As an online store owner, you know that product research is one of the most critical aspects of your business.

However, if you want to find products that will sell well, you need to do your research first!

But product research is a challenging task. Sometimes, it can feel like hours of clicking and scrolling on the internet looking for deals.

Lucky for you, there are a number of great Chrome extensions explicitly designed for product research.

We have compiled a list of nine Chrome extensions to make your product research easier! These extensions help you find the best deals, compare prices, and make more informed decisions before picking your product.

We will tell you about the features and pricing of each one so that you can make an informed decision about which extensions to use.

Let's get started!

The 9 best Chrome extensions for product research

So, you're looking for some Chrome extensions that will help you with product research?

In that case, you are at the right place!

We know that you may have a busy schedule as an online store owner, so here's an overview of the best product research Chrome extensions we will showcase in this article:

ExtensionMain featuresUsed withPricing
Ali Insider- Product research assistant
- Logistics checker
- Competition insider
AliExpressFree or $19.95 per month
Jungle Scout- Product metrics
- Analyze over time
- Calculate potential profits
Amazon$29 per month
My Ad Finder- Hide organic posts
- Save ads
Shine- Identify bestsellers
- Traffic insights
- Dropshipping trends
Ecommerce storeFree to $499 per month
Pexgle- Winning products
- Traffic overview
- Ad viewer
Ecommerce storeFree
AliNiche- Product performance
- Similar products
- Find Shopify stores
AutoDS- Product search
- Product importer
Thieve- Supplier search
- Traffic light scores
- Image search
AliExpressFree Product research
- Store analysis
Shopify stores$0 / $29 / $49 / $79 per month

1. Ali Insider

Best product research Chrome extensions - Ali Insider

The first product research Chrome extension on this list is called Ali Insider.

As you may guess, this extension is focused on AliExpress!

Besides the Chrome extension, Ali Insider has a pretty nice website explaining the product they offer. You can find their website here.

Ali Insider offers a lot of features. Mentioning all of them would be too much, but here are some of their main features:

  • Research assistant. Spot profitable products right on the AliExpress search page.
  • Sales tracker. Find out if a product is trending or if it was popular in the past.
  • Logistics checker. Ensure fast and reliable delivery to your customers.
  • Competition insider. Get a list of competitor stores for any product.
  • Dropship insider. Check the number of daily orders and how much your competitors earn.
Ali Insider spot profitable products right on AliExpress

The features above are all included in Ali Insider's free version of the Chrome extension. However, you can also opt for the paid 'premium' version, which comes with the following main additional features:

  • Top 30k products list. Access a constantly updating list of the top 30,000 products on AliExpress. The list includes extra detailed analytics, competitors’ stores, revenues, and suppliers, along with the countries where the product has the highest number of sales.
  • Niche analyzer. Discover the most profitable niches and their finest products.
  • Upcoming trends. Get new trending products with little competition.
  • Saturation checker. Find out if it’s still possible to make some sales with the product you are looking at.
Ali Insider top 30k products list


Ali Insider offers two pricing plans:

One is free and does not even require an account. You can simply add the Chrome extension to your browser here!

Suppose you would like to get access to Ali Insider's list of the top 30k products at the moment, including their extra detailed statistics and another bunch of additional features.

In that case, you will have to buy the 'premium' version, which currently costs $19.95 per month:

Ali Insider pricing page
Find Ali Insider's pricing page here

2. Jungle Scout

Jungle Scout is a powerful product research Chrome extension.

In the first place, Jungle Scout is designed for Amazon sellers, but you can use it to find products for pretty much any ecommerce business model.

Jungle Scout provides comprehensive data-driven insights into Amazon products, including sales estimates, pricing, competition analysis, etc.

Here are some of its unique features:

  • Estimate sales volumes. Jungle Scout uses sophisticated algorithms and data analytics to estimate the sales of a particular product on Amazon.
  • Find profitable products. Jungle Scout also provides a product database that allows sellers to find profitable products to sell on Amazon.
  • Analytics. Analyze product data and make informed decisions about which products to sell!


The Jungle Scout Chrome extension is included in any Jungle Scout pricing plan.

