Do you know that trust badges could increase the trust your store visitors have in your store?

And are you now looking for a way to add these badges to your Shopify store? Well, look no further!

I will guide you step-by-step in this article on how to get these badges and how to add them to your product, cart, and checkout page!

Tip: Have you already created your Shopify account? If not, sign up by clicking this link here to get a free 3-day trial + 1 month for $1!

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What Are Trust Badges and Why Should You Add Them to Your Shopify Store?

Trust badges are there to increase the trust your store visitors have in your store.

There are people that will abandon their cart if they have security concerns.

Adding trust badges is one of the easiest ways to increase trust and even conversion rates for your Shopify store in 2024!

Did you know, for example, that 62% of consumers have started to purchase an item online only to abandon the purchase because of security concerns? (Source)

From this study

If you want to learn more about why some people add trust badges to their store and why some people don't like it, then I suggest reading the article I've linked below.

Do keep in mind that that article is for dropshipping stores, but you can also read it if you don't have a dropshipping store!

Trust Badges for Dropshipping Stores: Why? Does It Help?

How do you get trust badges for your Shopify store?

Let's start this article by learning how to get these trust badges.

If you already have trust badges, you can skip this step!

The first option is to just use a Shopify app like this one.

Secondly, you can do it in a more legal way and purchase these trust badges/create accounts on the right websites. (More information about that here)

And lastly, download them. For example, here:


Awesome, right?

Now let's learn how to add these trust badges to your Shopify store!

If you use something other than Shopify, you can still follow me, but you might need to search a bit further on how to do that specific action with your ecommerce platform (or WordPress).

How do you add trust badges to your Shopify store in 2024?

Now you know why some people add trust badges to their Shopify store (or ecommerce store in general) and why some people don't.

Let's continue with adding these trust badges to your Shopify store.

This is what I will cover for you below:

  • How to add trust badges on a product page
  • How to add trust badges on the cart page
  • How to add trust badges on the checkout page

You can follow me below step-by-step, or you can jump to a page that you would like to learn how to add a trust badge too!

Most of the trust badges that I will show below are from Convertful.

Trust badges on a product page

Alright, let's start by adding the trust badge to a product page.

Manually adding a trust badge to your product pages

The most simple way to add a trust badge to a product page is...

To simply edit the product page and add a trust badge image!

I guess you know how to add images to your product page, but if you don't, simply press the little image button!

After you uploaded an image, you will get something like this:

And that results in this:

But there is another way to do this.

Let's find out:

Adding a trust badge to your product pages with code

The next method is to add a trust badge to your product pages with code.

This method could be great for you if you want to add a trust badge to every single product, and you don't want to add it manually.

Maybe you've got 1000 products in your Shopify store.

Do you see yourself going through each product page and adding a trust badge?

I don't think so.

So what you can do is edit the code from your product page so that it will display a trust badge on every product.

The only downside, as I said above, is that it will be displayed on every product page, but that's also an upside if that's exactly what you want!

Special thanks to Stephen's World who made the instructions very clear. I just thought I'd add some pictures to it!

Do keep in mind that this method requires you to edit your theme's code.

So I recommend you take a backup of your theme before you do that!

Let's begin:

Step 1. Go to your settings page and press files

First off, you will need to go to your Settings Page.

Then press the "Files" button there.

Step 2. Upload your trust badge

Next up is uploading your trust badge by pressing the "Upload Files" button at the right top corner.

Copy the URL of the trust badge (or any other image) that you want to use.

We will need it later on!

Step 3. Go to your theme and press edit code

Now it's time to go to your theme page by going to Online Store -> Themes.

Then you will need to press on Actions and Edit code button.

Step 4. Go to your product page code

You can most likely find this under Sections -> product-template.liquid.

Step 5. Edit the code

Now copy this code and edit it with the URL that you copied in step 2:

 <img src="replace_this_with_URL_of_trust_badge" alt="Trust Badge"> 

This step now might take some time to get it just right.

You will need to add the code where you want it to appear on the product page

For example:

And that results in this:

You will need to play around a bit to see where you'd most like it on your product page.

And keep in mind that every Shopify theme is different!

Trust badges on the cart page

Let's continue with adding trust badges to the cart page.

There are ways that you can do this one.

