This might not be the most asked question, but it's still asked a lot. Should you go for a free or a paid dropshipping theme? Will it be worth it to spend money on a so-called premium theme?

Well, don't wonder anymore! In this article, I'll guide you on when to pick a free theme, and when to pick a paid theme for your store!

No, you don't need a paid dropshipping theme. Definitely, if you're a dropshipping beginner, or when your budget is tight. However, some people could use a paid theme. Think about people that are having a lot of in-built apps, are trying to build a brand, are obsessed with conversion rates, or just have too much money to spend.

Tip: Have you already created your Shopify account? If not, sign up by clicking this link here to get a free 3-day trial + 1 month for $1!

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What Is a Free Dropshipping Theme and Who Needs It?

A free dropshipping theme is a theme that costs nothing to install on your store. $0!

You might be thinking, "But free themes look ugly, right?"


Some do, of course, and you might not get the best look, but that doesn't always matter. (More on that below)

For who is a free dropshipping theme better?

I suggest you take a free theme for your dropshipping store if you can relate to one of these people:

First off are people that are just starting with dropshipping. If you're a dropshipping beginner, then you have other things to worry about.

Yes, you need to spend time on your store to look unique (not like other dropshipping stores), but that doesn't mean that you need a paid dropshipping theme directly!

In the first months of your dropshipping journey, you're more busy figuring out how everything works. So you're probably not getting any visitors to your store anyway.

But even if you're advertising already, then I suggest you still not invest any money in a paid theme.

Do this when you're getting consistent sales, and want to increase your sales, but you will learn more about that below!

I do have one more thing; most dropshipping store owners close down their store in a few months. (Source: Me, you don't know half the time I spend on replacing dropshipping stores on my lists or unlinking to dropshipping stores that are no longer online!)

You probably recognize this; it's what you see on a closed Shopify store

I would call it a waste of money if you purchase a paid theme, but then later (maybe just 2 months) decide to close down your store already.

So if you're a dropshipping beginner, then my advice for you is to get through the hard period first, and then when you're getting consistent sales, look into improving your theme!

Secondly, people that don't have much money available. If you're dropshipping with a tight budget, then please don't spend anything on a paid theme.

Paid themes cost, on average, around $150.

Do you think that that is worth it if you're not even sure that your dropshipping store is open longer than a month because you might run out of money?

I don't think so.

Although, if you're in a situation like that, then I suggest learning more about dropshipping for free before opening up your dropshipping store and preferably saving up a bit more money. (More information about the costs of running a dropshipping store here)

And that's not all; you can also learn more about marketing, video editing, customer service, and everything else that is necessary when you're running a business.

Huh, a business?

Yes! Your dropshipping store is a real business; please treat it as one.

I know there are a lot of "Dropshipping Gurus" out there telling everyone that "dropshipping is easy money" or "go dropshipping to be rich next week", but this is simply not true.

If you want to learn more about these "gurus" and why they are selling courses to everyone, then I suggest reading my other article, Are Paid Dropshipping Courses Worth the Money in 2024?

Alright, but where to get a free dropshipping theme?

The first option is to go to the Shopify Theme Store, but that's only for the people who have a Shopify dropshipping store.

And the other option is to go to an online marketplace like Themeforest.

The above example of Themeforest is for Shopify themes, but they also got, for example, a lot of WooCommerce (WordPress) themes:

But don't worry if you're not sure which theme to pick. I'll give you some examples at the end of this article.

What Is a Paid Dropshipping Theme and Who Needs It?

A paid dropshipping theme is a theme that, you might have guessed it already, costs more than $0!

On average, most paid themes cost around $100-$150.

This is a lot of money, right?

That's why I suggest to only purchase this theme if you can relate to one of the people below!

Also, you can get find these paid dropshipping themes in the same places as I showed you above with the free themes!

For who is a paid dropshipping theme better?

Now that you know my opinion on who should get a free theme, it's time to learn who should choose a paid dropshipping theme!

Let's start with people that have a bigger budget. Are you one of these people that have thousands of dollars just sitting there and waiting for you to spend them?

Then sure, go ahead and purchase one of these themes!

Secondly, people that want to boost their conversion rates. Some people are just obsessed with conversion rates or speed optimization.

For these people, I do suggest taking a paid theme, but only if your budget allows it!

Take, for example, the Booster Theme. They claim to be way faster than other Shopify themes:

Booster theme loading time compared to other Shopify themes

They also claim to increase the conversion rate of the Shopify stores that install their theme:

Do you see now why having a paid theme is like heaven for people that are focussed on these numbers?

