In today's world, the internet is a huge source of information and inspiration for anyone who wants to start their own business or become an entrepreneur.

The internet has made it possible for people all over the world to find out about new products and services that they might want to buy. This means that if you are looking to advertise your products online, there are many different ways in which you can do this.

Product advertising is a great way to get customers excited about your products. But how do you ensure that your ads aren't annoying or spammy?

In this article, we'll share with you some of the most popular advertising examples for ecommerce stores. These rules will help you create ads that work well for both new and existing customers.

You'll learn how to write copy that makes sense and gets people interested in your products. And you'll also learn how to choose images that capture the essence of your products.

Let's get started!

Introduction of product advertisement

Advertising is a way to inform customers about products or services. It is a good way to make people aware of what you offer and how it benefits them.

In addition, advertising helps companies create positive awareness of their brand. This is especially important since most people don't know much about the company behind the product.

Let's dive right in!

What are the objectives of advertising?

Advertising is a form of marketing that involves creating and sharing content in order to promote a product or service.

While the exact objectives of advertising vary depending on the business, some common goals include increasing brand awareness, generating leads, and boosting sales.

To achieve these objectives, businesses typically rely on various strategies such as purchasing ad space, sponsorships, and influencer marketing.

By carefully crafting their advertising campaigns, businesses can increase their chances of achieving their desired results.

Amongst these, we can differentiate between the following:


The term awareness refers to a wide range of marketing activities aimed at informing customers about new products, services, or changes to existing ones, including product demonstrations, special events, contests, online promotions, social media posts, and even viral videos.

In recent years, awareness campaigns have become increasingly popular among marketers because they offer several advantages over traditional advertising.

For example, awareness campaigns can help companies avoid costly mistakes such as launching a product before it’s ready, losing market share due to poor quality, or failing to meet demand.

1. Patagonia: Don't buy this jacket

dont buy this jacket black friday and the 
new york times Patagonia

In 2011, Patagonia launched a campaign called 'Don't Buy This Jacket.' The purpose of the campaign was to encourage customers to think about their purchasing decisions.

The company wanted to encourage people to buy products that are made with high-quality, sustainable materials in order to consume less and reduce their environmental impact.

The campaign was successful in raising awareness about the importance of sustainable consumption and gained a lot of attention from customers and the media.

The campaign showed that companies could use advertising to communicate an important message and inspire people to make conscious purchasing decisions.

2. Apple #ShotOniPhone Campaign

iPhone a picture perfect campaign

In 2015, Apple launched the “Shot On iPhone” campaign to promote its range of iPhones and their camera capabilities.

The campaign featured photographs captured by iPhone users around the world and highlighted how easy it is to capture amazing photos with an iPhone.

The campaign was hugely successful and generated a lot of engagement on social media.

In 2017 apple opened its Instagram account and kept the momentum going with the hashtag “ShotOniPhone” in order to have more user-generated content.

The success of this campaign shows that social media advertising can be used to promote products and create meaningful connections with customers.


The final stage of the customer journey is conversions, which is when the customer completes a desired action, such as making a purchase, signing up for a newsletter, or downloading a white paper.

For many businesses, their marketing efforts aim to generate conversions. However, conversion rates can be notoriously difficult to increase. There are a number of factors that can influence conversion rates, including website design and copywriting.

In addition, political and economic factors can also affect conversion rates. Nevertheless, there are a number of strategies that businesses can use to increase their conversion rates.

Remember that conversions are linked with brand awareness since getting people's trust in your brand is the hardest part of the entire process.

For example, the coca-cola ad below is very effective at increasing brand awareness, and therefore, since people have known the brand for a very long time, it wouldn't require as much effort as it would for a new brand entering the ecommerce market.

3. Coca-Cola: Dream World

cocacola twitter

The popular brand in this tweet emphasizes its product with a catchy slogan, 'CocaCola dream World is here.'

Coca-Cola is known to be one of the most successful brands in terms of digital marketing. They use their online presence to create exciting and engaging content that is tailored to their customers.

This tweet alone has reached 241 likes organically in only 15 days. It is a great example of how organic content can be powerful in digital marketing.

4. J.Crew Factory

J.Crew is a clothing company that has been successful in email marketing. They send out weekly emails to their subscribers that contain coupons and special deals.

The emails are designed to be engaging and informative, providing customers with valuable content and information about their products.

In this email template, they point out that not everybody is good enough at packaging presents, therefore, they encourage customers to purchase gift cards.

The email also provides a link directly to their website, which makes it easier for customers to quickly take advantage of the offers.

With a clear and simple design, J.Crew Factory's emails are effective in encouraging customers to buy from them.


The customer journey's final stage is retention — when the customer continues to use your product or service after making a purchase.

This is where most businesses focus their advertising efforts, as it’s the stage at which customers are most likely to make ongoing purchases.

It is more of maintaining a good relationship with the customers and ensuring they are satisfied with your product or service.

There are a variety of marketing activities that can be used to generate retention through loyalty programs using email marketing or social media.

Coca-Cola understands the importance of creating content that resonates with its audience and knows how to draw in potential customers with valuable content.

5. Nike: Find Your Greatness

find your greatness Nike

In 2012, Nike launched a campaign called “Find Your Greatness” in order to promote its products and inspire people to be the best version of themselves.

The campaign featured videos of talented athletes from all over the world and highlighted the power of following your dreams and believing in yourself.

The campaign was a huge success, and the videos generated millions of views.

This example shows that video advertising can be used to create emotional connections with customers and promote products in a powerful way.