Unfortunately, those plans aren't exactly cheap. The Lite plan, which costs the least, will set you back $29 per month:

3. My Ad Finder

Product research Chrome extension - My Ad Finder

This Chrome extension will be a bit of a unique one in this list.

It's called My Ad Finder, and you can use it to collect ads on Facebook! In other words, you can use it for doing product research on Facebook.

So, how does it work?

Did you ever wish you could save a Facebook ad that advertises a nifty product?

That's what My Ad Finder does!

It can even save the Facebook ads you see automatically. That way, you will just have to scroll through your Facebook newsfeed, and your list of saved ads will get bigger and bigger.

My Ad Finder even allows you to hide organic posts, which will enable you to collect ads even quicker!

You could also combine this tool with the product research method from Franklin Hatchett:

Dropshipping Product Research Tutorial: Find The BEST eCommerce Products In 2020!

To see more product ads that belong to your niche, make sure you show Facebook that you are interested in those niches.

So, whenever you see an attractive ad, you can like it or click 'Shop Now.' That way, Facebook will show you similar ads in the future in the hope that you purchase the products in them!

By doing this, you will only see ads for products in niches that you're interested in! A small note is that the video is dropshipping-focussed, but it also works for other ecommerce stores.


You can install My Ad Finder for free here!

4. Shine

Shine homepage

The following Chrome extension will help your online store with competitor research, and you can even use it for product research.

It’s called Shine (previously Commerce Inspector).

Shine Commerce Chrome extension

This extension lets you see the best-selling products, Facebook Ads, monthly site visitors, and more on a Shopify store.

Shine extension

Looks great for product research, right?

Other fantastic features of Shine include:

  • One-click bestsellers. To view an online store's best-selling products.
  • Product insights. Generate charts that tell you when certain products are launched and which ones sell well.
  • Traffic and social media insights. Find how an online store attracts its traffic.
  • Apps and tools. Discover which 'secret' apps the most successful ecommerce stores use.


Shine offers a free Chrome extension that offers limited data.

If you want to unlock all features, like data on trending shops or product sales, Shine's paid plans start at $99 per month:

Shine pricing

5. Pexgle

Product research Chrome extension - Pexgle

Let’s continue this list with another excellent Chrome extension that helps you with product research but also with competitor research. It is called Pexgle.

Pexgle can help you see tons of things on an ecommerce store. For example, you can see a traffic overview that shows the top countries by traffic and the top referrers.

Pexgle traffic analysis

You can also see any ecommerce store's newly added products, winning products, and trending products. Plus, you can even see what kind of Facebook Ads they created!

You can use another awesome feature their suppliers and competitors check by going to an online store's product page. For example, you can see what other Shopify stores are selling that same product:

Pexgle Suppliers and competitors


Pexgle's Chrome extension is entirely free to use and includes features like the traffic analyzer, best-selling product insights, Facebook ad viewer, and suppliers & competitors insights.

However, Pexgle also offers a toolkit on their website, including an AI-powered tool that finds you trending products guaranteed to sell. This happens every day on autopilot. And they have more awesome features too!

Unfortunately, it's probably not for beginners, as these features are pretty expensive. The cheapest plan starts at $69.95 per month, while the most expensive plan costs $499.95 per month.

Pexgle pricing page
Find Pexgle's pricing page here!

6. AliNiche

AliNiche Chrome extension for AliExpress product research

AliNiche is a Chrome extension dedicated to helping you do product research on AliExpress more efficiently.

Using AliNiche, you can:

  • Analyze products by viewing their 30-day sales performance and average reviews.
  • Find other AliExpress sellers that offer the same or a similar product for a lower price.
  • Compare shipping times and costs for various shipping methods.
  • Find Shopify stores that are already selling the product you are analyzing.

All in all, it looks like an amazing tool to try!


You can install and use AliNiche for free here!

7. AutoDS

AutoDS Chrome extension

The next Chrome extension on this list is called AutoDS.

One of the features of this Chrome extension is that it helps you with product research:

AutoDS product finder


The AutoDS Chrome extension can be installed for free here.

8. Thieve AliExpress Tools

Product research Chrome extension - Thieve AliExpress tools

The following product research Chrome extension was created by a company called Thieve.

It offers a bunch of features that make product research on AliExpress a whole lot easier.

For instance, it has a supplier search feature that searches for the cheapest supplier for a particular product.

