2. Kitchen. Middle niche; here you can sell everything from bakeware to kitchen tools.
  • 3. Kitchen Tools & Gadgets. Smallest niche; the only thing you can sell now are kitchen tools and gadgets.
dropshipping niches examples on AliExpress

Keep in mind that the bigger the niche is, the more competition you will get, but this will also mean that there will be more customers.

If you're using AliExpress for dropshipping, then I suggest clicking here to learn how to find the best AliExpress dropshipping suppliers!

Option 5: Checking our big niche ideas list

The 25 Best Dropshipping Niche Ideas for Your Store in 2024

The next option that you can use to find an awesome niche for your dropshipping store is by using our other articles for inspiration.

This article contains 25 great dropshipping niche ideas that you can use today for your store!

So, if you were second-guessing about your niche or weren't sure yet, then definitely check out this article.

The 25 Best Dropshipping Niche Ideas for Your Store in 2024

Option 6: Checking Facebook for competitors

Find the best dropshipping niche in 2024 option 6: Checking Facebook for competitors

Facebook is a great place to check for possible niches.

You know why?

Because, if you find Facebook Ads are running right now with good engagement and clicks, then you know that these niches are working. Because no one would keep an add running if it's not profitable!

You can either search through Facebook typing in words like:

  • 50% / 60% Off (or any other percent off)
  • Get Yours Now / Here
  • Free Shipping
  • Get It Here
  • Get It Now
  • Just Pay Shipping
  • Click Link
  • Buy Now
  • Limited Supply

Or you can use this free Chome extension called My Ad Finder. This will automatically show you all the ads on your Facebook news feed. Awesome, right?

My AD Finder in the Chrome Web Store

If you're interested in learning more ways to do research on Facebook, then I suggest reading this article of mine here.

Option 7: Finding successful dropshipping stores

Find the best dropshipping niche in 2024 option 7: Finding successful dropshipping stores

Another great way to find the best niche for your dropshipping store is to copy the success of others.

Of course, don't copy everything, but if you find a lot of successful dropshipping stores in, for example, the pet niche, then maybe you could try that niche as well and see if you could replicate their success!

Click here to see my tips on how to find successful dropshipping stores.

Also, if you're interested in seeing a list with the most successful dropshipping stores, then you can click here.

Dropshipping niches to avoid

Top 10 Dropshipping Niches to Avoid as a Beginner in 2024

If you’re just starting out with dropshipping, it’s tempting to choose niches like watches, clothing, or generic lifestyle products, such as bracelets.

However, you should avoid these niches as a beginner because they can be too general, broad, or have tech-savvy clientele.

If you're interested to learn which niches are best to be avoided when dropshipping, then I suggest reading the article I linked to below:

Top 10 Dropshipping Niches to Avoid as a Beginner in 2024

And if you want to learn more about what kind of products to avoid with dropshipping, then I suggest clicking here to read my other article about products to avoid while dropshipping.

How do you start an online niche store in 2024?

Even though many people have the idea of starting their own online niche store, few of them actually follow through.

This is because starting a store can seem intimidating. But here is the thing; it doesn’t have to be!

Online store owners are learning new ways to compete with big online shopping sites every day.

So, if you want to start an online niche store in 2024, this article will outline seven different tips that will make the process much easier:

How to Start an Online Niche Store in 2024 (7 Tips)


So, there you have it, now you know what a dropshipping niche is, and you know 7 ways to pick the best niche for your dropshipping store possible!

I hope the dropshipping niches to avoid was also helpful for you!

And don't forget, it takes time before you start seeing results. Don't give up!

Let me know if you've got any other way to find a dropshipping niche by commenting below or contacting me directly by pressing the "Contact Us" button at the top!

Good luck with your dropshipping store!

See what our fans are saying


  1. Great article on selecting a good dropshipping niche. Most people are not sure about selecting a good niche (which is the basis for a good foundation of any dropshipping store). Thanks for sharing your tips.

  2. Hello!

    What if i am really passionate cloths and want to start a dropshipping focused on that niche ? is that really bad couse of the sizes ?

    • Do Dropshipping - Author Logo

      Hi Alin,

      That’s a great question! If you love clothing and want to start dropshipping them, then you can of course still do that. Just be aware of the cons like the extra returns from customers that ordered the wrong size. You can find more information about handling returns here.

      I also suggest you take a look at this article here and scroll down to the comment from Jason. He explains there really well what he did to start his clothing store.

      I hope that helps you further, and let me know if you got any more questions!
      – Richard

  3. Thanks for all the details. I can’t stop reading your blogs; I just keep reading from morning to night. Valuable information.

    • Do Dropshipping - Author Logo

      Hi Godfry,

      Thank you for your great comment! It’s great to hear that you like our articles 😊

      Good luck with everything!
      – Richard

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