Are you looking into Shopify dropshipping or dropshipping in general?

Awesome! In this Shopify dropshipping review, I will cover everything from what it is to how to start today.

I will even show you if Shopify dropshipping is still profitable, and I will show you a lot of dropshipping store examples. Sounds awesome, right?

Tip: Have you already created your Shopify account? If not, sign up by clicking this link here to get a free 3-day trial + 1 month for $1!

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What is Shopify Dropshipping?

Homepage of Shopify

Let's start by understanding that a lot of people talk about 'Shopify Dropshipping'.

Just know that this is still the same business model as normal dropshipping. It just means that you host your dropshipping store on Shopify. Shopify is like the "big daddy" of dropshipping stores, haha.

So that's why most people associate dropshipping with Shopify, and that's why you will see a lot of 'Shopify dropshipping' instead of just 'dropshipping'. Awesome, right?

Now that you know that let's learn what the dropshipping business model means.

If you already understand it, then you can click here to scroll down to the next topic!

If not, then I will explain it really simple to you:

  1. You got an online store where you sell products, but you don’t have any of these products in your storage, or in your house.
  2. When someone places an order on your dropshipping store, then you place that same order directly with your dropshipping supplier. Don’t worry. There are a lot of apps out there that help you with automating this. For example, DSers, or these 14 DSers alternatives.
  3. Then your dropshipping supplier will handle the rest. Think about preparing the package and sending the order straight to your customer.
  4. Now your customer will receive the package straight from your dropshipping supplier, and you never touched the product in between!

The most common question people have now is, won’t my customer know that the package didn’t come from me?

For example, aren’t there any advertisements or recipes from the supplier in the package?


You just need to make sure that your supplier accepts dropshipping and blind dropshipping.

How to Process Your AliExpress Dropshipping Orders? Don't forget to put this note in Oberlo to start Blind Dropshipping!

You can learn more about blind dropshipping by reading this article here.

Alright, but why are people interested in dropshipping? And why do people want to dropship?

Most people that are researching about dropshipping, and want to start/are running a dropshipping store do this for one or more of these reasons:

  • Earning more money. If done right, then dropshipping could earn you a lot. Just take a look at these success stories.
  • Being their own boss. Some people don’t like to work for a boss, so they search for other ways to earn an income.
  • Location-independent work. A dropshipping store can be run from just about anywhere with an internet connection. As long as you can communicate with suppliers and customers easily, you can run and manage your business. This is also called being a Digital Nomad.

If you’re interested in learning more about dropshipping, then I suggest reading this article written by me:

Dropshipping for Beginners: What Is It & How to Start Today?

Is Shopify Dropshipping Still Profitable in 2024?

Is Dropshipping Still Profitable Today in 2024? or Are You Too Late? Find out Now!

Now that you know what Shopify dropshipping is, you're probably wondering if dropshipping is still profitable today and if you still can make money with it?

If you're not interested right now in reading another article, then here is my short answer:

Yes, dropshipping is still profitable!

This question comes around every year and will probably appear in 2025 as well.

Yes, a lot of people are starting dropshipping stores now, but if you got the correct mindset (that you’re building a real business and not a “make quick money store”), then you have a head start already!

If you're interested in learning more about this and reading some success stories of other dropshippers, then I suggest reading the article below:

Is Dropshipping Still Profitable Today in 2024? or Are You Too Late?

Shopify Dropshipping Store Examples

Awesome Shopify Dropshipping Store Examples

Now that you know that dropshipping is profitable and that you can still make money with it; you probably want some more proof.

Am I right?

Well, that's great because I wrote an article where I collected the 17 most successful Shopify dropshipping stores! You will definitely learn a lot from these dropshipping stores.

Just don't forget to not copy everything you see, but to see it as inspiration for your own dropshipping store!

Here is the article:

23 Most Successful Shopify Dropshipping Store Examples | Inspiration

20 Steps to Set up Your Own Shopify Dropshipping Store Today

Dropshipping With Shopify: The Complete 2020 Guide to Open Your Own Store

Are you interested now in starting a dropshipping store on Shopify? Awesome! I wrote a big (6000+ words) article that contains everything that you need to start with Shopify dropshipping in 2024!

I'll cover things like how to pick a name, how to sell your products, and how to optimize your store correctly to have better conversion rates and a better page loading time.

I'll even cover where to find dropshipping suppliers and how to pick the best ones!

Because you're dropshipping, you don't hold any inventory yourself. (As you could read at the beginning)

Sounds awesome, right?