Furthermore, it tells you if you can trust a product with Thieve's real-time trust scores. Thieve analyses the product and supplier ratings to give you a traffic light score on every product.

Two other remarkable features are infinity scroll on AliExpress and the ability to right-click any image on the internet to search for it on AliExpress!

Thieve AliExpress Image Search


You can install Thieve's Chrome extension for free here.

If you like the Chrome extension, Thieve's other features might interest you as well.

For example, they can show you what is trending on AliExpress and even create a 'Tinder for AliExpress,' which could help you find some awesome winning products!

To learn more about Thieve, you can check out this article.


Chrome page of

The Dropship Product Research Chrome extension is a tool made by the team at

The Chrome extension works right inside your Chrome browser, and you can access it from the extensions tab.

Additionally, it appears on the page whenever you visit a Shopify ecommerce website:

Chrome extension tab of Dropship

Just by clicking on the 'Overview' button from the extension, you get access to all the data the tool offers:

Data of Chrome extension

The extension works hand in hand with Dropship's existing product research tool and requires a paid Dropship plan if you want access to all of its features.

However, what's a big bonus of it is that there is a free version available.

The free version has limitations, but you can still access beneficial features like product analysis.

Feature of a Chrome extension


Even though the Dropship Chrome extension is free to download and use, the free version is quite limited.

Because of that, we will show you how to fully access the available features.

This will require you to sign up for one of Dropship's paid plans:

Pricing plans of

For the Chrome extension, the difference is the number of stores you can analyze daily.

Plan differences for the Dropship Chrome extension

Consider how many store searches you need every day, and click on one of the 'Try Free For 7 Days' buttons:

Free trial of

After this, you only have to fill in your credit card details to access the Dropship platform!

Admin dashboard of

At this stage, you've created your Dropship account and downloaded the Chrome extension. Only one step remains.

Next, sign in through the Chrome extension to access all its features.

To do this, head to any Shopify website and click the 'Sign in' button from the Dropship tab.

Chrome extension tab of Dropship

If you already have an account with Dropship, you should get automatically signed in.

Full review: Dropship Chrome Extension: The Definitive Guide (2024)

Should you use a Chrome extension or a dedicated tool for product research?

In this article, we have focused on showcasing Chrome extensions that could help you with your product research.

However, as you may know or have noticed, dedicated web pages and tools also exist that provide all kinds of valuable features for product research.

Sometimes, a single company offers both types. An example of this is Thieve, which provides a Chrome extension, but also has an extensive dedicated web-based tool with even more features.

So, should you simply use one of the Chrome extensions in this list, or is it better to get a dedicated tool for product research?

Older man behind a laptop

Well, both approaches have their pros and cons.

Chrome extensions are often easy to use and install. Many of them are free and don't require any kind of registration. Besides, they work directly on the platform you are visiting (for example, AliExpress).

However, dedicated product research tools like Sell The Trend often have much more features, making your product research more straightforward and time-efficient.

Example of a product in the Nexus
You can learn more about Sell The Trend here.

In the end, it depends on you which choice will be the best!

If you are interested in the best product research tools out there, we definitely recommend checking out this article!

Bonus: the best Chrome extensions for ecommerce store owners

If you’re currently thinking, '9 Chrome extensions, that’s nice, but I want more!' then we have a fantastic article for you.

It will contain every Chrome extension you need to know about when running an ecommerce store. These extensions can help you with productivity, search engine optimization, social media, and much more!

Curious now? Then check out the article by clicking on the link below:

28 Best Chrome Extensions for Ecommerce Store Owners (2024)


Using a Chrome extension can make working on your business a whole lot easier.

Product research Chrome extensions allow you to efficiently find the best products for your niche, save time and create a more efficient workflow.

Don’t forget that you can combine a few of the product research extensions in this article to get an amazing mix of features and do your product research even better!

Also, if you’re interested in seeing more of these helpful tools for online stores, you might find another couple of awesome ones here!

If you know any more Chrome extensions for product research or if you have any questions, then let me know by commenting below.

We wish you the best of luck with your online store, and don’t forget success takes time and isn’t gained overnight!

Want to learn more about product research?

Ready to move your product research to the next level? Check out the articles below:

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