You can either do it with the theme that you've got, but this might not work for every theme (like the free themes).

Or you can edit the code of the cart page.

Let's start by figuring out how to add a trust badge to the cart page with a Shopify theme.

I will use the Booster Theme for this example. You can check out my review here.

Adding trust badges to your cart page with your Shopify theme

Keep in mind that this might be slightly different for your Shopify theme or that your theme might not have this feature.

So if you can't find it, contact your theme support or try the second method below!

Step 1. Go to your theme customization and find your cart page

First off, you will need to go to your theme customization page and then go to your cart page.

Step 2. Go to the cart page settings

Now press on the "Cart page" section on the left (or anything similar to that).

Scroll down until you see an option to change the images:

Step 3. Upload your trust badges

Now all you have to do is to upload the trust badges that you want to use.

For example:

Looks awesome, right?

Do keep in mind that you need to make sure that the trust badges fit the design of your Shopify store.

Otherwise, these badges might look out of place and weird.

Adding trust badges to your cart page with code

Now let's move on to the second method.

This method is for people that can't change it easily with their Shopify theme.

Keep in mind that this method requires you to edit your theme's code.

So I recommend you take a backup of your theme before you do that!

Also, you can skip to step 4 if you've already uploaded a trust badge for your product page (that I covered at the beginning).

It's the same for this one!

The only thing different is that you need to edit a different code file.

Let's begin:

Step 1. Go to your settings page and press files

First off, you will need to go to your Settings Page.

Then press the "Files" button there.

Step 2. Upload your trust badge

Next up is uploading your trust badge by pressing the "Upload Files" button at the right top corner.

Copy the URL of the trust badge (or any other image) that you want to use.

We will need it later on!

Step 3. Go to your theme and press 'edit code'

Now it's time to go to your theme page by going to Online Store -> Themes.

Then you will need to press on Actions and Edit code button.

Step 4. Go to your cart code

Now it's time to go to the code of your cart page.

You can find this in Templates -> cart.liquid.

Or you can find it in Sections -> cart-template.liquid.

Step 5. Edit the code

Now copy this code and edit it with the URL that you copied in step 2:

 <img src="replace_this_with_URL_of_trust_badge" alt="Trust Badge"> 

This step might take some time to get it right.

You will need to add the code where you want it to appear on the cart page.

For example:

And that results in this:

Try and see where it fits the best in your Shopify store!

Awesome, right?

Trust badges on the checkout page

The last page that you can add your trust badges is on the checkout page.

Follow me step-by-step below on how to do that!

Step 1. Go to your settings page

Step 2. Go to the checkout settings

Now you will need to press on the "Customize checkout" button.

Step 3. Go to customize checkout

Here you will need to go to the checkout page.

After that, you will see this screen:

Now you click "Select image" on the Logo section.

After that, you will have the option to upload the trust badge that you want.

For example, a trust badge with your logo:

Or something like this:

Step 4. Check your checkout page

Now you can see that there is a trust badge there at the top of your checkout page!

Awesome, right?

And don't forget that it can be any trust badge that you want.


So, there you have it!

This is everything you need to know to get these awesome trust badges on your Shopify store in 2024.

If you've got any suggestions for this article or if you have any questions regarding dropshipping, let me know by commenting below or contacting me directly by pressing the “Contact Us” button at the top!

Also, are you currently using trust badges on your Shopify store? Or do you not like them?

I wish you the best with your Shopify store!

Getting Started with Dropshipping in 2024

So, are you ready to get started with dropshipping? Or maybe you have already started, but you’re looking to get some inspiration?

If so, then I suggest reading my complete Shopify dropshipping guide!

It’s a huge article, but it contains everything that you need to know to create your own Shopify dropshipping store in 2024. It’s like a dropshipping course, but free!

Reading this article will help you to get started and stay motivated while beginning and continuing your dropshipping journey!

Just don’t forget that success takes time. Keep improving each and every day!

Shopify Dropshipping: A 20-Step Guide to Starting Your Store

And here are some of our best articles:

Also, if you've decided to go with Shopify and you don't have an account yet, then you can click here to get a free 3-day trial + 1 month for $1!

Want to learn more about Shopify?

Ready to move your Shopify store to the next level? Check out the articles below:

Plus, don’t forget to check out our in-depth how to start a Shopify store guide here.

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