Ultimately, businesses should always consider the advantages of each type of advertising when creating their campaigns in order to get the best results.

Awareness campaigns, social media advertising, and video advertising are all powerful tools that can help businesses reach their goals and engage with customers.

6. HP: Make it better

hp ecommerce brand ppc campaign

HP is one of the top 100 companies that spend the most on paid search. HP does a great job of engaging its customers with relevant content and offers.

Their marketing slogan, 'make it better,' clearly communicates that their goal is to improve the lives of their customers.

They also use a variety of digital marketing strategies, such as content marketing, SEO, and paid search, to reach their customers.

HP's commitment to innovation and customer satisfaction has resulted in them becoming one of the top companies that spend the most on digital marketing.

This demonstrates their commitment to staying ahead of the curve and offering the best products and services to their customers.

By leveraging different digital marketing strategies, HP has been able to reach its target audience and grow its customer base exponentially.

Any company can improve its reach and build customer relationships with the right digital marketing strategy.

Which product advertisement method should you choose?

As mentioned earlier, there are many types of advertisements available today. Each type of advertisement has its own set of benefits and disadvantages.

For instance, awareness campaigns have low conversion rates but high engagement rates since people are just getting to know the brand.

When choosing an advertisement method, it is essential to understand what kind of return you want to achieve.

Let's see more in detail:

Advertising via social media

Advertising on Instagram for business

Social media advertising is a form of marketing that involves creating and sharing online content in order to promote a product or service.

The most common platforms for social media advertising are Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

Social media advertising allows you to target specific audiences, track real-time results, and scale campaigns quickly.


  • You can connect with potential customers directly.
  • You can connect with influencers who can help promote your products.
  • It's a great way to create an emotional connection with potential customers.


  • It can be tough to stand out from the competition on social media.
  • It can be difficult for newbies to track the results of their social media campaigns.

Advertising via paid search

ga get customers google

Paid search is an important part of paid search. It's one of the best ways to drive traffic to your site.

Using Google Ads to promote your products or services will allow you to target specific keywords and phrases that match what your potential customers are searching for.

When you bid on keywords, your ad will show up in the sponsored results section of the search engine results page (SERP).

This means you'll compete with other advertisers for space on the SERP. The good news is that if you have the budget, paid search can effectively get your site seen by potential customers.


  • You can target specific keywords and phrases.
  • You can easily measure the success of your campaign.
  • Paid search is very effective at driving traffic to your website.


  • Your budget may not be enough to cover all of your needs.
  • There are lots of competitors bidding on the same keywords.
  • If you're not careful, you could end up spending too much money.

Advertising via email marketing

marketing automation email platform mailchimp

Email marketing is an effective way to promote your products and services. You can send emails to customers who have already made a purchase and to potential customers who may be interested in what you offer.

In order to be successful, email marketing needs to be done in a way that is not intrusive or overwhelming.

The best approach is to send a few targeted emails per month rather than daily, as this can be perceived as overwhelming and spammy.

Your emails should include relevant information about your products and services, as well as special offers and discounts.

By taking the time to create quality email content, you will be able to build relationships with your customers and encourage them to make repeat purchases.


  • You can connect with potential customers who are already interested in your product.
  • You can track the results of your email campaigns.
  • It's a great way to connect with potential customers directly.


  • Sometimes emails end up in spam folders.
  • You need to have a good subject line to get people to open your email.

Advertising via display ads

display ads

Display advertising is a great way to reach potential customers who are already interested in your product.

It's a great way to connect with potential customers who are already familiar with your product.


  • You can connect with potential customers who are already familiar with your product.
  • You can track the results of your display campaigns.
  • It's a great way to connect with potential customers directly.


  • You need to have a high-quality image to get people to click on your ad.
  • Ad-blocking tools can block your ads from being seen by potential customers.

Advertising via video ads

video ads

Video advertising is a form of marketing that involves creating and sharing online videos in order to promote a product or service.

The most common platforms for video advertising are YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram.

Video advertising allows you to reach a wide audience, capture attention quickly, and tell a story in a creative way.

On average, video advertising performs better than other types of advertising, such as image or text-based ads.

This is likely due to the fact that videos are more engaging and can capture attention more effectively than other types of content since the attention span is notoriously short.


  • Video ads tend to perform better than other forms of advertising.
  • Videos can be shared easily across social media sites.
  • Videos can help you tell stories about your company and its products.


  • Video ads are expensive.
  • Some people don't like watching videos.
  • People may find it difficult to share links to your website.
  • Videos take longer to create compared to image ads.


Before we go to the final verdict, we've created a quick summary of this article for you, so you can easily remember it:

  • Thanking your customers after every order, responding quickly to their inquiries, and offering rewards programs are all great ways to show that you care.
  • Create a plan for each stage of your business, and stick to it. Remember always to put yourself in your customers' shoes.
  • Use content marketing to create relationships with your customers and market research to predict trends.
  • Build a social media community to keep customers engaged with your brand.


Regardless of the method you choose, you'll want to evaluate your results and adjust your strategy accordingly. You want people to know what your product does and how it makes life easier.

This includes providing enough information about your product and making sure it stands out from competitors.

Your product should be unique and stand out from competitors. People always look for something different and don't want to buy the same thing repeatedly. Therefore, you must provide value to your customers.

Want to learn more about ecommerce?

Ready to move your online store to the next level? Check out the articles below:

Plus, don't forget to check out our in-depth how to start an online store guide here.

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