If it does, then you can click on the article I linked to below:

Shopify Dropshipping: A 20-Step Guide to Starting Your Store

How to Find Products to Sell on a Shopify Dropshipping Store?

How to find products to sell on a Shopify dropshipping store

Don't worry, I covered this step in the article I linked to above, but I know for sure some of you don't want to read another article right now.

So that's why I included this one here as well! Because it's one of the most important steps, and one of the biggest steps that people are stuck with.

A lot of people got questions like, "How do I know what to sell on my dropshipping store?", or "Can I sell that? Or not? I'm not sure..."

If that's you, then I'll link to some of my best product research articles below so you can learn more about this topic:

Shopify Dropshipping Alternatives

12 Shopify Alternatives for Dropshipping Stores in 2024!

I wanted to add this to the article because I want to make it clear to you that Shopify is not the only option to host your dropshipping store.

Yes, it is a great ecommerce platform, but not everyone is the same, and not every dropshipping store is the same! That's why there are other ecommerce platforms as well.

If you want to learn more, then I suggest reading this article here. It contains 14 Shopify alternatives.

Plus, I suggest reading this article here to see what fits the best with your dropshipping store: an ecommerce platform or self-hosting with something like WooCommerce.

Learning Shopify Dropshipping for Free (Please Don't Purchase a Course!)

Where to Learn Dropshipping and Ecommerce in 2024? Learn Dropshipping for Free!

As you might have read in the title already, please don't purchase one of these dropshipping courses from these "gurus" that promise you that you will be rich the very next day or week.

Most people get into this dropshipping and ecommerce space because they got an ad from a so-called “guru”.

They believe now that dropshipping equals “easy money” or “getting rich quick” while failing to understand that they are starting a real business.

If that’s you, then sorry, but I’m going to burst those dreams for you.

A lot of so-called “gurus” talk about this, but do you know what they all have in common?

They got a course (and most are not even that cheap)!

Maybe you should purchase their course and follow them step-by-step to get rich, right?

Please don’t!

Here is more information about these “gurus”, and why they are selling courses.

Then what can you do?

First off, you can learn dropshipping for free instead of paying for a paid dropshipping course! You can click here to see how to learn dropshipping for free!

And secondly, let’s change your mindset to the correct mindset that you should have when you want to open a dropshipping store.

Instead of thinking, you will be rich the next day; you will need to start treating your dropshipping store like a real business (which it is)! And you will need to start looking at what your customers want and not what your pockets want.

Put your time and effort into it instead of opening a store in a few hours, importing a few products, and starting advertisements already without trying to be unique at all.

If you do the second one, then that’s the correct recipe for the failure of your dropshipping store. If you’re interested in learning more about how to be more unique than other dropshipping stores, then I suggest reading my other articles that I linked to below:

Also, did you know that you can start dropshipping for free? There are certain things that you can do to push the moment back that you need to pay the monthly Shopify subscription.

If that sounds intereseting to you, then I suggest reading the article below:

How to Start Dropshipping for Free in 2024? (5 Unusual Tips)

Frequently Asked Shopify Dropshipping Questions

The 11 Most Asked Shopify Dropshippping Questions Answered in 2024

If you're like most people now, then you're probably still full of questions, right?

Well, don't worry!

I got you covered with the 11 most asked Shopify dropshipping questions that I will answer for you in this article here.

I will cover things like how to add free shipping, if you can start Shopify dropshipping without money, and which Shopify plan is the best plan!

And also, if you didn’t create a Shopify account yet (to get your dropshipping store online), then you can click here to get a free 3-day trial + 1 month for $1!

Related reviews

Not sure yet about Shopify dropshipping? Or are you interested in seeing what other companies are out there?

We’ve got you covered! Check out the reviews below to find great companies that will help you:

And for more reviews, visit the review hub!

Final verdict

So, is Shopify dropshipping any good?

Final verdict: Using Shopify for creating and managing your dropshipping store is an excellent choice. Shopify is very beginner-friendly and offers a lot of features, which makes it one of the best ecommerce platforms for dropshipping.

I personally think that dropshipping is worth it.

Just don't forget that dropshipping is still a real business; please treat your customers right.

If you got any suggestions for this article or if you have any questions regarding dropshipping, then let me know by commenting below or contacting me directly by pressing the “Contact Us” button at the top!

Also, let me know if you're going to start with Shopify dropshipping after reading this article or if you have already started.

I wish you the best with your Shopify dropshipping store!

Want to learn more about Shopify?

Ready to move your Shopify store to the next level? Check out the articles below:

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