Another great thing with premium themes is that you will most likely get customer support for your theme as well.

So if you have any questions regarding the theme, then you can just ask them for help!

Thirdly, people that have a lot of apps in their store. Are you one of those people that spends a lot of money on app fees each month?

Then looking at a paid theme could save you money!

Take, for example, the Booster Theme again:

Saved monthly fees with the Booster Theme

If you're currently paying a monthly fee for any apps (and they are included in the theme that you're interested in), then switching to a paid theme is great!

Do you know why?

Because then your apps are built into your theme, and that means that you don't need to pay a monthly fee anymore!

Awesome, right?

So does this mean that you will need the Booster Theme?

No way! You don't need that theme.

It's just an example. There are so many other paid themes out there. (I'll include some examples at the end of this article)

It's great if you compare a few paid themes because maybe you will find a theme that has exactly the features that you're paying monthly app fees for now!

And the last one is going to be people that want to build a brand. If you're interested in building a long-term ecommerce store, then creating a brand is key!

But why?

Because you have way more freedom on deciding how something is going to look like.

Plus, you can purchase a theme that is created specifically for your niche! For example, check out these pet Shopify themes on ThemeForest:

Or you could even hire someone to create a specific theme design for you and your store.

You can't do that for free!

Well, alright, maybe if you do it your self, or if you know someone that wants to do that for you!

If you're interested in learning more about this, then I suggest checking these articles below:

So, Do You Need a Paid Dropshipping Theme in 2024?

No, and yes.

Let me explain.

I covered it all above, but I will give you a short bullet list so you can easily remember it:

I don't recommend a paid dropshipping theme for:

  • People that are just starting with dropshipping. If you're just beginning, then try to get through the first months first. Otherwise, you might quit dropshipping while you just paid for a theme!
  • People that don't have much money available. If your money is tight, then don't worry much about a paid theme. I do suggest to learn a lot about dropshipping, marketing, and so on first before opening your store. And preferably, save a bit more money because it's a real business that you're starting!

And I recommend a paid dropshipping theme for:

  • People that do have money to spend. Some people are just richer than others. Unfortunately, that's how the world works.
  • People that are obsessed with conversion rates and or speed optimization. Paid themes can help you a lot with these metrics.
  • People that are paying a lot of monthly fees for apps. Sometimes it's cheaper to purchase a paid theme, then to pay monthly fees for these apps for a year!
  • People that are trying to build a brand. If you're building a brand, then your number one goal is to stand out of your competition and to not look like other dropshipping stores. A great way to do this is with a paid pre-made or custom theme.

What Theme to Pick for My Dropshipping Store?

So, now you hopefully know if you should go for a free or a paid dropshipping theme.

Below you will find a lot of dropshipping theme examples. Just keep in mind that you can always look at the other recommendation if you're curious about what else is out there!

If, after reading my article, you think you fit with the people that could better have a free theme, then I suggest reading one of these articles:

And if you fit with the people that could better have a paid dropshipping, then I suggest reading one of these articles:

Getting Started with Dropshipping in 2024

So, are you ready to get started with dropshipping? Or maybe you have already started, but you’re looking to get some inspiration?

If so, then I suggest reading my complete Shopify dropshipping guide!

It's a huge article, but it contains everything that you need to know to create your own Shopify dropshipping store in 2024. It's like a dropshipping course, but then for free!

Reading this article will surely help you to get started and to stay motivated while beginning and continuing your dropshipping journey!

Just don’t forget that success takes time. Keep improving each and every day!

Shopify Dropshipping: A 20-Step Guide to Starting Your Store

And here are some of our best articles:

And also, if you want to get started with Shopify, then you can click here to get a free 3-day trial + 1 month for $1!

Get your free Shopify trial


So, there you have!

Everything that you need to know about free and paid dropshipping themes.

I hope you understand now that you don't need a paid dropshipping theme when you're just beginning with your dropshipping store!

But like you saw above, for some people, a paid theme is much better.

If you have any suggestions for this article or if you got any questions about dropshipping in general, then let me know by commenting below or contacting me directly by pressing the “Contact Us” button at the top!

Also, do you currently use a free dropshipping theme or a paid theme?

Good luck with designing your dropshipping store!

Want to learn more about dropshipping?

Ready to move your dropshipping store to the next level? Check out the articles below:

Plus, don’t forget to check out our in-depth guide on how to start dropshipping here!

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